Helpful Yoga Accessories From Spirit Voyage To Practice Yoga

by myyogaonline Helpful Yoga Accessories From Spirit Voyage To Practice Yoga Yoga is a time old spiritual practice that tends to unite the mind with the body and the body with the soul. It is a part of Indian ancient heritage which evolved some five thousand years back. With changing times, yoga and different yoga […]

YogaAccessories (TM) 8′ Cinch Buckle Cotton Yoga Strap – Purple

YogaAccessories (TM) 8′ Cinch Buckle Cotton Yoga Strap – Purple Yoga straps and belts are useful for yogis of all levels. One reason people stay away from starting yoga is they believe they are not flexible enough. What they don’t realize is that yoga is not about flexibility, but about strengthening the body to join […]

What is the most intense yoga video or video series out there?

Question by BriGuy: What is the most intense yoga video or video series out there? Me and my roommates have started doing yoga. We currently use the Yoga in p90X. This is a great workout, but we want more. What instructor or video has the highest level of workout intensity in the yoga world? I […]

What yoga postures can/cannot be done by people who have undergone kidney transplant?

by Malingering Question by yogi: What yoga postures can/cannot be done by people who have undergone kidney transplant? My mom really likes yoga after reading so much about it from books she bought, and she would really like to try it some time. However, the problem is that she had undergone kidney transplant, which sort […]

Can you start learning yoga when you are out of shape?

by angela7dreams Question by scene40: Can you start learning yoga when you are out of shape? I need to strengthen everything, but as I have started to work out I get tighter & tighter. What little I have read about yoga is that it helps flexibility and core fitness. I am now in the obese […]

What is the difference between Pilates and Yoga?

by Autumm Question by animallover: What is the difference between Pilates and Yoga? I am looking for a non-fussy exercise that I can do at home. I would like to sweat a little from it, but the main thing is that I exercise my muscles safely (not interested in muscle building). I have tried a […]

Keep Your Body Fit by Practicing Yoga on a Regular Basis

by prashant_zi Keep Your Body Fit by Practicing Yoga on a Regular Basis Yoga is an amazing tool that can help you achieve not only a fit body, but also a peaceful mind. The amazing results of a daily yoga practice have spread like wildfire around the world with more and more people turning to […]

Kapalbhati Yoga Breathing Exericse for Weight Loss

One of the best yoga breathing exercises for weight loss, healing and health is Kapalbhati Yoga Pranayama. Master it, enjoy it and benefit from it. Video Rating: 4 / 5 Learn how to do the cat cow progression pose when using yoga poses for lower back pain relief in this free exercise video from a […]