Baba Ramdev -Yoga for Young Women (Yuvatiyon Ke Liye)

This set contains Yoga exercises for women. The practice of the yogic exercises including Pranayam, acupressure and home remedies described in this video would enable a woman to effectively deal with problems like obesity, anaemia, reproductory disorders, depression, acne, hair loss, thyroid and many more. An array of asanas and home remedies for achieving a healthy mind, a beautiful body and a vibrant life for women. Click to watch more Baba Ramdev Videos

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  1. @CuteAsHell91 i think he ways saying that women who are menstruating shouldn’t do the yoga during the duration of their period…

  2. and you dont really show the yoga that you talk about
    so i have no clue what moves i should do or what they even look like….

  3. Can you please add english translations at the bottom of each videos. I barely know how to speak hindi but i can understand it. But when it comes to pure/true hindi i get completely lost. So please add translations at the bottoms of all you videos. Thank you!

  4. Let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you whole. This is the โ€˜stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone’. Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is NO OTHER NAME under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.
    – Acts 4:10-12

  5. @alogis where can i get bee wax in the US? the pure bee wax…there is no “makkhi ka chatta ” in US. PLEASE TELL…THANKS!!

  6. hello…can anyone tell me how to make the bee wax thing for hair….where can I get the pure bee wax in the U.S.A? I don’t have access to the “chatta” of bee…i can’t see that anywhere in the US. Please tell!!!

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