Hatha Yoga and Its Usefulness in Modern Lifestyle
There are different forms of yoga like Kundalini yoga, Kriya yoga, Bhakti yoga, Raja yoga etc. Hatha yoga is a delicate form of yoga. The word ‘Hatha’ came from combining two different Sanskrit words, ‘Ha’ and ‘Tha’. ‘Ha’ refers to Sun or the Solar nadi and ‘Tha’ refers to Moon or the Lunar channel. Hatha yoga is a 5,000 years old ancient Vedic philosophy of balancing these two opposing energies, sometimes considered as the masculine and feminine energies, present in every human being. When the two opposing components are placed together, it produces great power and balance in a human being. Hatha yoga is a traditional holistic yogic way or process through which acquisition of a robust muscular physique as well as a calm and relaxed mental state. Hatha yoga includes various physical postures (asanas), poses (mudras), meditation (dhyana), breathing exercises (pranayama) and purification procedures (shatkriya). Hatha yoga is basically a simple form of yoga consisting of various slow paced and gentle exercises unlike other complex yoga forms such as Ashtanga or Kundalini yoga. Thus, anyone can practice this basic yoga form, regardless of age, fitness or flexibility of that person. Hatha yoga is performed more gently and slowly rather than aggressively and vigorously. If practiced regularly, Hatha yoga can improve the allover mental and physical fitness. People of today’s modern world are embracing this yoga form and reaping myriad benefits of this fifth century physical art. Due to the modern lifestyle, people often feel overburdened with stress, tensions, anxiety and unhealthy competition. Sometimes it leads to serious physical problems like back pain, headache, spondylosis, arthritis and many more. Hatha yoga, with its various physical postures and meditative disciplines, brings a light of hope by showing way towards a better life. There are multifold physical and mental benefits of Hatha yoga. Regular practicing of Hatha yoga helps to develop muscle tone, improves strength and flexibility, alleviates aches, neck and back pain. It also helps to keep a person into shape and remain fit and healthy. Hatha Yoga is also one of the best yoga forms for people with heart disease and arthritis. It is also highly beneficial for pregnant women. It is also proved useful in curing back problems or stiff muscles happened due to sitting a long period of time in front of a computer. Regular practicing of Hatha yoga is perhaps the easiest task, it just requires few things like a quiet place and half an hour time. To get the best out of your yoga session, wearing proper yoga clothes is necessary. Make it sure that your yoga clothes are made of natural fabrics, preferably cotton to provide you the utmost flexibility while performing different asanas. Yoga mats and yoga rugs are important accessories. These yoga mats prevent slipping on hardwood floors and hence provide proper resilience to the practitioner. Hatha yoga reduces stress and increases the awareness level. It also helps the mind and body to relax and stay balanced. By improving the mental and spiritual balance, it also creates a feeling of being composed and being centered. Using the Hatha yoga philosophy accurately, one can fight off daily stresses, cure obesity and other diseases. So, practice Hatha yoga and experience a joyous, stress-free life. If you are thinking of trying it out at home, then you probably need to take help from a good yoga DVD. You can find a collection of helpful yoga DVDs at Spirit Voyage. Each and every yoga DVD here is sure to help you in staying fit and healthy. Spirit Voyage’s collection of serene meditation music is also perfect for a mindful meditation session. Different artistes, namely, Snatam Kaur, Nirinjan Kaur, Wah!, Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa, Mirabai Ceiba have lend their soulful voices in different music collection. The soothing hymns, tunes, melodies and enchanting mantras incorporated in the Spirit Voyage music collection will take a listening mind to higher realms of spirituality. Spirit Voyage also offers an extensive range of books on various prospects of Yoga. A Woman’s Book of Yoga-Embracing Our Natural Life Cycles, The Mind – Its Projection and Multiple Facets, Relax and Renew, The Divine Doctor are some of the latest addition in its yoga book collection which you can read to enrich yourself with in depth knowledge on yoga. So, explore the vast yoga collection at Spirit Voyage and transform into a world where only one thing prevails, peace and tranquility.
The author writes for Spirit Voyage which is an online yoga music store offering different CDs and DVDs for practicing Kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms. Spirit Voyage also offers different kinds of yoga clothes and yoga accessories such as yoga rugs, meditation cushions and yoga mats.
Article from articlesbase.com