Why You Should Be Teaching Your Children Yoga

Properly introducing your kid to yoga ıs often a fun, safe, and effective path to help him or her to establish a strong body and mind. Yoga is made up of a array of body exercise routines, deep breathing skills, and visualization exercises of which enhance and reinforce our bodies. Yoga could be practiced by girls and boys as small as 24 months old and its an incredible activity when you have a small grouping of boys and girls.

Prior to starting any exercise regime for your kid, it’s a wise idea to ask your pediatrician. Yes, even yoga for children. Clearly show your doctor which specific poses your daughter or son will be performing. You will find skilled yoga teachers nowadays that have experience dealing with kids.

Listed below are five health and fitness benefits of children’s yoga.

Firstly, yoga is good for developing internal organs. In yoga, one keeps in the healthy posture for about three to five rounds of breathing. Right after releasing a position, a burst of healthy rich oxygenated blood comes to that part of the physique. That will help improve and detox organs.

Second, yoga places your mind at ease. There is a direct link between a strong healthy and balanced body and a relatively calm, self-disciplined brain. Yoga poses such as the rag doll post, sitting forward bend, or kid pose sooth the central nervous system. The particular breathing activities mastered while practicing yoga likewise quiet bad feelings and reduce nervous stress.

Third, yoga promotes graceful, more coordinated motions and flexibility. When kids are younger, their bodies need to learn the total feasible range of movements. This will impede the mastering of grace and simple movements. Range of movements in several body parts can be promoted by adaptation of various moves. As an example, by applying poses such as prayer pose or even the Wind Reliving Post, a young child will learn to ease stiff backs and tight hips. This tends to ease rigidity and instruct the child’s body how to move better.

Fourth, its not competitive. Several youngsters are threatened by sports and exercising since there is normally a competitive nature to them. Kids don’t like to lose or deal with the tension of the chance of losing. Kid’s yoga places an importance on improving their body and listening to it, not pushing it over and above its limits. This is a nurturing non-competitive surroundings and a very good yoga trainer motivates children to modify poses as they feel fit for which their body is capable of.

Finally, yoga helps bring internal contentment and balance. As you may know, yoga implies union, to bring harmony and balance to ones external and inside worlds. Yoga forces on to push the body to discover its complete potential, compared to repeating abilities one is already good at. A youngster finds internal calm and quiet via carefully guided visualizations and breathing methods. So try children’s yoga for your youngster, You will see its an awesome exercise system for making a healthy, strong, well balanced body. The breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, and range of poses teach your child a holistic exercise experience and a foundation for well-being as they develop.

The health benefits of yoga do not just stop with children either. There is yoga while pregnant, teen yoga and even mens yoga and all of them have excellent health benefits.

The health benefits of yoga for children are many and wide spread but yoga benefits everyone who wants to practice it. If your children are older you should consider introducing them to teen yoga.

Understanding The Body Chakras

The Body Chakras are an ancient Hindu science in itself of understanding the way a man is or his well being in the entirety, that is, physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. The Body Chakras are seven energy centers placed in a vertical line along the human body in its subtle within. Scientifically speaking, each of these body are linked to the major nerve ganglia from the spinal cord and correlates to levels of consciousness, archetypal elements, developmental stages of life, body functions and much more.

The Muladhar Chakra is the base or root of all the body chakras located at the last bone of the spine. Standing for group force and identity, it can be felt while watching your country win a gold medal. Blockage in the energy flow of this chakra can result in viral or epidemics and affect areas like the immunity system, rectum, bones and feet.

After the power of your group identity, the Swadhisthana or Sacral body chakra is all about the power of relationships and the power of choice. This duality results in the energies to tell us to make a choice and thereafter gives the lesson that you can not have absolute control. The common fears in this case are fear of loosing control on other people, relationships, money, authority, sex, power, addiction, etc Known as the sacral body chakra, physically it is linked to reproduction and can give rise to ovarian cancer, arthritis, lower back pain, etc. if not directed properly.

The third body chakra of Manipura or the Solar Plexus chakra becomes active from the time of puberty and signifies the personal power of an individual. It is here that the individualism or the concept of self develops. While the positives of this body chakra involve self respect, self esteem, ambition, courage, ethics, etc, the negative aspects include fear of rejection, criticism, physical appearance consciousness. Channelizing this energy enhancing one’s inner power results in an empowered, healthy and successful individual.

The central power house of the body chakras is that of the Anahata or the heart chakra as commonly known which may be termed as the central point where one’s body meets his spirit. The fears in this chakra are those of emotional weakness, loneliness, betrayal, fear of commitment, etc and these can only be overcome with positives such as hope, trust, unconditional love and most importantly forgiveness. Always remember that negative energy of this chakra can not only wound a person emotionally but also has the capacity to cripple one physically with severe diseases. Hence, forgiveness is something that is not only an emotional act but also an important tool for physical wellbeing.

The fifth of the body chakras is that of the throat or Vishuddha Chakra which is the meeting point of the head and the heart with one usually playing a more dominant role over the other. The fears here are those of loosing control over one’s life, fear about god’s will while the positive is the development of faith.

The Ajna or the third eye is the sixth of the body chakras located between one’s eyebrows which can be opened through meditation. It is that chakra which resonates with the positive energy reaching one’s inner psyche and leads to healthy detachment from all perceptions that are subjective in nature and results in the ability of one to separate truth from illusion.

The final of the body chakras is that of the Sahasrara Chakra at the crown of one’s head which stands for the ultimate level of spiritual enlightenment of man. A chakra that houses all positive energies, all energies here are aligned in the attainment of the ultimate universal truth and realization of the true potential of man through devotion, prophetic thoughts, psychic powers, mystical thoughts and advanced meditation.

The author Yvonne Metler writes for the popular chakra-balance.com site. To understand how knowledge of body chakras can enhance your whole life and to get 29 Free chakras brainwave training balancing and healing Audios.

Your Current Life Between Lives

We have lived many lives before we reach in this lovely earth, many say. The strange and thoughtful concept was taught by many prophets and religious holy books. We refuse to believe theories like this more often because there are no mere scientific evidences that prove we are current living in life between many lives. But, there are many thousands claim that they have been getting scenes of their past lives and they can also explain our past.

Psychologists tell that we can make positive impacts on our life and structure a good personality in our life if we are able to make out incidents and emotions of our past life.

You may not be able to find out a scientific definition for the re embodiment theory because it is purely a spiritual concept. To get the full meaning and definition of life between lives, you need to connect your life to the mortality “the single best invention of life” according to Steve Job, CEO of Apple Corporation. The theory tells each and every action we made in our previous lives have direct relations to our current life. Practitioners claim and argue that if we can connect our current life to previous lives and their mortality, we get significant answers for the “real” questions that who are we and why are here?

Here is another important question how this correlation become helpful or imperative in our present life? Life between lives preachers argue that we can make solutions for lots of problem that we are facing now. How? As it is described, we are suffering tensions and issues for what all we did our past life. By knowing our previous lives thoroughly, we will be able to trouble shoot the faulty practices we committed there and erase those from here! Thus, we lessen the bad consequences of our previous births.

Once we re able to understand the remaining of past in our mind as well as in our life that can answer to many question which human beings has been asking long since the wisdom filled in their mind. What is the meaning of human existence? Why human beings are directed to live here and reproducing next generation. Or whether human life is meaning less as Samuel Bucket opined in his works. Such an invention will trigger humanity to creation of a new world including new thoughts and believes.

The only measure to achieve the capacity to dig out past life of human beings or humanity is to attain psychic skill which can explore the enormous potential of human mind. Hun=man mind is the store house of mysteries and the skill to analyze the human mind will lead to decode the signs and symbols of past and future life and which will be vary significant to understand the meaning of human life or the meaning of human existence in this globe.

Here is another very important point. Our souls lie not within our physical body structure but it is out side surrounded us. Once you got psychic ability, you can see them not using your naked eyes but with sixth sense you achieved by your psychic practices. That means the soul become visible to your sixth sense or spiritual sense or psychic sense.

Watch him carefully. Ask him what you need to know about your self. He will tell you. Not to your ears but the ideas will be downloaded directly to your heart!

Chelsea Selfield is a writer for the http://www.past-lives-regression.com website. Discover the amazing experience of being life between lives for yourself and get 30 Free the past life Audios and Videos when you visit here.

A Brief Understanding Of How To Open Chakra

The human body has seven chakras placed in a vertical line starting form the crown of the head till the base of the spine. According to ancient Hinduism, these are the life force centers of a person, through which energy is received and transmitted and is linked with the infinite energy of the universe. Thus for the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual wellbeing of a person, these chakras need to be opened. In answering ‘How to open a chakra’, the best technique is to practice chakra meditation using mudras or hand positions coupled with Sanskrit sound vibrations that will align these energy meridians.

The base or root Chakra is called the Muladhar Chakra which is located at the last bone of the spine and is symbolized by a red lotus with four petals reflecting group identity and tribal power. To open this chakra, join the tips of your thumbs and index finger and concentrate on the area between your genitals and anus where this chakra is and then chant the Sanskrit sound ‘LAM’ slowly taking in deep breadths. Remember that the ‘a’ would be pronounced as ‘ah’ and end the M with ‘mng’ in a slightly resonating and vibrating mode.

An orange lotus with six petals is the Swadhisthana Chakra located in the sacrum. Opening this chakra calls for sitting and placing both your hands on your lap palms up. Remember to put the right hand on top of the left with the tips of the thumbs touching. Slowly breath in, concentrate on the sacral region and chant the sound ‘VAM’.

The Soar Plexus or the Manipura chakra is symbolized by a yellow lotus with ten petals. To open this chakra for improving personal power, bring both your hands in front of your stomach, just below your solar plexus joining the tips of each of your fingers excepting the thumb and then cross the thumbs over one another. Remember to keep your fingers straight which are pointing away from you and then chant the sound ‘RAM’.

The fourth and the central Anahata Chakra is symbolized by a green lotus with 12 petals and is said to be the central power house of the chakra system. To open the Anahata Chakra, start by sitting cross legged and then place your left hand on your left knee. Now with your right hand, join the tips of your thumb and index finger, and place it on your chest, at the lower part of your breast bone pointing inwards. Concentrate on the heart chakra and its symbol and chant the sound ‘YAM’.

The fifth Chakra is that of Vishuddha Chakra symbolized by a blue lotus with sixteen petals and located at the base of one’s throat. To open this chakra, bring both your hands in front, join the tips of your thumbs pointing them upwards and then cross your remaining fingers on the inside of your hand. Focus on the location and symbol and meditate chanting the sound ‘HAM’.

The Ajna Chakra is located between the eyebrows and is known as the Third Eye Chakra symbolized with an indigo lotus with two petals. Opening this chakra is all about advancing on the spiritual path through advanced meditation. Bring both your hands in front at a level just below the breast bone. Now, join the tips of both of your middle fingers pointing them upwards while bending all other fingers inside, the phalanges of your index fingers touching each other. Now join the tips of your thumbs as well and point them downwards. After the mudra is achieved, chant the most powerful word in the universe of ‘AUM’ or ‘OM’.

The Sahasrara Chakra is the final step of spiritual enlightenment located at the crown of one’s head and symbolized by a vivid violet lotus with a thousand petals. To open this chakra, bring your hands in front of your stomach, and cross all fingers like in a prayer formation. Thereafter lift both your ring fingers and join the tips together and cross your thumbs with the right one over the left and concentrate and meditate by chanting the sound ‘NG’, the sound of creation. Remember not to open this chakra if your root chakra is not strong.

The author Manjet Harley writes for the popular chakra-balance.com site. To learn how knowledge of how to open chakra can enhance your whole life and how you can get free open chakra balancing and healing Audios visit here.

Understanding Psychic Power

Have you ever felt that you can almost hear what a person is thinking of while sitting beside you, or may be that you suddenly have very strong and sudden gut feelings of something happening before doing something or going anywhere which later turns out to be right? And if I my guess is right then you have always thought them to be sheer coincidences in your life. And now that you are reading this article, I can safely conclude that somewhere you have doubts in your mind about these experiences and it might well be the case that you are a psychic having specific psychic powers.

The special ability to see, hear, feel or know about things which are otherwise hidden from the five sense organs is what is known as a psychic power. Psychic powers help a person in knowing about things which another ordinary person cannot perceive. Generally something which is born with, psychic powers can also develop at a later date due to a near death experience of a person. Such near death experiences open up faculties or other senses not experienced by the person before.

Various different types of psychic powers exists in the world, the most common being the power to foresee future events, power to read another person’s thoughts or the ability to see things which are otherwise hidden or occurring far away. Thus, precognition, telepathy and clairvoyance are the three most common psychic powers respectively.

In case of telepathy, the psychic is able to know what is going on in another person’s mind or what he is feeling. This power varies from a level of mere knowing what he feels or wants to do, to an advanced level where the psychic can infuse his own thoughts into the his mind.

If you have the special ability to see things which are hidden or are occurring at a distance then you have the psychic power of clairvoyance. A clairvoyant person is capable of remote viewing of things, events or persons which are thousands of miles away. In contrast to remote viewing, if a person can hear or know about things which are otherwise hidden, the psychic powers are termed clairaudience and clairsentience respectively.

Precognition is the ability to foresee future events. As human beings have a great desire to know about their future, this type psychic power is the most popular.

The existence of other psychic powers though less common than the three mentioned above, can be seen throughout the world. These include channeling, your ability to establish contact and communicate with spirits or outside intelligence; astral projection, your ability to leave your own body and travel in spirit to another place; aura reading, your ability to read or perceive the energy fields of another person; levitation, your ability to ascend to a level off the ground or psychokinesis, your ability to move things with the power of your thoughts.

There are many times when a psychic thinks of himself/ herself to be cursed, for not being able to live a normal life like that of others. But it can be concluded that psychic powers are special powers that only chosen individuals possess. Hence one should always consider it as a blessing and use it for the benefit of all fellow human beings.

The writer Mary Argant writes for the http://www.psychic-info.com website. Discover for yourself how easy it is to become a real psychic. Find out never before revealed secrets. Anyone really can learn how to use their psychic power all will be revealed when you visit here to receive twenty nine free psychic powers audios and videos!

Highly Effective Chakra Cleansing Practices

Considering the various environmental, physical and metaphysical influences our chakras are subjected to on a regular basis, it becomes a necessity for us to engage in chakra cleansing. Attaining balance and harmony between the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual aspects of our being requires regular chakra cleansing in order to maintain harmony and continually rebuild our energy systems. The importance of chakra cleansing can not be understated because all phases of our life are interconnected and should work as one for beneficial and energetic living.

Following are some of the conventional chakra cleansing methods man uses for thousands of years:

1. Smudging is an effective method of removing harmful energy obstacles that affect our chakras. White sage is proven to be a highly effective smudging agent.

2. Auric brushing with the hands or the aid of gemstones and crystals is one of the highly effective chakra cleansing technique. Caution must be taken however that the practice should only be performed by a well-practiced individual since there is the possibility of serious damage rather than successful healing due to the inherent powers of the gemstones and crystals employed in the process.

3. A healthy lifestyle, drinking plenty of clean water, tea and fruit juices, plus enough sleep and relaxation are highly recommended in order to maintain strong energy systems.

4. Engaging in regular breathing and physical exercises is to your advantage as it helps maintain the vitality and normal function of our chakras.

5. Relating with nature can have positive effects on your energy systems.

6. The power of colors is one aspect of chakra cleansing that we can employ very successfully. Either by physically painting areas near us or through visualization techniques, color therapy is a boon to our health.

7. Listening to music also heals our energy system. Music is an effective chakra cleansing technique and can be used to activate our chakras, which in turn activate the entire endocrine system.

8. We should not tire of pursuing learning situations. In fact, it is highly recommended to continually pursue learning and intellectual challenges to keep us on our toes and keep our energy points active.

9. Meditation or spending time alone with ourselves for a few minutes daily is enough to let us keep in touch with our thoughts and emotional feelings. Meditation is also a powerful chakra cleansing technique because it makes us conscious of everything that is in our environment.

10. Learn to love yourself. This is important so that you can also learn to love others around you. Feelings of love and appreciation releases chemicals that benefit our body and in the same way, feelings of anger also releases chemicals that affect us negatively.

11. Becoming conscious of our emotions and responsibly expressing them to others is also fundamental to chakra cleansing and maintenance. Repressed thoughts and feelings create energy jams that can seriously affect our health and well being.

12. Being imaginative in our daily activities helps us maintain balance and harmony. Imagination and creativity is not the private realm of the arts as we can utilize it to make our activities more interesting!

13. Coming to terms with our past lives and understanding its significance can provide us a deep awareness of our purpose as a human being.

14. Honesty and truthfulness in all areas of our lives keeps us healthy and gives us vibrant energy. Values anchored on respect, trust, decency, honesty and truthfulness help make us a productive and responsible member of the society.

15. Prayer is also a central element of our health and energy systems. Prayer allows us to communicate with a Higher Being who can help us achieve emotional balance and stability. Prayer helps quiet down our minds to make us receptive to everything around us.

The above are all effective chakra cleansing techniques which we need to incorporate in our lives. Although chakra cleansing takes time, it should be done regularly and continuously for us to reap its benefits and advantages in living a healthy life.

Anne-Marie Laureaut is one of the team of experts who contribute to the popular chakra-balance.com site. Visit here to understand how chakra cleansing can transform your whole life and how you can get free chakra meditation affirmations, hypnosis and binaural sound frequencies recordings.

Yoga Provides More Than Flexibility

On TV are a large number of commercials telling us about the latest fitness products to help us with weight loss, better abs or tone our muscles, it is rare that we hear about yoga, an exercise that has all those benefits and more.

Many think this is just a method to maintain flexibility, something bodybuilding wouldn’t do- the benefits of yoga are wide and go beyond just physical and physiological.

Flexibility is recognized as the single biggest benefit of yoga. The positions the yoga practitioner can place himself in can leave many people shocked, if you’ve ever seen a yoga class or website. Yoga can help increase the range of motion in your hamstrings, back shoulder and hips.

The poses that you do in yoga, which may be held in long periods of time, can help build muscle tone and strength. While learning the poses you will also improve your balance.

Types of pain can be managed with the increased flexibility and strength. Imagine how good it would feel when you stretch after a long drive. Yoga can also help with back pains, shoulder pain and even carpal tunnel pain aside from it’s relaxing benefits.

During yoga you also focus extensively on breathing. Among the benefits to your body, learning how to breathe slower and deeper as you move through a pose. You may feel some light-headedness as you sharpen your breathing technique as your blood carries a better supply of oxygen, so better be ready. It will pass and is likely to occur only during your first few attempts. Controlled breathing can also help you in other ways as it can be used for pain management and stress reduction.

Aside from the benefits you normally get from exercise, you also get benefits from yoga which comes from concentration and calmness. Yoga requires that you concentrate on breathing and positioning of your body, which helps calm your thoughts and gives you another tool for stress reduction. When doing yoga in the evening your mind and body relaxes for sleep.

Enrolling in a class, buying a video or watching a show is just as easy as beginning to practice yoga. A carpeted area or a yoga mat and loose or flexible clothes are also needed. Whether in a class or alone, pay attention to your body. Use a modification of a pose if you feel pain while attempting it or you can try again once you’ve gained the strength and flexibility for it. Poses will become easier and you’ll find that toga can be a fulfilling way to spend “you” time if you continue to do it.

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The Basics In Performing Yoga Exercises

Many people would love to try yoga but find taking that first step or the first class a little bit daunting. So if you are thinking of doing some home yoga exercises here are some tips to help you to start off correctly.

When you are performing yoga you will be putting a certain amount of pressure on your body. So with this in mind you will need to perform your exercises on either a proper yoga mat or just on a blanket to start with.

Before you start to do any yoga exercises it is important to firstly stretch your muscles properly. This will prevent you from doing any damage to your muscles when you do your exercises. The reason for this is that you will be putting your body into certain positions that it may not have been in before. By stretching you will make this a lot easier for your body to do this.

To enjoy your yoga workouts it is important that you know what your limits are. Find this out and try to stick to your limits and not push yourself too hard at first.

Try to pace yourself and start off with basic poses at first until you are used to them. Yoga should be relatively simple and you should feel relaxed doing the exercises. One you have mastered these basic poses then you can advance to the next level.

Many people start off with a meditation pose for their first yoga pose. This is commonly referred to as the Sukhasana. The idea is to sit with your feet underneath your crossed legs whilst holding your knees gently.

When doing this pose your back should be straight and you should try to take deep breaths slowly and calmly. This should ensure that you are fully relaxed before the session starts.

There are quite a few different sessions that you could choose from so try to study and explore them all and your body and mind will benefit from your yoga experience.

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Learn Astral Projection And Explore The Universe

Astral projection is an interesting and mysterious concept that is not fully proved by science but well experienced by millions of people for many centuries. It is defined as taking our spirits into a world where fully different to space we are existing now. Our body growth and dimensions is always react to atmosphere and many scientific factors such as gravity, time and dimensions but while astral projection, you are free from all those factors. Once you experience this concept, you will be able to reach anywhere in the universe with the help of your spirit. Other than fun, spiritual enjoyment and adventures, your mental power and concentration skills double with astral projection practicing.

The beautiful and interesting fact that experts displayed out from their researches is human being can undergo spiritual travel even in their conscious state of mind. In order to achieve this state of mind you need to be well prepared in your mind and body. It is possible to all by constant practicing. You have best to practice meditation and yoga to gain control over your mind and direct your thoughts.

The practicing are must be free from noise and other distractions that may hamper your mind’s concentration. If you are at home practice, you should choose a time when your household items and family members do not make unwanted sounds. Ideal time at home is when people are not at home or sleeping.

When you plan to practice astral projection, go to bed at least one hour before your usual sleep. And don’t practice it when you are very sleepy and waiting for a pillow to sleep. Never practice when you are absolutely tired either mentally or physically. You will not able to concentrate your mind when you are tired out of hard work. Control your diet and avoid heavy foods like meat and dairy products. This requires more energy for metabolism.

Lay flat on your bed and looking up and lay your hands close to your body. Look straight up and stretch your arms up. If you are falling asleep your body will fell down so that you can wake up. Put your bed and pillow properly and assure a comfortable lying.

Stay your mind clean and free from stressful thoughts. If you are failing to clear your kind, focus on your nose and think about how your nose holes intakes breath; this will help you to be free from external thoughts. Be firm and still without any kind of strain. After some times of the practice, you will enter into a phase called Mind Awake Body Asleep phase where your body will become heavy and you may tend to fall asleep.

This can be final step and successful completion of astral projection. In this state, your astral body tends to leave your physical body. If you are feeling anything mysterious, you make walk around room and hold some objected placed on the wall or table. You will realize the fact that now your astral body has left your physical body structure. Try to roam around your house premises with astral body; if you are a beginner, you can wander at near by locations only. If you are jumping your physical body now, you will feel like you are afloat on the air.

When your soul is about to leave your body you will start shivering and it will move from one part to another. Don’t be over exited or afraid of it. Let your soul leave your body.

The author Simon Ibanez writes for the http://www.astralprojectiontravel.com website. You can enjoy the incredible experience of astral projection and you can try it yourself when you get 29 Free learn astral projection Binaural and hypnosis mp3 audios when you visit here.

Dream Lucid – What Is Dream Control?

Dream Control, or the ability to control your dreams is something that is crucially required or finds much importance in the subject of lucid dreaming. A lucid dreamer is that person who can successfully travel to the realm of dreams with full consciousness and a wakeful of mind. Thus, he only lets his body rest while his mind remains wakeful and focused and completely aware of its journey to the realm of dreams.

Thus, in lucid dreaming, you are fully aware that you are in a dream, but what is the advanced stage of lucid dreaming? Does it just end there with you being merely aware of being in a dream? The answer is no. Lucid dreaming in real sense of the term involves having full dream control where you not only are aware of the dream but can also manipulate it and change it so as to facilitate seeing or doing whatever is it that you desire.

Dream control is something that is extremely rare and difficult to develop. Even if a person, through meditation and incessant practice manages to experience lucid dreaming, maintaining that lucid stage and thereafter going beyond that requires practice. More advanced stage of enjoying true dream control is something that needs a lot of focused effort, specialized techniques, practice and experience.

The main difficulty in dream control lies in continuing the lucidity part of it. For example, if you are dreaming that you are in a desert you may be able to make small changes like the direction in which you are going, etc. Suppose now, you want to see yourself riding a camel and fighting a huge gigantic scorpion, this kind of manipulation would require more force from you, which in turn makes you wake up. Moreover, in case of failed attempts, go on trying since frustration or distress would make you wake up all the more.

The first technique for dream control is that of dream spinning. Starting from a situation where you find your dream scenes fading away, or when you really want the entire dream setting to change, or if you are loosing your grip on whatever is happening in your dream, the best way is to stand in one spot and start spinning around. You will be amazed to see that something that you once did as a kid will help you in distressing situations to bring back or restore your dream control anytime that you need it.

The second technique for dream control is verbal commands. Whenever you find yourself loosing control, simply state whatever it is that you need, loudly. Many a times, you’ll find that the required change in your dream has taken place.

Moreover, if you are wanting to manipulate your dreams but are not being able to do so, going around it in a creative way can be a solution. E.g. You want a particular celebrity to feature in your dream but somehow you cannot bring him, you might just try calling him up and suddenly the person comes in front of you.

Another hindering factor in your dream control that you need to be aware of is false awakenings. Many a times it happens that you wake up from sleep in your dream and you mistake it as waking up in reality. The best thing to do is to do a reality check so that such false awakenings do not spoil your dream control.

Getting distressed and frustrated over repeated unsuccessful attempts at dream control is what makes you loose lucidity and wake up. So, never get distressed and remember that the above techniques would bail you out from any situation. Moreover, increased meditation would lead to greater control of mind, and the right attitude, that is, a belief in yourself that you can do whatever you are attempting to do, would take you along way in dream control.

The author Steve Higgins writes for the popular http://www.luciddreaminginfo.com site. You can enjoy the incredible experience of dream control and you can try it yourself when you get twenty nine Free dream lucid Binaural and hypnosis mp3 audios when you visit here.