Live An Amazing Life By Manifesting Abundance

The ability to manifest abundance in your life is yours, regardless of where you are from or who you are. When you are totally convinced of your desires, needs and things you truly deserve, abundance will come to you. Whether you realize it or not, what and who you are, are all expressions and reflections of all these things.

Manifesting abundance is the knowing that thoughts have power. Your life has taken shape, beginning the moment you were born by the quality of your thoughts. When you were a baby, your quality of thought was only beginning to develop, since your thoughts focused on basic instincts and trying to absorb the vastness of the sensory input available to you.

You learned from that point on to believe in what your parents taught you. What your parents taught you ultimately ended up with telling you how to socialize, at least in childhood. And when you did that you went to school and learned that life is hard and ice cold. You were taught, in so many words, that manifesting abundance is nonsense.

Sure, they told you, you might do it, but only if you beat yourself down with absurd amounts of hard work or just get lucky, or you have to have been born with some of the rarest and most incredible genes. The probability is that you won’t have a life of abundance. It’s not that you’ll starve to death, or can’t have a decent house (although maybe that will happen to you if you’re not smart enough or if you just aren’t lucky). It’s just that you can forget about your big dreams, or the things out of the ordinary that would have deeper meaning for you, such as not just marrying anyone but marrying your soul mate.

But you can have abundance–and you don’t have to rely on luck; and you don’t need a so-called ‘education’; and you don’t need ‘good genes’. You also do not need to live an existence where you are enslaved to drudgery, boredom, or doing any work that you hate.

You can thrive. You are allowed to thrive. You deserve to thrive.

You must know that you deserve to manifest abundance. You have to know deep down in your soul that you deserve abundance. You have to understand that there are certain things that can make this become a reality for you.

The cosmic laws of manifesting abundance are universal, even though everyone is different. These cosmic laws find distinctive expression in you and in your life. As an example, consider the musician that applies universal law while playing his or her instrument using their own distinct style as they compose and play. This is something you should remember so as not to become too confused. Manifesting abundance is personal and has nothing to do with trying to keep up with others.

When you manifest abundance in your life, you may get married, or you may not. You may become famous, you may remain basically unknown. You may become as wealthy as Donald Trump, or you may simply make enough money to meet all of your needs as you live a modest, quiet life in a location of your choosing.

What really matters is what your heart desires. Manifesting abundance means manifesting what you want in your heart. It means living your fantasies.

However, how do you manifest abundance, what cosmic laws do you need to align yourself with to make it a reality?

* You deserve to live your fantasies. Take the time to find a quiet space or some internally private space each day for yourself, if this is hard for you to realize. You need to meditate on the concept of you being deserving of your desires. There are various ways to meditate, so learn how if you do not already know how. Since you have been conditioned for so long to think you are not good enough for a charmed life, you need to re-program yourself and recondition yourself to know the opposite.

* You need to know why you want those things you want and it needs to be deeply ingrained in your mind. If it is not, you will manifest things that you really do not want or need, remember you should not ask for anything you do not want since that is what will manifest in your life.

*Once you are sure you know why you want something, just let your fantasy world take over. Focus intensely on your arising fantasies.

* In order to fulfill your fantasies, you should take action on the inspired opportunities that come to you. You can go online, read, order books, and watch videos that help you gain the knowledge you require if you are so inspired. Go to certain places and websites and so on when you feel inspired to do so.

* Know that the work you feel inspired to do will help you manifest abundance. One example is that of a professional golfer who make a great deal of money by doing that which he or she loves to do.

*Allow things to manifest in your life as they will. Never try to force them. Know that the desired thing or event is ‘in production’ or ‘being shipped to you’ right now, and have the patience that comes with this certain knowing.

Your lifetime dreams are waiting for you; you need to move towards them to manifest abundance.

The author Anthea David is one of the writers for the popular website. You can find out how easy it really is to be successful at Manifesting Abundance by visiting here. Change your life forever with a huge FREE collection of Manifesting Abundance Success Secrets Audios, Ebooks and Videos.

Exploring The Power Of Subconscious Mind

The human mind is undeniably the most magnificent, and the most powerful thing in the universe, and the sheer power of the subconscious mind should never be underestimated. Irrespective what a person says or does, it all originates from the mind. In some cases, your actions are manifested on a subconscious level.

For example, let’s say you’re watching TV and you decide you would like a cup of tea, you’ll then get up and go through to the kitchen to pour one. However, on other occasions you may simply stand up out of the blue and go through to the kitchen for no apparent reason, even though you may end up making yourself a cup of tea while you’re there? If this has happened to you, do you ever stop to consider why you did what you did? Probably not because rather than being an action of your conscious mind, it was an action of your subconscious mind.

Just how these actions happen is nothing short of being amazing. Perhaps another program which you dislike was just about to start and your subconscious mind immediately sent out a signal for you to change channels. This is just one example of the influence your subconscious mind has over your actions. If one stops to consider just how much influence your subconscious mind can have over your actions, then it only makes sense that you need to train yourself in such a way so that you can have control over your subconscious mind. By training yourself you can improve the quality of your life significantly.

Providing you can learn how to harness and control the power of your subconscious, you’ll be able to live the type of life you long for. Unfortunately, most people are brought up believing that there are many dangers lurking in the subconscious mind. Admittedly, mankind needs to understand the undesirable side of human psychology but if we spend too much time focusing on the negative aspects, we’re bound to encounter negative experiences.

For this reason, it is essential to focus on the positive aspects rather than the negative ones, because in so doing, you’ll be able to take the best possible approach with regards to using the subconscious mind as a tool for improving the quality of your life. You can also be rest assured that rather than being a complex process, gaining control over your subconscious mind is instead a series of simple processes. By gaining control over the power of your subconscious mind, you’ll be opening a door to a world of unlimited opportunities.

One of the easiest ways to gain control over the subconscious mind is by using affirmations. Essentially, affirmations require you to remind yourself consistently of a certain aspect of your life in order to bring about a desired change.

Let’s say for example that you were told to complete a specific task but you felt as though you simply weren’t capable of doing it. Being in a position like that would more than likely leave you feeling anxious and exhausted because of the way in which your mind responds to a stressful situation. Because of these feelings, you would inevitably be drained of energy and as a result, you would have even less chance of completing the task successfully. On the other hand, if you made to use of affirmations, you would without a doubt be able to overcome your to negative state of mind, and as a result, you would be better equipped to take on the job.

In other words, you need to constantly remind yourself (affirmation) just how capable you are of doing the task, and how much you will benefit from it. You could even stand in front of the mirror and affirm that nobody is more capable of completing the task than you are. You need to convince yourself that you are in fact so capable, that by that time you’ve finished the task it will be almost unbelievable.

Apart from helping you to overcome mental blockages, affirmations can also help you to kick certain habits such as eating too much, drinking too much, and even smoking. Several scientific based studies have shown that you can access the power of your subconscious mind by using repetitive affirmations.

Post hypnotic suggestion is another common method used in order to harness the power of the subconscious mind. This can be done either with the help of a professional therapist, or it can be done by means of self hypnosis, using specially created audio recordings.

While both of the above mentioned methods are known to be highly effective, there is however another process which is still relatively new, and this involves synchronizing the brain waves of the two hemispheres in the brain. This process, known as binaural beats, employs the use of different sound frequencies played into each ear through a set of headphones. The frequencies used are only slightly different from each other but it is sufficient enough to result in an almost instantaneous meditative state of mind. Of course, it is this state of mind which is ideal in terms of allowing the conscious mind to communicate with the subconscious mind.

In fact, this whole process can be taken a lot further, as has been demonstrated by Buddhist monks for centuries. As you may have already have heard, some monks have so much control over their subconscious minds, that they’re able to exhibit what could best be described as being supernatural powers in that they are able to levitate.

By utilizing the power of your subconscious mind you can in essence manipulate physical matter on a subatomic level, and this has been proven beyond all doubt. In fact, several movies and books have gone to great lengths to explain this in scientific terms, and as a result, this phenomenon has come to be known as the ‘Law of Attraction’. Providing you are able to communicate successfully with your subconscious mind, it is possible to get whatever you want out of life. Rather than just being theoretically possible, it’s is a physical law proven by means of quantum physics.

Even though this may sound quite unbelievable, quantum physics is able to show us that the ancient religions have been right all along when they say that the reality we live in the simply a product of our mind. Interestingly enough, quantum physics has also been able to help us understand other amazing powers such as how certain people can be psychic.

One thing is for certain and that is that the subconscious mind is significantly more powerful than what people tend to realize. As such, you should never overlook or ignore the potential benefits you to stand to gain once you discover how to control and manipulate your subconscious mind. Not only will it enable you to change certain behavior traits such as bad habits, but it will also allow you to live a life you never thought possible.

Kevin J Lockwood is one of the writers who contributes to the popular popular site. Discover the incredible experience of mind power and you can try it yourself when you get 29 Free power of subconscious mind Binaural and hypnosis mp3 audios when you visit here.

Incredible Subconscious Mind Power

If you’ve ever seen the old movie, “Field of Dreams,” you might remember the saying, “If you build it, they will come.” You have your own field of dreams, and that is your subconscious mind. In this case, “If you think it, it will come.”

Your subconscious mind holds the power to make you the person you want to be, create the life you want, and change things as they are to the way you want them to be; all from your subconscious mind. The mind is truly powerful and beautiful. With our subconscious minds, we can heal, transcend, feel good; or feel bad. Each of us has the power to change our worlds through the power of our subconscious minds, if we only choose to take control of them.

If you’re skeptical, you’re not alone. However, give me a chance to show you with a few examples just how powerful your mind is. One of my favorite examples is actually from the medical field, and works on a scientific basis. It’s been documented time and time again, actually, and it’s called the “placebo effect.” The medical field has coined the term “placebo effect” to denote a specific type of effect. Oftentimes, for example, this term is used during medical trials. The control group is given a “placebo,” which is an inert substance that has no medical benefit whatsoever as a drug might give. It’s used as a counterpoint to the other group, which gets the actual medication. This is to clearly prove any benefit (or detriment) the drug itself might give. However, both groups are told what the medication is for and what it should do for them, and neither group knows which pill they’ve gotten; placebo or actual medication.

A surprising effect happens with many, many trials. That is, those who get the placebo pill still often show similar results to those who get the actual drug. No one quite knows why, but oftentimes, the people getting the placebo show at least some benefit (perhaps not to the same intensity as the drug, but still experience benefits), even though the pill they’ve gotten has NO medical benefits whatsoever, as an inert substance. They also may experience “side effects” that they’ve been told the actual medication will give them, again, even though they’ve taken an inert substance. Why is this true? These people were told what the medication would do, and if they believed they were being given the real pill, their subconscious minds often gave them the “benefits” and “side effects” of the real drug.

Or, let’s take another example. Perhaps you’ve gone to the doctor to get a medication for something that’s wrong with you. You may have noticed that although a doctor will tell you what the side effects are, he or she will usually minimize them to at least some extent. That’s because it’s been shown that patients will often exaggerate the side effects in their own minds (or become the small percentage that actually experiences severe side effects), and actually begin to experience those side effects as a sort of “negative self-fulfilling prophecy.” Doctors don’t want that to happen, so although they are beholden by law to tell you what side effects are, they don’t exaggerate them specifically because they don’t want patients to create side effects.

What do these two examples above prove? That the power of suggestion AND the power of the subconscious mind will give you a very powerful results. It works in the medical field, and it can work in your everyday life, too. Why can’t you tap into this power and positively change your life? You can, with the power of suggestion; change the way your subconscious mind works by using it to your advantage.

Others though use visualization to alter the way their mind sees things. Visualization is simple, and it works. Visualization can be done a couple of ways. First you close your eyes and visualize what it is you want, actually see it as if you are looking at a picture.

Another way to visualize that’s very effective, as well as with the first technique, is to create a physical picture of what you want. For example, if you want a new car, you can find a picture of the car you want in a magazine or something similar. Put that picture on your refrigerator so that you see it several times a day. Or, better yet, have a friend take a picture of you standing next to that car. As you see that picture of you standing next to that car over and over again, it eventually becomes imprinted on your subconscious mind that you are to have that car, and you eventually will have it as a reality.

People have known about the power of the subconscious mind for many years, and many have used it to their benefit. Only recently, though, has science begun to understand how very real this process is.

At subatomic levels matter ceases to be ‘solid’ and is shown to be pure energy. Quantum physics has shown beyond doubt that this energy can be manipulated by the mind. In fact as strange as it seems, quantum physics actually shows that this energy can not exist without the mind of the observer.

So matter/energy only exists because it is being observed; in other words it is the mind which is responsible for the matter existing – not the other way around. All matter and hence all reality has been proven to be a creation of our mind. This is the true meaning of ‘subconscious mind power’!

In fact this is what the ancient religions have been saying for many thousands of years and with new understandings in quantum physics, modern science is at last beginning to catch up. Whatever your spiritual belief may be, there is no denying that the science of quantum physics works.

So if you could change your life just by thinking about it, wouldn’t you? All you have to do is harness your subconscious mind power. Use it to your advantage instead of letting it control you. Spend the next week using affirmations or visualization techniques to acquire what you want. Make it something small at first and when you see that it works make yourself a new life by developing your subconscious mind power.

Graham J Milne is a writer for the popular site. Discover the amazing experience of subconscious mind power for yourself and find out the real undisclosed secrets of subconscious mind power when you visit here and get 29 Free mp3 audios on DVD.

The Magic Of Lucid Dreams

Lucid dreams are one of the most fascinating things which you can experience. These are dreams which you can take control and decide what will happen. In lucid dreams, you know that you are dreaming, which is why you are in charge of the dream; and anything that you want to make part of your dream is yours to have.

Lucid dreaming offers you the opportunity to be in the director’s chair for what is essentially your own movie. Anything you’ve ever wanted to see is possible when lucid dreaming. The only limit is your own creativity.

Unlike the dreams you normally have while you sleep, lucid dreams do not simply drift along on their own course. Dreaming is usually your brain’s way of thinking out the events of the previous day and there’s not much you can do to predict or change their course. Lucid dreams are very different in that your conscious mind is in control of the experience and these dreams seem entirely real, no matter what you decide to make happen.

You can usually tell a lucid dream apart from other dreams through this technique; try reading something in your dream. If the words keep changing or do not form intelligible language, then you’re having a regular dream. If you can read and even dictate the contents of your reading material, then you are lucid dreaming.

Lucid dreams allow you to make any fantasy come true or live out the experiences you’ve always wanted to have. You can interact with anyone you’ve ever wanted to meet or see anything in the entire universe.

If you don’t like the way that a lucid dream is going, you can always turn things around. You can even relief events from your own life and make them turn out in a better way; many people find that this is one of the benefits of lucid dreaming that can help them to work through some things in their lives.

Lucid dreaming is something which anyone can learn to do. While your body gets the rest it needs to get through the day, part of your mind can remain conscious and take you through lucid dream experiences.

Lucid dreaming is a skill which needs to be learned through practice. Developing the ability to lucid dream at will takes time and you will need to be patient; but anyone can have lucid dreams.

Starting a dream diary is a good way to start learning to lucid dream. When you awake from a dream, write down everything you can remember. Keep your journal by your bedside so that it is quickly accessible to you upon waking. With time, you’ll improve your ability to remember your dreams and this trains your mind to recognize when it is dreaming. When you acquire this skill, you’ll be able to start making your dreams lucid ones.

Creative professionals such as writers often use lucid dreaming to help them create their novels. Lucid dreams are a good way to try out plots and develop characters and dialogue even as they sleep! If you’re a creative person, lucid dreaming offers you a great opportunity to try out new ideas.

Making a habit of recalling your dreams will help you to pick the thread of your dreams back up when you return to sleep. Dreams tend to recur, so you can pick up more and more detail with each recurrence.

The best time to have lucid dreams is in the hour or two before you normally wake up. Often you may wake up at this time and go back to bed; while it might feel as if you’ve been lying awake thinking, you are usually lucid dreaming during this time.

To get yourself to the mental state where lucid dreaming is possible, you can use relaxation and meditation techniques along with dream recall. A lot of people find that self hypnosis can help them train their minds for dream recall quickly and efficiently.

There is also a technological development in the field of audio which helps you to achieve the state where lucid dreaming happens easily. Binaural beats are frequencies which synchronize the hemispheres of your brain and tune your brainwaves to the frequency needed for lucid dreams to happen.

The author Paul Benson writes for the popular site. Discover the amazing experience of lucid dreams and you can try it yourself when you get 29 Free lucid dreaming Audios when you visit here.

Is Conscious Dreaming Fact Or Fiction?

Also known as lucid dreaming, conscious dreaming is the state of being aware and in control while you are dreaming. That is to say, you know that you are dreaming while you are in the middle of a dream! When you are conscious that youre dreaming, you can control the events of your dreams.

The power of completely controlling your dreams might seem like something out of a fantasy novel, but it’s actually quite possible for anyone. Lucid dreaming is actually fairly easy, and offers you a wonderful way to express your inner desires and feelings. There are even tried and tested methods to get you into a lucid dream state.

Before you get started, you should decide why it is that you want to become a lucid dreamer. Do you want to use your conscious dreams to help you achieve goals in life, or just as a way of enjoying your dreams more?

The next step is to begin practicing the techniques which can produce the appropriate state of mind for lucid dreaming to occur. The first step for most people is dream recall, which is simply training yourself to remember your dreams.

If you want to begin conscious dreaming, you’ll need to be able to recall all the details of the dreams you have each night. There are a number of ways to do this, but the most common is keeping a dream diary. Place it by the bed, and every morning, enter all the details you remember from your dreams as soon as you wake up. It’s important to make sure you do this right away, because you start to lose information the longer you’re awake.

This technique will help you to start remembering your dreams very quickly. One you have learned to remember your dreams, it will become easier and easier to become conscious that they are happening. Many people find themselves not long after starting to keep a dream diary awakening in the middle of a dream and starting to take control of it.

In addition to use of a dream diary, another popular method is hypnosis. This can help you achieve the mental state required to enter conscious dreaming. Hypnosis can get people to remember the most minute details of their dreams after only a few sessions. After that, you’ll be ready to start conscious dreaming.

At first, you may discover that you occasionally wake up suddenly during a lucid dream. That’s fairly normal. All you need to do is recall the events of your dream as you fall back to sleep. Try hard to remember them, and you’ll be able to get back into the dream, and even be able to make it do whatever you want it to.

One other method of inducing conscious dreaming is waking up a few hours earlier than you usually do, then trying to get back to sleep. During this period, the dreams you’ll have are a lot easier to stay aware in. You even be unsure about whether you were really asleep, or if you were merely thinking while lying in bed. Do this on a regular basis, and lucid dreaming is a lot more likely.

Be aware of your sleeping habits. Youll be able to determine when you are most likely to have lucid dreams. However, dont lose too much sleep ” fatigue and conscious dreaming dont mix.

The good news is that lucid dreaming is actually effective against insomnia and other sleeping disorders. Using conscious dreaming you can teach your mind to shut down troublesome thoughts that are keeping you awake.

You may think that learning lucid dreaming takes years of practice, but in fact its not so hard at all to learn ” with just a little practice, you can be a conscious dreamer too!

Conscious dreaming is an ability which everyone has. By practicing these techniques, youll find yourself in control of your dreams in pretty short order; and enjoying all of the benefits of lucid dreams!

The author Allan Matacan writes for the popular site. Discover the amazing experience of lucid dreaming and you can try it yourself when you get 29 Free conscious dreaming Binaural and hypnosis mp3 audios when you visit here.

The Incredible Power Of The Subconscious Mind

We are all aware that we have a subconscious mind. Many of us will even place the blame of our activities on the subconscious. How many of us though realize the power of the subconscious mind? It is one of our most powerful tools, and it can either be our best friend or our worse enemy. The subconscious mind ultimately controls the life you live. What exactly is the subconscious mind and why should we pay attention to what it is thinking?

Though some professionals have tried hard, all of recognize the subconscious mind. It is the mind behind our brain. In other words it’s the main control room behind all our thoughts and activities. It’s your mental make up, the personality you are. You can even call it your conscience which shows you the way out of a tough problem. Your subconscious mind is uniquely yours and you don’t even share it with your twin or your child. It’s as unique as your finger print. No one can ever find a match.

You have heard your inner mind. When you were standing there getting ready to make a life altering decision and it talked you out of it. I would like to think that it talked you out of something that was harmful, often though that inner voice is telling a person that they can’t do something. That they won’t be able to accomplish what it is they want. They aren’t good enough, pretty enough, thin enough. The subconscious is what you think of yourself deep, deep down inside.

Your life will not turn out according to your dreams if you have a negative attitude about yourself. However, it doesn’t have to remain that way. You can actually reprogram your attitude, thinking and eventually your life. You can have your dream life by simply reprogramming your subconscious.

You can change your deepest thoughts by affirmations. These are nothing but positive beliefs that are constantly repeated by you through out the day. These are better than the more expensive sublimal messaging scripts. All you need is to know is the thing you want to change about yourself, choose the appropriate affirmations and repeat them till they become a reality.

For example, you want to lose weight. Instead of thinking you are fat, repeat to yourself that you are your perfect weight. On a piece of paper you can write down the same phrase and carry it in your pocket, you can tap it to the mirror, make a ring tone out of it, and make it a screensaver at work. The point is to repeat the message enough that the subconscious mind picks up on the fact that this is what you think and what it needs to be thinking.

You will soon become your ideal weight as your belief becomes stronger. If you want more money just try affirmations and see money flowing into your life. This method can be used to achieve anything in your life. Maybe you are still skeptical about this.

Your mind affects your life and here is an illustration to prove this fact. Let’s assume that you sleep till late one day and then when you get up, you see the watch and sigh ‘oh it’s going to be one of those tough days’. Accidents start happening, your shower doesn’t work, your coffee spills and messes your best dress and in the office there are more accidents which make you think ‘I was right, today is a tough day’

While the average person is going to shrug this off and say it was coincidence that all of those things happened. There are not such things as coincidences, everything happens for a reason and that reason is usually your subconscious mind delivering to you the things you think about.

People have realized the true power of subconscious mind with the help of books and movies like ‘The Secret’. The ‘law of attraction’ is now a familiar term with every one. It simply means that your life is nothing but a reality created by your own subconscious beliefs.

Science especially quantum physics has now provided a solid basis for this fact since through experiments and studies it’s been proved that matter and the mind of the observer are linked with some intricate links. This is something the ancients religions have also been saying for thousands of years.

People who have tapped the power of the subconscious mind have also been able to change their reality according to their desires. For example people who wanted wealth have known that visualization and firm innermost beliefs can only make them achieve their dreams and as result have become some of the wealthiest people in the world due to their subconscious mind.

Elliot Cox is a writer for the website. It is natural for everyone to experience subconscious mind and you can try it yourself when you find out the real undisclosed secrets of subconscious mind when you visit here and get 29 Free mp3 audio recordings.

How Can Remembering My Past Life Help With This One?

Reincarnation or the believe that we have lived a past life, is becoming increasingly accepted and explored by people from all walks of life. Why? Because we now know that the secrets to being successful in our present lives is about knowing what happened in all the lifetimes before.

Have you ever taken time out to wonder ‘what did I do in my past life?’ If so, you are not alone. Previous life regression presents the key to all the answers of the past, future, and, of course, the present.

Past life regression deals with the belief that we remain eternal souls that become reincarnated each and every time our physical bodies die. As forever eternal beings, we carry out lessons, desires, and experiences from one life to the next.

It is commonly believed that through each rebirth humans choose a current mission and/or purpose for living. Through exploring answers of what happened in my past life, it becomes possible to understand why we exist here in the modern world. This allows us to avoid venturing into the next life with painful and problematic baggage.

Discovering the main purpose behind ‘What did I experience in my past life’ will provide help needed to heal old wounds, develop success in the present; direct you towards making proper career choices, form quality relationships with friends and partners and will delve into a deeper sense of the self in all that you do.

A number of successful and accepted methods of unlocking the truth of our previous lives can be explored. Hypnosis is a tremendous means of finding out about prior lives. The process puts people into altered mental states which make unlocking the past easier. This is because the relaxed state can dig out those memories.

A well trained past life regression expert brings the proper professional insight needed to guide people into access their repressed memories. They can also help us deal with the emotions that might come up during such a past life regression session.

Self-hypnosis and visualization can also help access your memories of ‘Who was I in my past life.’ Simply find a quiet, private space and focus on clearing the mind. Leave a notebook beside your bed and start writing down your dreams first thing every morning. Repressed memories are often played out in our dreams, as we review some of the more vivid and realistic scenes from our past. Focus on the thoughts, images, and feelings you wrote down to help you unlock the significance behind these past life scenes.

Look at any patterns that emerge when recording your dreams or meditating, they may be signaling past life memories you have not yet dealt with. Though you may consciously want to retrieve knowledge about ‘Who was I during my past life’ some individuals have an irrational fear that their past might be filled with sins or evil deeds and unconsciously bury the memories.

Honestly, such fears are generally unfounded. All you need to do is relax and allow your mind to wander as it naturally would. Cease all the mental blocks and accept what the mind eventually reveals. The questions behind ‘What did I do in my past life?’ can be unlocked by looking deep into the recesses of the mind for the answer.

Make comprehensive lists of your fears, talents, physical characteristics, attractions, repulsions, and even your favorite foods. The fascination with a time period from prior eras or even obsessions or desires can open a door to the subconscious mind.

Hailey Marshall is a writer for the popular site. Discover the amazing experience of past life regression and you can try it yourself when you get thirty Free my past life Audios and Videos when you visit here.

Explore Your Past With Past Therapy

Maybe it’s you or perhaps someone else who is troubled by occasional memories. And these memories do no fell like they are your own. Maybe your even a little curious about how you function as an individual. Then you may find that past therapy is something you should explore.

The theory of past lives is that we have lived complete lives before we have lived this one. There are many religions and philosophies that back this up, and that will expand it further.

Some people think that the past lives that we live before are completely unrelated to lives that we are living now, while other people feel that they are very much linked. Still others think that there are lessons to be learned from both our past lives and the one that we are living now. Past life regression therapy seeks to make these lessons more clear to us.

When learning of past life therapy, you will need to find a hypnotist who can help you through this learning experience. A hypnotist can put you into a deep hypnotic state. This is when you will learn more about the world in you past life.

They can help you travel into your subconscious, which some specialists feel never forgets anything that happened to us. They can take you through the experiences that you have had and the lives that you have lead. Take some time and consider what your options are and make sure that you consider how you are going to be able to move forward with your experience.

The question might come up regarding how past life therapy can help you. In the first place, past life therapy can help you become mentally more at peace with yourself. One common issue that hypnotists find themselves dealing with is guilt.

People have found they have done things, in their past lives, that they consider wrong and they experience guilt. They feel angry and guilty because of these things. If they have not been resolved, there may be a chance they can become part of the current life.

There may have been times you’ve had strange feelings which have no place in your life and feel you should not be feeling these things. A hypnotist may be able to help you find out why.

There is something else past life therapy can reveal to you. That is why you react a specific way towards water. If you have experienced drowning in a past life you could be afraid of water in your present life because of it. You meet someone and have a strong positive reaction towards them, or people who look a certain way. This could have been carried over to your present life from another person in your past life.

While these patterns are strange, it can be helpful to understand why the happen and what the root might be. It can make decision making easier in the future and it can help you move forward in your own life with your present goals.

Take some time and consider what your options are going to be and make sure that you explore what past life therapy has to offer; it can be a key to a past you never knew you had!

Charles Merry is a writer for the popular site. Discover the amazing experience of past life regression for yourself and get twenty nine Free past therapy Audios and Videos when you visit here.

How Even A Beginner Can Develop Telepathy

Essentially, telepathy is the process of transferring your feelings, emotions, and even thoughts to another person using nothing apart from mind power.

Interestingly enough, a certain amount of telepathic ability is present in virtually all people. However, it’s unfortunate that the vast majority of people have no idea as to how to control this ability on a conscious level. While practically everyone experiences some telepathic activity on a subconscious level from time to time, wouldn’t it be amazing if we could control this ability as and how we see fit, in order to communicate.

Of course, as is to be expected, there is still a huge amount of skepticism surrounding the issue of mind power. However, perhaps you should try to recall a time in your life when you were in a great mood, but then you met up with someone who was feeling down and depressed. Was it not only a short while before their mood started rubbing off on you?

What I’m trying to say is; it’s not necessarily the words which someone says to you, but instead it’s the transference of their feelings and emotions to your subconscious mind, and this in itself is a form of telepathy.

In recent scientific studies, it’s been determined that if someone accesses their subconscious mind and then learns to direct their thoughts and feelings towards another specific individual, dormant telepathic abilities can be brought back to life.

As with all other means of communication, it is our parents and our elders which teach us. In fact, so strong is the influence of the method in which we’re taught that we even learn to mimic the accent of our parents. Essentially, this is simply because we all share a common ability to learn communication skills, but unfortunately we only learn to communicate in the ways which we are taught.

How different would things be had our parents decided to teach us about that “other” certain ability? How would things be today if our parents taught us how to communicate with our minds? Surely, just because our parents never taught us, doesn’t necessarily mean that we can never learn to do it.

Let’s take a look at a few ways one can use in order to reawaken ones telepathic ability.

Mental Training

As children learning to communicate, we had to learn how to control the movement of our mouth, and we had to learn how to strengthen our voice boxes. In much the same way, one needs to learn how to strengthen and develop your telepathic muscles.

Interestingly enough, the part of the brain which is responsible for telepathic communication, works primarily on the subconscious level, or in other words, when you’re in a hypnotic state. This state of mind is a level of the relaxation which is well within the reach of all people.

Providing you learn how to relax your mind sufficiently, this trancelike state can be reached, and when you do, you would have begun to train your mind so that it can be controlled at will.

The Importance of Being Able To Focus

Admittedly, when one is in a trancelike state of mind, if can be rather difficult learning how to stay focused. The next time you manage to achieve a state of deep relaxation, try to focus exclusively on someone you’d like to contact, or have contact with.

You need to picture this person in your mind together with happy thoughts. You then need to imagine this person actually receiving all those thoughts and feelings you’re trying to transfer across. The length of time that you need to remain focused will depend on how long you feel it takes to make a connection.

The next step requires you to cut your focus off completely in order to end the contact. This step is vital as it will cause the other person to realize the connection has been lost, and in turn they will try and make contact with you.

The reason why it is advisable for you to practice focusing while you’re on your own, is so that when the time comes for you to practice with a partner, your mind will already be conditioned to receive images, thoughts, feelings, and impressions.

Practicing With a Partner

Once you and your partner get ready for a training session, you’ll need to decide which one of you will be the sender and which one of you will be the receiver. Of course, it will help if the sender chooses to project images of simple items which are brightly colored and for the most part easy to recognize.

The receiver on the other hand should be prepared in order to take down notes with regards to any thoughts or impressions which they feel they receive.

When the two of you have reached the end of your practice session, then of course you should both compare your notes in order to see just how accurate the two of you have been. As time goes by, and you practiced more, you will find that you both become noticeably better as far as telepathic communication is concerned.

The writer Paul Fowles writes for the popular site. Discover for yourself how easy it is to develop telepathy. Find out never before revealed secrets. Anyone really can develop telepathy find out how by visiting here.

How Knowing How To Astral Travel Will Enhance Your Life

Have you ever had a dream you were flying high above the trees? Have you ever been in such an intense daydream that you thought you were rising out of your body, then up through the ceiling of your house, only to be suddenly jolted awake? You’ve reached a state called astral travel, where you can travel outside of your body to anywhere you want to go. It is your mind having fun while your body sleeps!

Astral travel is not to be confused with dreaming. Dreaming is your way of allowing yourself to work through problems and frustrations you may have encountered throughout the day. This is a very positive defense mechanism courtesy of your subconscious mind. These types of dreams are mostly dreams you cannot remember, or possibly remember only in bits and pieces.

Those times where your dreams are vividly remembered are the times when you are experiencing astral travel. It is good practice to write down these dreams on paper or in a computer journal of some sort. You may not understand the dreams now, but later you can browse over the lot of them and likely make some sort of sense for you.

Just as those first dreams you have at night help your mind relieve stress and work through the issues of the day in order to keep you sane, astral travel has benefits as well. Which is why it is important that you keep track of those dreams that you remember very well. It is these experiences that can help you, the benefits will vary by the individual and that is because each astral travel experience is unique to the individual.

Generally speaking though, benefits to experiencing astral travel and keeping track of your experiences can include a deepening of spirituality. When we say this, what we are referring to is a deeper connection to the soul and the world around you. This promotes inner peace and feelings of well being. Another benefit to astral travel is that it can increase memory and creativity. This is because astral travel sparks activity in parts of the brain that we typically do not use.

Once practicing astral travel, you should see a significant boost in your telepathic and psychic strength. Anyone who works at astral projection will tell you that their psychic abilities increase the more they practice. They can more easily sense spirits and use their telepathic skills.

This is due to the fact that when you astral project and astral travel you are tapping into spiritual energies that you ignored before.

Even skeptics have been known to change their minds after practicing astral projection techniques, given the ability to read the auras of other people.

Aside from those benefits, one has to admit that it is fun to travel outside your body, to visit places you haven’t been before and to find that inner peace everyone craves.

It is a wonder that astral projection isnt practiced by more people. The truth is that most people are afraid or feel silly trying it out because they don’t feel they have the psychic sensitivity to do it. But everyone can use astral projection to their benefit, if only they give it a try.

It is a safe bet that you have astral traveled and not even realized that you have done it. Remember in the beginning you were encouraged to remember the last time you dreamt that you were flying, that was an astral travel experience.

Now that you know something about astral travel, you can allow yourself to experience these events openly. The next time you have an astral travel experience, try to control some aspects of it. A little practice at this and you will see your mental strength increase each day.

Don’t be afraid to give astral travel a try. Don’t deny yourself the pleasures of something you were born with but only have forgotten to use. Anyone can do it. You only need to browse the many ebooks and other information you can find online that teach techniques of astral travel. Learn to unlock the secrets of your inner self through astral travel!

Rick J Griffiths is a writer for the popular site. You can enjoy the incredible experience of astral projection and you can try it yourself when you get twenty nine Free astral travel Binaural and hypnosis mp3 audios when you visit here.