Free online yoga – Is it safe?

Yoga nowadays is very in demand especially the newest free online free yoga. Yoga practice and exercise can be learned in school.

There are a lot of yoga schools all over the world. Before, yoga was only applied and practice in India but now, looks like it has evolved. Almost all the people in the world know the word yoga although there are some who don’t have a clear picture of it. Yoga for the many people is an exercise and a means to concentrate with the mind and soul.

It is a great advantage that free online yoga was offered to the people. They say that the web is the easiest way to gain, search and acquire knowledge. Almost everything is learned from the web and it is no wonder why the people get hooked on it.

Free online yoga chooses no one in particular. Everyone is a candidate in learning yoga. All you need to do is to have your own computer and get hooked on to it.

If you want to learn from the basics, the net has the resources on how to learn it the easy way. As long as you know how to understand and read, you are capable of learning yoga.

It is an amazing breakthrough that yoga is taught in the web. Free online yoga saves you from going to a yoga class. It saves your time, money and effort. Plus, you can freely do it at home without any one looking at you if that is what you prefer.

If you want to have the free online yoga, there are some certain requirements that you need.

Now you will wonder if free online yoga is really advantageous. If it is, then why are all the people going to schools and bringing their mats on their backpack if they can acquire it at home.

Of course not everybody has their own personal computer. If you have a computer, it’s as easy as connecting to the web and browsing the net.

There are a lot of web sites that offered free online yoga. You can search from a variety of sites and be sure not to leave off any.

Some sites that offer free online yoga will only ask you to register. You will just have to fill up some important information like your state address, name, age and gender. These information is important in giving you the information you need. The age is something they need to consider because not all practices are suitable for all ages. For example for the older ones, they cannot perform a lot of stretching and bending. This is important why you should fill up correct information.

In choosing the best site to have your online free yoga, you should make sure that the things they teach you are all correct because some yoga practices can lead to disaster and disorders.

There are some sites that do not really teach the right and recommended yoga. They just want to be part of the trend that is why they imitate the original sites. Practicing the wrong yoga poses and positions entail a lot of risk in your health. So this thing must be handled properly.

Although free online yoga is displayed on the net, it does not mean that you have to trust it easily.

Kundalini Yoga and the Awakening

The most powerful yoga is known as the Kundalini Yoga. It is powerful that it was called the mother of all the Styles of Yoga. This type of yoga awakens the base of our spine which is known as the Muladhara Chakra.

The word Kundalini was derived from kunda which means “pot”. Kundalini Sadhna is described to be the coiled energy that looks like a serpent which has three and a half coils which are resting at the bottom of the spine. The three coils in Kundalini Yoga are known as the three Gunas which are the Sattva, Rajas, Tamas. The VIkritis represent the half coil.

In anatomy, the kundalini is found in the perineum region of our body. For the males, it is found between the testicles and the rectum. For the female, it is found between the clitoris and the vagina.

Kundalini Yoga is also known as the symbol of equality and power for both genders. The masculine power is known to be Siva and Sakti for the females. They become the elemental source of power and energy when they are united. The union of Siva and Sakti occurs in the brain which gives us the sense of feeling and affection, energy, love. This means Kundalini Yoga is good to eliminate the feeling of sorrow, depression, anger and jealousy.

Kundalini Yoga gives reward to Yogis who maintain unity awareness and spiritual transformation. The Kundalini produces a hissing sound when it is awakened. It sounds just like a beaten serpent as it goes from the Muladhara Chakra to the Brahma Nadi and to the Sahasrara Chakra.

In the year 1969, Yogi Bhajan introduced Kundalini Yoga. It includes the practices of the common Mantra, meditation, chanting, breathing and the classic poses. This type of yoga actually focuses more on chanting and breathing. It does not really concentrate in the Kundalini Yoga Poses alone.

If you are curious about Kundalini Yoga, it is good to know the path it takes. One thing you need to understand is the Nervous System and the Spinal Cord. These two are the main focus of Kundalini Yoga. It targets your Spinal Cord and the Nervous System.

The Nervous System as we all know is the main control or the center of our body. The Nervous System is responsible for the imaginations, thoughts, intelligence and memory that we have. The Nervous System composes of the brain, the nerves and most especially the Spinal Cord which gives us posture and stand. The Spinal Cord is made up of delicate nerves and tissues that is why we need to take care of it. Kundalini Yoga will be the most appropriate practice for this.

The infamous Kundalini awakening is not that easy to learn. It is also something that we can find or learn in books. If there was, you might be confused or perplexed in learning the process. If you want to master Kundalini awakening, it should be based on experience. After series of trials and sessions, you will find out that Kundalini awakening took place and it was all because you were just too eager and concentrated to learn it.

Now what you have to do is grab that amazing concentration and start working on your Nervous System and Spinal Cord. If you want to stay healthy and maintain a good posture, Kundalini Yoga is just waiting for you to practice it.

Tantric yoga knows it all

Tantric Yoga highlights the exaltation of the physical being more than anything else.

Tantra is known to be the concept that arises out of this kind of commitment to oneself, which is the basis of Tantra. And the supporters of this side of belief are called tantrics. These people not only worship the physical state but also got to any degree to please the body to achieve occult powers.

As of this time, it is not widely practiced and used in India. And it survived only in some parts of India in the middle of the jungles and hills of the Himalayas.

However, there are many clashes about its origin and source. Some have researched and discovered that the Pre-Aryans are the originators and others transcribe it to the norms of the early people. It is known to have risen at the same time Buddhism was flourishing. And because of this, some Buddhists had incorporated and adopted some of the Tantric signs and symbols.

And later on, it has grown to form a faction or guild. Like the Vedas, Tantras are composed of collections of poems and verses that speak of the elaborate methods on the righteous and proper of worship and adoration.

Often, some people perceive them as obscure and mystical in sense that is usually addressed to the persons who perform or do tantric acts. These persons are usually, sadhakas. These Sadhakas live a very simple life. And the practice of Yoga is like a prayer for them. He usually meditates in the lone and secluded places in the countryside far, far away from the madding society. His robes and his begging bowl distinguish him. He also sells medicine, shells, charms and herbal pieces.

This may be his good side but the other half lingers in vicious outrages and he inflicts austerities upon himself. The various positions of love-making and sex itself outline a significant principle of tantrism.

According to some, there is a way of acquiring sidhi. This is through practicing Kundalini or serpent’s power. It says that in order to awaken the serpent, one must practice and perform a certain type of Yoga or mediation. Through this, the serpent is said to arise gradually. With constant practice, the serpent uncoils and awakens which in return, explodes a vast from of energy. As the process continues, the skin is becoming hot and sweating occurs until a stinging sensation is achieved or experienced. Once this is attained, it is said to be so prevailing that it may destroy the person if not controlled.

Soon, it rises and when it has come to its limit or peak, one feels absolute pleasure. And once this is attained, he therefore becomes a sage or Sadhu. Tantrism also involves the dissipated way of acquiring supernatural powers.

It is said that in order to gain deliverance, one must do everything that he wants to do even though it is immoral or prohibited.

It is also said that some tantric yoga exercises aids and improves the general and sexual health. With healthy reproductive organs, one can have improved well being and it is favorable for sexual activities. It is like the respiratory system, which needs air to function.

There are various exercises, both physical and spiritual which helps in integrating the body, mind and spirit into one. These different exercises are good to start each day with and favorable before going to bed.

Through this, the physiological functions of the body are stimulated and therefore revitalizes the whole well being of a person.

Tracing the History of Yoga

The History of Yoga has a lot to do with the present times. The earliest Yoga started some 5000 years ago since human civilization has begun. The scholars have believed that Yoga was originated out of Stone Age Shamanism.

This is because there were some cultural similarities between Mehrgarh which was a Neolithic settlement and the Modern Hinduism. The shamanistic culture of Mergarh was in fact influenced by Hindu ideals, symbols and rituals of the present. The ancient shamanism and early Yoga had so much similarity for the reason both wanted to go beyond the human condition.

Shamanism’s primary goal was to heal the members who were in their community and at the same time act as the religious mediators.

Archaic Yoga also had the same objectives as they were community oriented and they aimed to determine the enormous order through senses and inner vision which then can be applied to our daily lives.

As time went on, Yoga has progressed and has regarded the inmost experience. Yogis then have focused on how to improve the individual enlightenment, recovery and salvation.

Yoga’s evidences were first tracked in the archeological evidence which was found in stone seals exhumed from the Indus valley. Yoga postures were traced and seen fro the figures which were illustrated in the stone seals. the artifacts were placed on History books circa 3000 B.C., which was linked to the great Indus-Sarasvati Civilization which was known to be the largest civilization that exist in the ancient world. The Indus-Sarasvati, being a maritime society, exported goods all over Africa and the Middle East. They build up sewage systems and put up geometrical brick roads and constructed multistory buildings.

The Vedas are known as the oldest scripture in the world which were the ancient texts, was brought by the Indus-Sarasvati civilization. It was a compilation of hymns that commends a high power which included the oldest recorded teachings in Yoga. They have considered this the divine revelation. The intelligence of the Vedas was known as the Pre-classical Yoga or the Vedic. This was described by the ritualistic ceremonies that the Yoga practitioners have been required in order to go beyond the limitations of the mind.

The history of yoga would not have been completed in the classical stage of yoga. After the time and turn of the millennium, yoga and its spread in different forms have come up with the need for standardization. This is important so that the people will be aware with it and it can be applied by them. Due to this, during the second century, C.E., Patanjali has composed and collected seminal text which was the Yoga-Sutra which had defined the Classical Yoga.

At the age of Postclassical Yoga in the enormous history of Yoga, it gave rise to some productive literature which has included the Tantra and the Hatha which is famously known nowadays. These were taught in schools for Yoga and practiced by many. Therefore, post classical Yoga is described to the adaptation of our present state. It is the time when yoga has evolved greatly and introduced to people. It has then been applied in the United States in the 1800’s.

Now in the recent decades, yoga has greatly and swiftly evolved. Swami Sivananda was one of the prominent gurus ever to master yoga. He has served as a doctor and he has generously opened up schools in Europe and America.

Now as we move on with the yoga practices that we have today, it is much helpful and easier to understand if we looked back on the history of yoga.

Have some Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga is known as the 5000 year old system which was used to increase the healthy body, mind and spirit. People who do Hatha Yoga combine the stretching exercises of asanas into their practice. It includes the mental concentration and breathing techniques.

The Lotus position from Asanas is being used in practicing Hatha Yoga.  

The goal of applying Hatha Yoga is just the same as using other kinds of Yoga. It aims to blend the human spirit with the peaceful spirit of the Universe. With this practice, the person doing the Yoga exercise increases their spiritual, mental, physical and emotional health and aspect.

Doing Hatha Yoga gives you peace and keeps your environment and the world as one. In doing yoga, including all types of yoga, concentration is the root or main ingredient for a successful yoga

All other types of Yoga have some similarities in one way or the other. The main focus of Hatha Yoga is to prepare the body to give in so that the spirit will be able to absorb and accomplish its mission. The spirit is responsible in lifting and enlightening. When the spirit is enlightened, the mind is relaxed and it throws away all stress and pain. The body does too.
Too many people get confused because they do not understand that if your body is not healthy and unfit; your spirit cannot successfully accomplish the task. So the goal of Hatha Yoga is perfect to apply if your spirit is weak.

Hatha Yoga will help encourage your body to move and advance positively to a level in which the spirit will be able to work properly. Your spirit and body needs to respond positively so that the mind will be able to keep up with a good concentration.

When people hear of the word Yoga, Hatha Yoga will come to their minds first. Hatha Yoga is popular and it is the popular branch of Yoga. In fact, the other style of yoga such as the Kundalini, Ashtanga, Bikram and Power Yoga has originated from Hatha Yoga.

Hatha Yoga is known as the vehicle for the soul. It is responsible for driving the body and the spirit into the universe. Just imagine soaring to the universe and feel no gravity at all. That is just so relaxing and tempting.

Concentration is something that is hard to maintain and recover. If you find yourself easily distracted by outside forces, Hatha Yoga might work to fight it.

The best thing about practicing Hatha Yoga is that it helps you find out for your self that there is a divine light that shines in you. Not only does it enlighten you but it can help you become stronger, relaxed and flexible.

The exercise involved in doing Hatha Yoga allows the spiritual energy to flow through the open energy channels. This will be possible if the mind, body and spirit is working good and has harmony. Of course maintaining a healthy body is the most important of all. If your body is weak, your mind and spirit is affected too

When you practice Hatha Yoga, you can easily cope up with stress and relieve some pain and tension. Sometimes, work leaves you wasted and exhausted so you need to relax once in a while. Hatha Yoga is the best remedy to release that pain and tension.

Want some Free Yoga Exercises?

Like everyone, you too would be interested in doing this set of free yoga exercises meant for just you!
These free yoga exercises will instruct you on how to practice yoga exercises; you just need to have a discipline and confidence to yourself in performing the exercises.

Yoga as a system of physical exercise it is designed to improve your body strength, increase the vital flow of energy and gives a peace of mind. This free exercise is performed by different poses and needs to be practiced correctly.

The daily routine starts with having the a fixed procedure of practice everyday in three points; first, Japa meaning chanting some mantra over and over to maintain the same consciousness; second, study by reading some yoga scripts; and third, meditation which should be performed at a fixed time in a fixed place everyday.  

The beginning pose of these free yoga exercises should be the Corpse pose, and be repeated between other asanas (yoga poses) and as a final relaxation. The easy pose which is the standard pose is also a good position for meditation while allowing your mind to gain strength and relax.

Start these yoga exercises with the warm up exercises to relax and prepare your muscles for the next exercises. After warm up you can perform the shoulder lifts the natural following exercise and the eye exercise, which can improve your eyesight and prevent tiredness. For the next exercises you can practice sun salutation which will stretch all your body muscles, this to prepare for the much more difficult exercises. Try also leg raise, which will tone your leg muscles, giving you more endurance and improved flexibility; head stand pose is also good for resting some of your organs such as heart.

Now prepare your mind and body for much more difficult yoga exercise.

Start with the bridge and plough poses; this will increase your back flexibility. It might look difficult to perform but this poses can easily reached by performing it gently. At first this exercise might not be perfect because it takes time to develop and execute them correctly. After that try forward bend pose to stimulate the nervous system and then fish pose, it tones the chest muscles and lungs.

Women who suffer from menstrual problems can try the cobra pose, it stimulates the pelvic and lower abdomen area, improving the circulation and massaging the internal organs.

The locust pose on the other hand can help strengthen the lower back. Locust pose is also known to help prevent constipation.

The bow is another pose that will help your back area remain strong and flexible at the same time and abdominal fat my also be reduced if proper diet is applied. Furthering this yoga exercise you can try the half spinal twist pose for your spines.

You can improve your joints and arm strength by the crow pose; this will give you more breathing capabilities. Then followed by hands to feet pose and the triangle, the pose requires your body’s strength and flexibility. For the final perform the corpse pose to regain any energy that has been lost during these free yoga exercise and also to rest your body.

Try these free yoga exercises and see which ones work the best for you! Use the ancient wisdom of yoga to keep you in a healthy and comfortable lifestyle.

Dahn yoga for the soul

Yoga is widespread and is continuously being developed today. Millions of people around the world are into this activity. Its influence is vast and is constantly increasing. Of the so many forms of Yoga, hatha yoga is by far the most common form.

It involves both the breathing control mechanism and the physical exercise and postures combined. This exercise allows optimized blood circulation and improves one’s flexibility, stamina, strength and vitality.

Moreover, it is also a form of peaceful mediation that contributes to self-awareness and gives an extra energy that makes you have a warm perspective of life. Various centers are located and established on cities to promote awareness.
However, one may not need a tutor or a teacher in order to learn or perform Yoga. One can simply look for a book or find an appropriate DVD or video to suit your need. Aside from hatha Yoga, there exists another kind of Yoga. it is known as Dhan Yoga.

It is also referred to as Dahn Hak ot Dahnak. It started as an early form of Korean instruction program that aims to teach the people on how to expand and widen both the body and mind. For a certain period of time, it has been discovered that it had vanished but was later on rediscovered and its first center was established on Korea.

It was in 1991 that Dahn Yoga was brought into the United States. There are also existing centers there that have been established as time went by. Dahn Yoga does not only focus on the fitness aspects of Yoga.

It also educates the person on the principles and concepts on how the energy acts or moves in the body. It also teaches that ageing and weakening of the body is caused by stress. And removing stress will definitely improve one’s health and prolong his life. They believe that one should know how to improve and develop that energy flow inside the body.
Through this, health is efficiently monitored and safeguarded. With Dahn Yoga, one must know how to communicate and correspond to his physical body.

They also believe that our body has its natural healing power. And this natural healing ability can only be achieved when one has stimulated that certain energy that connects the body to the conscious mind.

Through deep stretching, breathing methods and meditation, Dhan Yoga promotes physical, mental, and spiritual healing and to connect us into our spiritual selves. It promotes body relaxation and the discovery of inner consciousness.

It gives a life away and free from stress and anxiety and a life which has self-control and enhanced concentration.

Through meditation and breath work, energy is accumulated in the body. As a result, the functioning of the internal organs and systems in the body is enhanced.

Moreover, the toxins and possible threats of disorder is hindered in a way. Then the feeling of better physique and well-being is achieved. This, in turn, boosts self-confidence and positive thinking. A new self is realized and released from addictive behaviors.

By the integration of the body and mind, latent abilities are realized and goals are set.  In addition, Dahn Yoga practitioners sometimes volunteer teaching and training without payment. Dahn Yoga is altogether a group that is willing to promote healthy well-being, a happy mind, and a peaceful community.

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Need power? Try Core Power Yoga

Core power yoga is an energetic yoga exercise that physically and mentally challenges to help connect to inner power without stopping and accompanied by a heated, climate controlled Vinyasa. It heals, detoxifies and stimulates the body and mind through balance and intention.

Power yoga has created a dynamic, challenging program that combines strength, sweat and spirituality. It recognizes power in different levels; first is the physical power which develops the body’s strength and improve health; second is the mental power or the will to concentrate on the practice; and last the spiritual power which is the power behind the physical and mental power.

Core power yoga is the Western version of the Indian Ashtanga Yoga. The term was was given by Beryl Bender Birch, an Ashtanga Yoga teacher. It has been brought to the west by followers of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, a renowned Sanskrit scholar who inspired Western Yogis with his Ashtanga Yoga Style and philosophies.

There are three programs in power yoga. “Core Power” is designed to strengthen abdominals and back and includes both abs-focused Vinyasa power yoga poses and variations of muscle-toning moves. “Unlocking Athletic Power” will develop flexible strength with an emphasis on abs, back, hips and pelvis. “Soul of Strength” on the other hand is a fast-moving power yoga program with a distinct “mid-body” emphasis and some very challenging moves.

Yoga sessions are done in a heated room and composed of different cardiovascular exercises intended to develop strength and flexibility, increase stamina, improves the ability to focus, release tensions and remove toxins through sweating.

Core power yoga practice also requires the execution of yoga poses. Poses are done in a fast pace, some poses are even held longer than the required five breaths. This practice can increase physical endurance and ability to focus on any task for a long time without breaking the concentration.

What is the difference between core power yoga and other exercises?

Core power yoga is a vinyasa style that has a unique program offering and focuses on core strength, balance and flow to build a solid practice based on strength and spirit. It offers diverse classes like Hot Yoga, Yoga Sculpt, Bootcamps, Teacher Trainings and Mat Pilates. Moreover, it provides better instructors that are personally involved in students’ progress, strong and forceful leaders who pays more attention to the students needs. Also the teachers of this exercise work with the students to personalize their programs and creating a sense of belonging and community. And lastly, it provides quality facilities equipped with a unique top tier amenities and a balance aura.

This exercise also offers great health benefits; this lengthens and stretches the muscles and at the same time it builds stamina, strength and lean muscle and mass. It also increases body heat that kills some bacteria and creates a finely tuned state of consciousness of the workings of the body. The focus of core power yoga is on the coordination of the breath movement, connecting the body, mind and spirit to the warmest level.

Core power yoga is best to those who want to improve their performance in their chosen sports like cycling, football, swimming, skiing, surfing, running/athlete, martial arts and other team sports. Some training grounds in sports practice this exercise in transition for aerobics.

Core power yoga can reshape your body and mind!

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The Principle behind Christian Yoga

Christian yoga is a spiritual practice of Christians most common in Eastern and Western Countries. It is a discipline that one practices to be much closer to God.  Taking the path of Christian yoga can lead to healing of the mind and body. But perhaps even more important than that, it can lead to the discovery of what at the moment is only a potential within you.

Many of classes in the U.S teach the practice of yoga, the physical discipline that focuses on postures or asana, and employ no religious teaching at all. Other yoga teachers have training in yoga schools.

Practitioners say that Christian yoga fills a need for believers who want the health benefits of yoga but are put off by the practice’s ancient Hindu roots. With this, it brings together the wonderful physical benefits of yoga within their spiritual beliefs.

The doctrines and practices of yoga date from the period of the Upanishads. The word yoga originated from Hindus, it is a religious practice of Hinduism that through the practice of certain disciplines one may achieve liberation from the limitations of flesh, the delusions of sense, and the pitfalls of thought and thus attain union with the object of knowledge.

Though developed in the ancient Hindu tradition, the movements of Christian yoga are so universal that they can adapt to or be adopted by any culture or spiritual path.

The yoga has been known for many years, and was practiced by some of the Early Christian during the persecution. The spirit and love that touched the Early Christian has been inherent from the men and women today. Christian yoga is about unfolding some of these wonderful possibilities each hold latent. It is about possibilities so amazing that many early Christians were willing to die in support of keeping a doorway open for other people to claim them. Go into it and are transformed by following the Christian pathway, the Christian yoga.

In the Eastern belief, Christian yoga is not an Eastern postures or breathing techniques, rather the aim is to open to an influence that can transform and heal. Eastern yoga attempts to drop the ego, the Christian path aims at transforming the personality. Christian yoga is described absolutely in the New Testament in the story of Jesus’ life as an allegory. It is a step-by-step way of transformation and the finding of a new life. As Jesus promised, this ‘heaven’, this new awareness of your life, is not far away. It is already yours if you know how to find it.

In Western, Christian yoga from its very beginning women played an important role in its practice and teachings. It is about universal processes of life, of mind and heart.

Christian yoga has garnered criticism, despite of its prevalence.

Many Christians says that Christian yoga is incompatible with Christianity, and emphasizing that it is not a religion in itself. Other says that there is no such as Christian yoga because it blends two different belief structure. Catholic priests in Mexico City instructed their parishioners not to attend Yoga classes because this practice would lead to other god’s and Eastern religion beliefs.

Though critics have charged that yoga’s ancient Hindu origins are incompatible with Christian faith, practitioners say the exercise is an ideal vehicle for spiritual reflection.

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Things I've Learned in Bikram Yoga

There are many reasons why you should use Bikram Yoga. The advantages of Bikram Yoga can totally change your life. It’s amazing how Yoga can trigger your life and change your perspectives.

Bikram Yoga is widely known as the “hot yoga”. It was also called the Bikram Method Yoga. This aims to build your mental and physical strength. Improving your flexibility and balance is important and covered by Bikram Yoga.

Bikram yoga has roots in Hatha yoga which was designed to heal the mind and the body.

Bikram Choudhury was the founder of Bikram Yoga. He was a founder and a yoga practitioner. He developed Bikram Yoga after he met an injury in a weightlifting accident. He was so determined that he had discovered some healing benefits in practicing some exercises. A lot of people have proven the benefits of Bikram Yoga so the practice was passed on and many people continued to practice it.

Some people practice Bikram Yoga for healing purposes and physical therapy. This type of Yoga was proven helpful in bringing holistic benefits to those who believed and practiced it.

In fact, there was a patient who suffered from a knee injury. He tried to practice Bikram Yoga and just six weeks after continuous practice, his knees started to feel better. Some difficulties and pains that he suffered from were all disappearing.

In order to be successful with the healing process of Bikram Yoga, you need devotion in practicing it.

There are some people who do not believe in the benefits of Bikram Yoga. Bikram Choudhury developed Bikram Yoga with the help of some scientists. The scientists from the University of Tokyo University Hospital proved that Bikram Yoga has medical benefits. Some of its benefits include the repairing of tissues and helps in curing chronic ailments.

The findings and benefits were presented at the International Medical Conference in the year 1972. It was stated that Bikram Yoga has the ability to affect the body internally. 

The poses and pressure replenishes the cells and the flushing toxins in our body. It also oxygenates blood throughout our body keeping it clean and healthy.
While Bikram was on his research at Tokyo University, he discovered that the healing process takes place when all the body systems are functioning well, conditioned and strengthened. If the body is weak, applying the practice and healing method will be difficult to obtain.

Bikram has come up with twenty-six posture exercises which are to be practiced every day. In doing so, treatment in the body can be easily obtained. Some poses are accumulated with the combination of the western and eastern disciplines in Yoga which focuses on the stretching of the muscles, tendons, organs, nerves, glands and ligaments.

The different postures have connections and each of it precedes a posture that is helpful in treating the body effectively.

Anyone who wants to do yoga can use Biktam Yoga. It chooses no age at all. This type of yoga works with a tourniquet effect which includes balancing, stretching and creating pressure which is all done at a same time to keep a good blood flow to all the parts of the body.

Thanks to Bikram Choudhury, we can now have solutions to some of our medical problems. Always remember that dedication and devotion to Bikram Yoga is the main ingredient to staying healthy.

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