Question by ~~~~~~~: What kind of yoga should I do for endometriosis?
I was recently diagnosed with endometriosis. I am going to try a Holistic/Alternative approach to treatment and “cure”, as a supplement to medical treatment.
I want to start yoga. What kind of yoga should I do that would be best for this condition? I know that yoga can do more harm than good if you are doing the wrong kind.
Any videos to get? Should I try “yoga for fertility” videos?
Also, any advice on endmoteriosis treatment would be appreciated! Thank you!
Best answer:
Answer by William T
Yoga is very relaxing and good for stress release, which improves your overall health. However, it will not directly help your endometriosis. I suggest you find a place that’s close and cheap and go with a friend. It’s more fun in pairs.
What do you think? Answer below!
You should try EFT.
Emotional Freedom Techniques. You can learn the basics for free from this website.You can also download the EFT course for free on The Pirate Bay torrent.You can find tonnes of yoga video’s as well on pirate bay.
Depending on how serious your symptoms are… I would probably start with hatha yoga as hot yoga may be a little much.
There are certain poses that can help alleviate the symptoms of endometriosis. I would be cautious to count on yoga entirely to “heal” your condition but you are using it as a supplement anyways. 🙂
My issue with most videos is that it’s hard to find the proper alignment for a certain poses. So you can end up really hurting by muscling into a pose or overstretching. Or sometimes, there aren’t enough variations given in a video. Maybe you can’t get into the pose, maybe you can get into the pose and don’t feel anything. It’s tough to modify poses on your own without experience.
Most studios have promotions for first time visitors. My studio has one week unlimited and one month unlimited specials for your first time. I would probably head into a studio and talk to the teacher ahead of time about your condition… That way, he / she can keep an eye on you in class and help you with poses that can help your condition.
A good resource is also Yoga Journal.
I hope all goes well for you. Namaste!