Question by ryansoccer21m: What types of Yoga would be good for soccer?
What types of Yoga would be good for soccer? I know there are different types but am not entirely sure which to try that would best suited for physical fitness for soccer performance. Thanks in advance.
Best answer:
Answer by Dances with Buddha
I would think you’d want a yoga style that contributes to your stamina/endurance.
If that sounds correct, look for instruction that bills itself as either Power yoga, Ashtanga yoga, or at minimum, Vinyasa yoga.
If your gym/fitness center offers a yoga class, it’s likely some sort of Power yoga.
Ashtanga yoga is a more regimented form of Power yoga. You may want to save trying that until you decide if you’re really interested in yoga.
Your last choices would probably be styles such as Iyengar, Anusara, Restorative, Kundalini, plus others I’m leaving out.
Good luck,
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