Lucid dreaming simply means dreaming while you are aware of it. How is it possible, conscious of dreams? That may disturb your thoughts. Don’t be doubtful. You need constant effort and disciplined life style to be aware of your dreams and control it. If you take a little effort you can make your uncontrollable dream in to controllable and beautiful.
Tag Archives: Yoga
Astral Travel, The Universe And You!
Think back to the last time you had one of those dreams where you’re flying and you’ll be able to get a sense of what astral travel is like. When your astral body is exploring, this is how it makes its way around. It’s like flying, but you can be anywhere you want to be instantly; all you have to do is to focus on it. While your physical body and your mind are at rest, your astral body is free to set off and allow you to experience astral travel.
Lucid Dreaming – How It Can Be Done
If you want to get control over your dream start lucid dreaming. The very clear definition about lucid dreaming is dreaming and being aware of it. By practicing lucid dreaming you can make your dream what you wish. It usually takes place in the middle of your sleep. The person in this condition is called lucid.
Communicating Telepathically – Just A Myth Or Is It Possible?
Communicating telepathically is one of those strange things that most people deny exists, but yet the idea still holds us captivated. Mind control and communicating without speaking are things that have been talked about, experimented with, and speculated about both in fiction and non-fiction for hundreds of years.
What Is K2 Incense?
K2 Incense is a blend of botanicals and other herbs that are combined together with other ingredients such as canavalia rosea, nelumbo nucifera, clematis vitalba and other fragrant plants. All of these ingredients are put together to create an aromatic incense that many times is used in meditation practices or as a means to calm the spirit. Six variations of the incense are available, and each of them contains different blends of the ingredients.
Inducing Lucid Dreams A Beginners Guide
When during sleep you are completely aware that you are dreaming and in some cases even have the power to control the images that you see in your dreams, you are said to be lucid dreaming.
Your Mind Power Is Incredible!
Your mind power is the most crucial thing that you have, with which to face life. It is that one tool you have in your hand that can transform the word ‘miracle’ into ‘possible’ for you. The power of the subconscious is tremendous. If used to its full potential, you can create your own destiny in the way you want with the help of your mind power.
More About The Law Of Attraction
The law of attraction is one among the hottest topics of discussions today. What is law of attraction? You might have come across this question. It is a scientifically proved fact that we can gain our wants trough strong desires. That is our thoughts in our conscious and unconscious mind can influence our chances of gaining our wants in life. We can see indications to such theory even in age old books and literature like Shakespearian tragedies. To day it is not mere talk but a scientifically proved fact that our conscious can influence our gains.
The Law Of Attraction In Action
You may be asking yourself this question right now, “Do I have the law of attraction?” In truth it is something that has been festering inside all of us since man came into existence. I do not think there is a person out there no matter how good they are that does not have any wants or desires whether it is for themselves, others around them or just complete strangers it is inherent in all of us.
Do We Already Follow The Law Of Abundance?
Do you already follow the law of abundance? Are you healthy? Are you wealthy? Do you have relationships with others? In short if you answered yes to all three questions then there is a good chance that you are following the law of abundance.