Tips In Finding The Right Yoga Teacher
Tips In Finding The Right Yoga Teacher
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Home Page > Health > Tips In Finding The Right Yoga Teacher
Tips In Finding The Right Yoga Teacher
Posted: Mar 17, 2010 |Comments: 0
In the last few years, yoga has been popularly revived by many fitness enthusiasts all over the world. It has been included by many as part of their active lifestyle. You can see new classes being held in different locations every day while hundreds of new yoga instructors have been taking certifications annually. Having this said, how will you be able to find the perfect yoga instructor for you and be certain that they have the right knowledge and good teaching skills that you are looking for?
Basically, there may be different schools of yoga but its curriculum is fundamentally based on similar yoga movements. It can vary on the combinations and tempos with the intention of achieving particular results. You may check first the course brochure of the yoga school which can be informative and helpful in determining the best yoga place to enroll. If you are trying to shed off some pounds, then you may want to consider one of those nearby yoga schools in your area that offer fast-paced yoga classes. But if you are in search of a place for spiritual tranquility, then you may like a slower-paced yoga better as it comes with longer holds. It will really depend on your purpose for enrolling in a yoga course in finding the right yoga instructor. There are more than a few yoga schools that may all meet your kind of need. Never easily give up on the first one you have chosen as it will be a good opportunity for you to try and find the suitable yoga teacher to address your concerns.
In reality, responding to a yoga instructor may be a bit challenging if you don’t have the right type of yoga teacher to begin with. There is no such real certification process or an approved training progression that is being given. In view of the fact that there are no standards to be taken as a formal reference, each person can claim themselves to be one of those professional yoga teachers.
That is the main reason why you have to know the kind of training a prospect yoga instructor has had. You have to find out the following:
1.) Which yoga school did he study?
2.) How many hours did he put in to study and work in becoming a teacher?
The program your prospect yoga teacher should have must include practice sessions in teaching more than actual learning. Moreover, the recommended standard is at 200 hours. You will get to see other certification programs that will take a person about a year or more to complete while there are those programs that includes extreme correspondence-type of course study. If this is the case, you are expected to pay more and learn more from the former kind of teacher to prevent getting into a longer yoga courses.
In addition, it is also important to verify his experiences. Check on how long s/he has been teaching yoga. More often than not, it is true in this case that the longer the experiences of the teacher, the better s/he is in teaching his/her students. Although you should not negate the new instructors since there are a lot of promising new yoga instructors too. It is also recommended that you interview some of their students. This way, you will get to know what it is about your prospect teacher that they like and appreciate plus the details your teacher has to change. It is also necessary to experience a session with your soon-to-be yoga teacher by going to a trial class. This will be one of the perfect venues where you can do a comparison between your ideal yoga instructor vs. your prospect teacher.
You can also want to ask your potential yoga teacher most especially if you are new to it and discuss your purpose and plans with him/her. Find out details like how s/he got into the practice of yoga, the styles s/he has learned and practiced and the schools s/he has attended. It is also helpful to know what s/he usually focuses into during her yoga classes. Answers may vary from flexibility, strength, meditation or balance. Furthermore, you also have to find out if s/he limits her class size. Your present condition is also vital in finding the right yoga teacher to teach you as you may be suffering from high blood pressure, muscle pains, and other physical challenges. Thus, it is necessary that you inform the instructor about these concerns and find out if s/he has past experiences dealing with similar cases.
Here are reliable signs to watch out for in seeking a certified yoga instructor:
1.) Is s/he excited about yoga and its countless advantages for his/her students?
2.) Does s/he seem skilled and knowledgeable in making use of Sanskrit names for the Asanas?
Certainly, these questions do not assure you of the expertise but it can give you an idea as to the amount of time they have spent to study yoga.
Once you have checked his/her past experiences and credentials, it is time for you to go for a trial session before you finally sign-up and hire the yoga instructor for a period of time. It is best that you get that feeling of guarantee in yourself that both of you are well-matched to work together. You have to like the routines s/he will lead and find his/her instructions easy to be followed. Preferably, your yoga teacher should give you the personal help when needed. S/he should provide demos and show utmost care for his/her students by closely watching them to ensure that his/her students are doing it the right way to prevent possible physical injury. Some yoga teachers would even correct not only by giving instructions verbally but with light repositioning of your body. If you have suffered from serious soreness after a session, then it is an indication that you did an unbalanced routine. Thus, you may want to consider of finding another yoga teacher.
Always remember not to get disheartened with a bad yoga instructor. You just have to try all over again. Who knows? It may just be worth all the trials in finding that better yoga instructor in no time!
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