Yoga and Meditation for Stress In this video Gurucharan Singh talks about the effects of stress on our mind and body and gives a Kundalini Yoga excercise and meditation to help you deal with this stress. Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, Ph.D., is a yogi, psychotherapist, teacher and writer, and a recognized expert in Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. He is also the founder and the Director of Training of KRI (Kundalini Research Institute).
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Molly and Ellie meet up with Strala Yoga instructor Tara Stiles to learn a few key moves that relieve the stress and tension of a long day at the office. Strala Yoga Tara Stiles Tara on YouTube Tara on Twitter Tara on Facebook For more news and additional information including images and videos visit… For up to the minute updates, follow us on Twitter! For behind the scenes pics and more, follow us on Facebook!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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  1. Thank you for this gift. It might be helpful to see in print the phrases you’ve used. I always remember things better if I can see them. Thanks again.

  2. Namaskar Friend! Thank you so much for your contributions! You have truly contributed to the illumination of the Atman! Blessings upon you.
    Om. Shanti Peace Om. Namaste.
    Yogi C. Mike

  3. Very interesting. I might try this. Whats with that background musak thought?

    Thanks for posting this.

  4. @Blahblerdeda People of all ages have wanked it to this.

    There is no shame in being sexually attracted to these women. Leave the sexual repression to the religious right and enjoy.

  5. Thanks, used the moves while watching… though the latter ones I think I would fall over after sitting at my desk for long periods. Thanks for the vid ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. There are pervy comments on all of the Rocketboom videos with Molly and Ellie.

    Though it serves them right for being so attractive.

  7. I just took Tara’s class yesterday! She was so great… check out my channel for the video about it ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Dear rocket boom: Make more fappable videos such as this on, im sure people will stand behind me on this. Cheers

  9. 2:14 OMG the position to get pregnant !

    I really wanna leave my sperm in Mollyยดs Vagina !

    HAHAHA . . .

  10. at 1.54. wish i was standing behind them & slap them from back.


    just smile okay no hurt feeling.

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