Abundance Affirmations And Their Power To Create Change

“The power of intention is the power to manifest, to create, to live a life of unlimited abundance, and to attract into your life the right people at the right moments.” Wayne Dyer (Spiritual Guru)

This is the hope that allows us to continue on with our lives, a purpose by which we explain our existence. The difficulties and darkness of this world does not affect our abundance even though they potentially hide it for a while. Our abundance is how our faith is affirmed. It assures us that there is goodness in our lives despite all the hardships of the world.

Abundance is a way that life assures us that it is good and that those bad circumstances are just what they are, circumstances. Abundance is everywhere and yet we cannot find it because we stop ourselves. We do not want to welcome the fact that life gives us the whole thing. We want the kind of abundance that benefits our behaviors and our emotions. Abundance is present in all creation and we look for abundance in love, power, money, health, and happiness.

We are held back by our selfish desires and we fail to see the abundance in our lives. Our minds are darkened by our presumptions and so we fail to see that the universe wants us to be abundant. Our social participations also inhibit our experience abundance. Governments teach us to have a capitalist view on everything and that supply and demand are the controlling factors of this world. That is why people are indebted, because we want to accumulate as many goods and services as we can.

“Seek and you shall find” is what The Bible preaches, and the law of attraction is based on the preaching – the more you seek, the more information you will attract and your life will be a wealth of abundance.

The Bible says “seek and you shall find” and that is what we need to do. To attract abundance, we need to look for it. When we affirm abundance, we have a positive mindset and therefore attract it towards us. Our minds are therefore built to be positive and the effect is positive as well.

Directing your inherent creative and intellectual abilities towards the actualization of a new accomplished successful life can manifest abundance affirmations. Leave behind procrastination. Depriving yourself of healthy nutrition, exercise and personal time, causes poor health and inhibits acquisition of the wealth and well-being you are seeking to achieve. Lack of self-assertiveness also impedes your projections on the road of abundance.

The approach to abundance affirmation is to achieve a balance between physical well-being, financial well-being, spiritual well-being and relationship well-being. Eating healthy, managing your financial resources through intelligent investments, spending quality time with yourself, by being one with the universe or God and spending quality time with friends and family. Sustainable success will result when compassion, love, care and understanding for self and other fellow beings is attained.

Nichole Tyler is a writer for the popular http://www.abundance-info.com website. You can find out how easy it really is to be a huge success with Abundance when you visit this site. Change your life forever with a huge FREE collection of Abundance Book Success Secrets Audios, Ebooks and Videos.

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