adidas Women Rainbeau Mars Yoga workout Part 1
Video Rating: 4 / 5 Try bed yoga stretch and breath- to release tension before going to sleep. This sequence is on your belly- so it may help if you have a tummy ache
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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  1. she has high arches, perfect for performing footfetish yogafoot massage/slaps on my cute little yoga face.

  2. This was my first yoga workout ever. And it was really good. I skipped a few poses cause they were o advanced for me, cause im a beginner. But i will defenetly continue doing this.

    thanks for the videos

  3. I ve been yogging for a year an hour daily ,how much time and practice to overcome the difficult poses

  4. i’d recommend this for more advanced yoga practitioners. it’s dynamic, which is unique and great for a yoga class. but, the pace may be too fast for a beginner / intermediate and also assumes the viewer has prior knowledge of getting in/out of poses. there’s handstand & headstand work, which again, i’d say is advanced. be sure you know how to modify the poses to your level so you don’t hurt yourself!

  5. is it advisable for my wife to pee before she do any yoga because she pissed her legging a few times during yoga!!!

  6. i really like all eighth series,make me sweat..btw all video is not 60 minute but almost one half hours…but i think the videos is great,i have tried it..i love Rainbeau Mars!!

  7. That’s right, but the people looking for enlightenment and fitness through yoga don’t care much about those who are exploited to make their clothes. A cotton t=shirt and comfortable shorts will do it πŸ™‚

  8. Yeah, Goddess energy while endorsing the clothes, expensive ones, that factory workers earn $25 a month making.

  9. Ah!, great to see Big companies getting into the spiritual side of things.
    Wait, this can’t be the same Adidas?!
    The same Adidas who pay workers $25 a month for making sneakers in China?. Surely not the same co’ who had kids working 70 hours a week?. Hold on!, surely not the same Adidas who then punished those same kids if they refused to do overtime?..I was just wondering.
    Om Nama Shivaya. Peace and love.

  10. This is good if you’re feeling lazy or when you’re too tired to make a space in your house and open the matt to do Yoga exercises; still, it relaxes you so that you can go to sleep faster and with a ligher conscious!

  11. Yoga is good if you are felxible .. and person like me who are not able to touch 6 or 8 inches away from floor no yoga for me …..:( …. try teaching me yoga , probably I end up breaking my tendons and ligaments :(.

  12. Very helpful thanks. In the winter sometimes it is too cold to get on a matt in the house. Thank god for hot yoga. Do you think hot yoga is ok for you? Some people say it is too hot.

  13. lol… the things people say on the internet….. Cant wait till I find a girl with these same interests as myself. girl has a great bod and loves to show it off.. can ya blame her?

  14. 1.50 – 1.51. You have really beautiful glutes. She flexed them so easily. Thanks for this. It really helps me to relax before bedtime after a stressful day.

  15. @ladykrittika Some people on youtube post vulgar comments (big suprise) on pretty much anything. I’m sure she’s gotten it before, and accepts it, and isn’t going to let it hold her back when her intention is to show us some great techniques.

  16. Dashama, thank you for this video. I find these stretches and breathing exercises to be very helpful for relaxing, getting to sleep, and loosening my tight muscles! Keep ’em coming!

  17. @ladykrittika I respect your opinion, but why should Dashama let the “perverts out in the world” dictate which videos she makes? I find these bed yoga videos to be extremely helpful.

  18. spam the message from ladykrittika away!! fast guys (we need more yoga videos) im really learning from this πŸ˜‰

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