Are You Searching For The Secret Of Abundance?

People the world over are in search of the secret of changing their lives. They want to find that magic missing secret. They think if they have it, it will provide them will all their wants and needs. They may spend all their time and money in search of the secret. The good news is you will now have the secret, right here, right now! You do not need to search further. You had a consuming desire for it and now the universe is providing it to you.

First you must understand one thing, an abundant life is not just a life filled with a lot of money. Living an abundant life means that you are fulfilled in the three sections of life, Money, Health and Relationships. While there are many that would disagree and they may even try to tell you that the key to living an abundant life is an overflowing amount of money, they are wrong.

For instance, if you are a multi-millionaire, yet you lack in health with only a few days to live, you spend your days staring at the ceiling, then what good will you get from all that money. If you have good health, but have no one to share your life with, how can health create abundant living? You need all three of these components to live an abundant life.

You need the secret that unlocks abundance so that you are healthy, you have meaningful relationships and you have the money you require. The real secret of abundance is your thoughts and emotions. It is that simple, since it is your thoughts and emotions that create your life. They have the power to influence what you want in life as well as keep you held in your current live.

Some people may shake their heads in disagreement, while telling you this is not true. If it were your thoughts and emotions that determine the secret of abundance, then everyone would be living a life of abundance. This is correct. However, if everyone has such power to create an abundant life, then why is it not happening for everyone, everywhere?

The list of reasons can be very long. However, they all center on one fundamental issue. Most people would rather live as they are and complain about it all rather than trying to live an abundant life. For instance, Donald Trump never felt sorry for himself. Bill Gates never doubted he would be a millionaire. They both knew what they wanted; they never doubted their power to make it so. Their minds were set upon creating an abundant life. They knew they would live an abundant life and they became the masters of their own life.

Even though the secret is simple, you have not reason to believe it is so. Keep in mind that everything around you began as a thought of someone. They simply manifested it into reality. For instance, the pen you use, the car you drive the seatbelts in that car, your front door, the toy your child plays with and even the space shuttle all began as a thought.

What this means is you can start right now to create the life you desire. You need to determine what you want. Be specific, you can even write it down. When you determine what you want, look around and then be thankful for what you have now. It may not be perfect; it may not even be exactly what you want right now. However, if you do not appreciate what you already have, you can never have better.

Consider what you want to create and then allow that thought to consume you. Allow it to burn wildly in your heart, soul and mind. You need to be excited about it, since emotion will add more power to the thought. You want to send out a message to the universe that is more than just a small wave; you want to create a Tsunami. To get what you want you have to believe in it and that it is coming to you. Then make sure that you do what you need to in order to make it so.

The secret of abundance is hidden inside your mind, thoughts and emotions. When you change your thought patterns, you can change your life!

Mickie Lake writes for the popular website. You can find out how easy it really is to be a huge success with Secret Of Abundance when you visit this site. Change your life forever with a huge collection of Free Abundance success Secrets Audios and Videos.

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