Does Clenbuterol (know As Clen) Really Works For Diet?

Clenbuterol is a drug for horses. It was banned by the Food and Drug Administration in 1991, because although the drug was found to help add extra weight and muscle in show animals, cases were reported of adverse reactions in people who had consumed the clenbuterol-tainted meat.

Clenbuterol And Hollywood, The Secret Behind It

Technically, Clenbuterol is not a steroid. It is, however, a drug commonly prescribed to treat respiratory problems in horses. In higher than therapeutic doses, it has an ability to induce muscle grows, which is why it has also been used in livestock.

Clenbuterol And Weight Loss Program

The ability of this amazing pill at helping you lose weight is well known worldwide. Many people who wish to lose weight without changing their diet or exercise routine use this medicine. The pill is often referred as being a quick weight loss product that attributes to fast and effective weight loss, without sacrificing your lifestyle.

Clenbuterol Can Loose You Weight Quickly

All fitness and health experts agree that we should focus on losing weight slowly over the course of months. Yet with everyone wanting weight loss within weeks it’s obvious that the average dieter will be looking for a short cut. The question is why do experts recommend we reduce weight slowly?