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  1. @abittersweetodyssey I’m making one with Jane Fonda that is going to be awesome and in Target stores soon!

  2. what yoga mat do you use? i am finding the cheapy i bought to be really slippy and that makes downward dog impossible 😛

  3. Tara, what are the possibilities of yoga from a sailboat? Must the surface be stable?
    You seem adventureous and would try it.

  4. I’ve tried some of this but I always inevitably strain my neck, shoulders and wrists.
    Also how long do you think it should take a person to become this at ease with yoga and what are the basic postures one can begin with to ease into it?

  5. @shapeurmind just make sure you are realistic. tara has good genetics. there is only so much you can do to change your body. most of us can’t look so good no matter what we do, and that is fine.

  6. @shapeurmind thanks! just yoga! . . although all of life is an opportunity to exercise. . I walk a lot and take the stairs whenever I can instead of the elevator. simple things and lots of yoga and healthy eating and healthy thinking!

  7. Hi Tara! You have a fantastic body. You’re such an inspiration cause you’re slim but healthy. I love your legs…do you do any other form of exercise besides yoga? Run..etc…?

    Thanks…love from Portugal 🙂

  8. your voice is so calming, when ever i start watching any of your videos it immediately puts me at ease.

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