Benefits Of Out Of Body Experience

An individual feel his spirit is out of body and floating above his head, this is called out of body experience or OBE. This is a scientifically proved phenomenon and commonly occur when a person about to death. It can be done intentionally if practiced well. Such a process is called Astral Projection. It is proved that souls leave the human body and looking down to it while doctors or physicians trying hard to save their life when they are about to death.

History says many people from ancient India, Egypt, Africa have practiced out of body experience. It had a close religious background and termed it as spiritual walking. According top them human soul and body is two entirely distinct parts and it will gain new one after the death of one body. It may occur for variety of reasons in normal state. Using of Psychedelic drugs or any other drugs, which can leave body in trance. In most case it happens when a body is about to death. However, out of body experience can practice through constant efforts.

In normal cases Out of body experience may occur for variety of reasons. Use of Psychedelic drugs may causes your body to slips to deeper comma state and results in OBE, or any other reason that may lips you to trance.

It does not mean that you can simply undergo astral projection. You need to practice various intellectual exercises like meditation and learn to concentrate on your mind. Your fear of getting back to normal state may inhibit you to practice this. You mind should be well prepared for the astral travel.

When you come to practice out of body experience, never go with a half heart that will never help you to reach your aim. So believe and convince your mind that your soul can leave your body and it can regain after astral travel. Set up all these conditions which are essential for spiritual travel. Next is practicing astral projection. Choose a room which can give you perfect solitude and complete silence. Better to close all doors and windows to close light source which may disturb your concentration.

Lay flat on bed look on roof. Put your hands by your side and close your eyes. Take deep breath and allow slow release, develop a kind of connectedness to darkness around you. Fresh up your mind and leave aside negative thoughts. Ask your mind whether ready for a travel. If no take breath for a little long time. Certain images will flash before your eyes and it will enlarge its size.

Start practicing astral projection. Select a place, which should give you a perfect solitude and never allow any external attractions to divert your focus. Better to close down windows and doors and prevent all light sources. Close your eyes and connect to darkness which crowded you. Take deep breath very slowly and relax. Tell your mind, your soul is leaving and prepare. Gradually you will loose your connection with world and your body starts to shiver. Don’t be afraid; let your soul leave your body.

Choose a place which can give you hundred percent silences and make sure that no any disturbances are there to distract you. Lie flat on bed looking up; put your arms in your side very close to your body. Close your eyes and forget the world around you. Focus on some visuals that come before your closed eyes, gradually that will appear enlarging, this shows your spirit is gradually leaving your body. You will feel shivering, nothing to fear, just focus on breathing and let the soul leave the body.

The author Charles Lemond writes for the website. Enjoy being outer body and also get 29 Free out of body experiences Audios from here.

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