Can Anyone Have Lucid Dreams?

The condition of rest where your body sleeps but your mind is wakeful enough to know that you are dreaming is known as lucid dreams. Thus, it involves a person being aware that he is dreaming and involves him having full control of themselves during this time.

Thus, if you have the power to control your dreams, chances are that since childhood you have visited may places in the world, gone for strange adventures, had gala times with celebrities, acted as a hero to larger than life sci-fi events to save the world, so on and so forth. In short you have made all wishes of yours come true in your dreams.

Thus, just to summarize what we have just heard, lucid dreams involve two things. Firstly, to realize and know that you are dreaming, and secondly to have full control of yourself and your dreams. In that case, do you realize how out of the world experience it could be if you can control your dreams? Especially when you know that nothing you say or do there would actually harm you in reality because it’s just a dream! So it’s safe to say that lucid dreams could be very addictive!

The lucidity or the condition of being clear in head and in control depends on two things primarily. Firstly, how much you can recall of that dream and secondly how much in control you were of the imaginary events seen in it. More these things are intense, more is the lucidity.

Though Lucid Dreams have gained much importance in recent times with the subject becoming a topic of extensive study, it must be mentioned that it had been prevalent since donkey’s years. Starting from proofs in the letters of ancient philosophers, monks practicing dream yoga to more recent writings of people regarding their experiences, lucid dreams, though extremely rare, but have always been present in humans.

Lucid Dreams can be said to be either dream initiated or wake initiated. In case of a dream initiated lucid dream or WILD in short, a person dreams in his sleep and then suddenly it dawns on him that he is dreaming. These kind of lucid dreams are more common and do not involve the person to have any control on their dreams whatsoever but just the mere knowledge about his imaginaries as dreaming.

WILD or Wake initiated Lucid Dream is when an individual only lets his body sleep having his mind in complete wakeful state. That is he passes from the wakefulness to the dream realm being completely aware and in control of themselves. A rare experience and an extremely difficult skill to develop, this involves people experiences loud noises, rough vibrations even distinct feelings of passing from one matter to another during highly intense WILD experiences.

Needless to say that WILD involves complete awareness and knowledge during the transition from wakeful to the dream state and involves the ability to manipulate and change the dream. Hence, this kind of an ability is extremely difficult to develop and involves thorough practicing of various techniques and gradually building up the strength over time in comparison to the DILD where it can be done comparatively easily by subconscious mind affirmations mainly.

John H Kelvin is one of the writers for the website. Discover the amazing experience of lucid dreams for yourself and get 29 Free have lucid dreams Binaural and hypnosis mp3 audios when you visit here.

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