Communicating Telepathically – Just A Myth Or Is It Possible?

Communicating telepathically is one of those strange things that most people deny exists, but yet the idea still holds us captivated. Mind control and communicating without speaking are things that have been talked about, experimented with, and speculated about both in fiction and non-fiction for hundreds of years.

As it happens, all of us communicate this way sometimes. For example, you’ve probably picked up the phone intending to call a friend when they call you before you can even finish dialing their number. You may have also had the experience of knowing exactly what someone was thinking, only to have them confirm it when they speak. In some cases, this is just a coincidence, but these are such common occurrences that many suspect that there is more to these phenomena.

No matter how outlandish you may think the idea of communicating telepathically is, it is something you can do. As a matter of fact, everyone can do this; we’re born with this ability naturally, but it tends to wither away when it isn’t used.

As long as you’re committed enough to devote time and effort to practicing, you can learn to access your telepathy. While you can practice on your own, many have a much easier time learning when they have an experienced telepath to guide them through the process.

Learning to communicate telepathically takes a lot of practice and the ability to focus your mind. When you have someone else to practice your skills with, it’s far easier to develop this skill – it can be hard to gauge your progress if you’re doing it alone.

Choose someone that you know well and who is interested in learning about telepathy as well. Someone who isn’t interested and doesn’t believe in it will only be a hindrance to you. If you are already “in tune” with the person, this will make it easier. If you already feel like you can communicate with them without words, you will have a jump-start. Think of it as the door to their mind is already open to you a little bit and this makes it easier to open it wider.

It’s best to start with small goals. Try having one of you act as the transmitter and the other as the receiver, with both of you writing down the message you’re sending or what you seem to be receiving from the other person. Simple thoughts are the easiest to start with; try colors, shapes and other very easy to interpret thoughts as you begin.

It’s not certain at how long of a distance people can communicate telepathically with each other. People who have learned to control their telepathic abilities may be able to send thoughts back and forth over hundreds, even thousands of miles.

You’ll need to be patient as you practice communicating telepathically. This is something which takes time and there’s more to it than simply bringing your latent abilities to the surface – you also have to learn how to control it, so regular practice and a lot of time and patience are necessary.

Many people have compared it to learning a new language. It seems impossible and ungainly at first. Getting frustrated is easy, and you will probably be tempted to walk away from it. But there are so many amazing things you can experience with it, so you should keep going. This is another reason why having someone close to you helping you. You can be morale support for each other.

One way to keep motivated as you learn to communicate telepathically is to quit while you’re ahead in your practice sessions. When you and your partner have had some success but you’re not yet tired from the mental effort, stop. If you’re not having any luck, stop before you get frustrated; this will only make you want to quit. If you can’t make a telepathic communication in about 15 minutes of trying, then you should set it aside until later.

As long as you’re able to keep up a regular routine of practice with a partner who is trying to learn to communicate telepathically and especially if you have an experienced guide to rely on for advice, you can learn to use this natural mental power. When you’re finally able to use this ability at will, it’s an experience which is so rewarding that all of the effort will seem well worth it.

Nick Symmonds is a writer for the website. You can enjoy the incredible experience of telepathy for yourself and find out the real hidden secrets of how to communicate telepathically when you visit here and get your FREE DVD Package.

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