Could You Have Psychic Power?

Do you sometimes have a premonition that something bad will happen which later turns out to be right? Do you sometimes suddenly come to know of how another person is feeling or what he/she is thinking of? If yes, then chances are that you are a psychic, rather than these incidences being just normal coincidences. I once knew of someone who could close her eyes and concentrate for sometime to see her mother working in the kitchen from a thousand miles away, and its just not her, there are many such people in the world who have such psychic powers.

Psychic power refers to the ability of perceiving information from one’s surroundings which are otherwise hidden from the five sensory organs. Thus, a person can be termed a psychic if he/she has the special ability to see, hear, feel or know certain things which other people cannot. Commonly known as extra sensory perception, psychic powers are believed to be born with or developed after a tragic near death experience or a major event in a person’s life which might have turned him towards a spiritual lane. Whatever might be its origin, it has a profound impact on the person’s life being perceived as either a special gift or a curse.

Various types of psychic powers exist in the world. The most common being those of telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition. While telepathy involves perceiving and knowing the thoughts of another person, clairvoyance refers to seeing things which are far away or are otherwise not available to you or anybody else. Precognition on the other hand is the psychic power of predicting future events.

In case of telepathy, the psychic is able to know what is going on in another person’s mind or what he is feeling. This power varies from a level of mere knowing what he feels or wants to do, to an advanced level where the psychic can infuse his own thoughts into the his mind.

If you have the special ability to see things which are hidden or are occurring at a distance then you have the psychic power of clairvoyance. A clairvoyant person is capable of remote viewing of things, events or persons which are thousands of miles away. In contrast to remote viewing, if a person can hear or know about things which are otherwise hidden, the psychic powers are termed clairaudience and clairsentience respectively.

Precognition is the ability to foresee future events. As human beings have a great desire to know about their future, this type psychic power is the most popular.

Other rare but important types of psychic powers include psychokinesis, the power to move matter with the power of thought; levitation or the ability to get your body to ascend from the ground; aura reading, the power to perceive the energy fields emitting from another person; astral projection, involving leaving your own body and traveling to another place in spirit and lastly channeling, or the power to act as a medium to any outside intelligence or spirits.

There are many times when a psychic thinks of himself/ herself to be cursed, for not being able to live a normal life like that of others. But it can be concluded that psychic powers are special powers that only chosen individuals possess. Hence one should always consider it as a blessing and use it for the benefit of all fellow human beings.

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