Do You Want To Know How To Have Lucid Dreams?

The question ‘How to have Lucid Dreams can be answered via many avenues. That is, many techniques can be adopted in order to attain the lucid dreaming stage, which in simpler terms refer to the ability of consciously dreaming, or being aware that you are in a dream.

In essence this involves letting your body relax and go to sleep while keeping your mind wakeful and focused so as to pass in to the realms of dreams completely conscious and aware of everything. Lucid Dreaming

Castaneda’s technique is one of the methods which answer the question of how to have lucid dreams. The technique tells you to concentrate on a particular thing, say your fingers and talk to yourself continuously that you would like to dream about it. If you do this continuously, at a point of time you will actually dream about your fingers and it will suddenly strike you and you will realize that you are dreaming.

How to have lucid dreams can also be answered by the technique of MILD or Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreaming. To use this method, set an alarm and wake after you have been sleeping for 5-6 hours. Then try hard to remember what you had been dreaming about. After you’ve remembered some parts of it, go back to sleep thinking about your previous dream and constantly telling yourself that you would remember that you are dreaming this time. Don’t fret if it takes a long time to fall asleep as the longer you take now, the more time your affirmations have to sink in.

Rapid Eye Movement or REM is one of the other concepts that explains how to have lucid dreams. There are several stages of sleep and the REM stage is when the human brain is at its active best during sleep. This is the time just before one wakes up and is known as the Rapid Eye Movement phase which is highly conducive to lucid dreaming.

Dream spinning is another way of having lucid dreams. When you are dreaming, try to think that you are spinning yourself in rounds, standing at a spot. Dream spinning leads you to finally be at you desired settings of your dream, after the spinning stops. The technique achieves for you lucid dream at the starting point as well as your desired dream stetting.

There is a technical way which suggests how to have lucid dreams. This technological process called binaural beats which suggests a way to synchronize your brain in order to reach the mental state conducive for lucid dreaming. This is done via sounding two different beats or sound vibrations through each ear known as Binaural Beats.

You may try to use any of the techniques to have lucid dreams, but there is one catch. You need to have a complete dream recall ability. If you don’t have the ability, then, even if you by chance have a lucid dream, the whole thing won’t be remembered. Thus, if you want to enjoy the lucid dream feelings, first develop your dream recalling abilities by keeping dream journals and other such methods.

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