Dream Lucid – What Is Dream Control?

Dream Control, or the ability to control your dreams is something that is crucially required or finds much importance in the subject of lucid dreaming. A lucid dreamer is that person who can successfully travel to the realm of dreams with full consciousness and a wakeful of mind. Thus, he only lets his body rest while his mind remains wakeful and focused and completely aware of its journey to the realm of dreams.

Thus, in lucid dreaming, you are fully aware that you are in a dream, but what is the advanced stage of lucid dreaming? Does it just end there with you being merely aware of being in a dream? The answer is no. Lucid dreaming in real sense of the term involves having full dream control where you not only are aware of the dream but can also manipulate it and change it so as to facilitate seeing or doing whatever is it that you desire.

Dream control is something that is extremely rare and difficult to develop. Even if a person, through meditation and incessant practice manages to experience lucid dreaming, maintaining that lucid stage and thereafter going beyond that requires practice. More advanced stage of enjoying true dream control is something that needs a lot of focused effort, specialized techniques, practice and experience.

The main difficulty in dream control lies in continuing the lucidity part of it. For example, if you are dreaming that you are in a desert you may be able to make small changes like the direction in which you are going, etc. Suppose now, you want to see yourself riding a camel and fighting a huge gigantic scorpion, this kind of manipulation would require more force from you, which in turn makes you wake up. Moreover, in case of failed attempts, go on trying since frustration or distress would make you wake up all the more.

The first technique for dream control is that of dream spinning. Starting from a situation where you find your dream scenes fading away, or when you really want the entire dream setting to change, or if you are loosing your grip on whatever is happening in your dream, the best way is to stand in one spot and start spinning around. You will be amazed to see that something that you once did as a kid will help you in distressing situations to bring back or restore your dream control anytime that you need it.

The second technique for dream control is verbal commands. Whenever you find yourself loosing control, simply state whatever it is that you need, loudly. Many a times, you’ll find that the required change in your dream has taken place.

Moreover, if you are wanting to manipulate your dreams but are not being able to do so, going around it in a creative way can be a solution. E.g. You want a particular celebrity to feature in your dream but somehow you cannot bring him, you might just try calling him up and suddenly the person comes in front of you.

Another hindering factor in your dream control that you need to be aware of is false awakenings. Many a times it happens that you wake up from sleep in your dream and you mistake it as waking up in reality. The best thing to do is to do a reality check so that such false awakenings do not spoil your dream control.

Getting distressed and frustrated over repeated unsuccessful attempts at dream control is what makes you loose lucidity and wake up. So, never get distressed and remember that the above techniques would bail you out from any situation. Moreover, increased meditation would lead to greater control of mind, and the right attitude, that is, a belief in yourself that you can do whatever you are attempting to do, would take you along way in dream control.

The author Steve Higgins writes for the popular http://www.luciddreaminginfo.com site. You can enjoy the incredible experience of dream control and you can try it yourself when you get twenty nine Free dream lucid Binaural and hypnosis mp3 audios when you visit here.

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