Dream Yoga

The state of your mind as you fall asleep can determine the course of your dreams … and the course of your life. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche explains the purpose of the ancient practice of Dream Yoga, from the Bon Buddhist tradition of Tibet. For more information about the teachings of Dream Yoga, visit www.ligmincha.org . Rinpoche’s book The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep is available at www.ligmincha.org For updates about Tenzin Rinpoche’s teaching schedule, subscribe to Ligmincha’s free monthly e-newsletter at: www.VoiceOfClearLight.org

Tips on the ways to start your kids doing yoga, and looking for a good place to learn.
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  1. I myself have reached the state of enlightenment where is is extremely desirable and also necessary to readjust my way of viewing our realities. I am have come to understand that our dreams are our true reality where we can live to truly fulfill ourselves and understand who we truly are. I have been training to awaken the ‘sleeping’ part of my consciousness and never realised that I have been doing dream yoga until now.

  2. This book you wrote is amazing and very true. Have you heard of the breatharians? I find these practices much easier when the diet is fixed

  3. ‘Undone list’ :-)))
    Yes, I used to have it always on the piece of paper – perfect way how to exhaust yourself! :-))

  4. @moonbelle98 … pick up the book “Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light” Namkhai Norbu for a short concise instruction

  5. i did it only by chance a couple of times in which i realized i was dreaming and changed the dream contents as i liked. I added lots of girls.and at one moment I cleared all the room, I weared a robe like the monks have and stated doing meditation. But the thing is that I could never do it again, it was by chance… but HOW DO YOU DO IT ALWAYS? You do not say HOW TO DO IT !!

  6. I practice dreamcontrol as long as I can remember. But did not give it much attention for a years. I dream every night and remember and try to figure out the message. After listening to Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche it is an awakening for me… I need to get back in touch with ME and start using my dreamtime to my advantage. I can hardly wait for sleeping time, I loved it before and … it is an amazing thing to experience; getting control of your sleep/dreams.

  7. @moonbelle98 Hi, I know there’s an audio teaching you can buy–go to Ligmincha book store. Good luck.

  8. today i remmembered everything i did ,and I backtracked from the now, i did that all day, I want to be a dream master.

  9. Thanks very much for the teaching I pratice the dream yoga now and also do my pratice and I feel better
    Thank you rimpoche

  10. Many Thanks! I’m sharing this with all my spiritual friends. We look forward to more youtube content from you on this topic… this medium does break many boundaries!

  11. Rinpoche,
    I started lucid dreaming by accident almost a year ago and was ultimately lead to your book Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep, it is the most insightful book I have had the pleasure to read. I am only 1/3 of the way through because I am practicing as I go along and I would be grateful for more video’s to support my readings.
    Thank you for sharing!

  12. Life is like being confined to a room with 1,000 mirrors. Dream Yoga allows one to be aware and flexible of the illusionary manifestations around us.

  13. Will you be doing more videos on Dream yoga ? I have your book , and would like to start to read the book and get help if need be .

  14. Thank you, Rinpoche; you radiate energy of inspiration, comfort, happiness and compassion for all beings. May we be lucid in our daily lives and dreams… may we be mindful, may we avoid negative feelings.

  15. Rinpoche is completely right. But realise that in this video he is talking to inform absolute beginners that there is something like a dreampractice in the first place. But there is much, much more to all of this! Keep your senses keyed to that! You can find dreampractise everywhere around the globe, not only with Tibetans.

  16. Thank you, rinpoche for your teachings. I have read your book “The Tibetan Yogas of dream and sleep” and practised dreamyoga for 2 years and have had amazing experiences.

  17. Reminds me of Bob Marley in his great song that Iยดve been singing to myself since years—
    give thanks and praises Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche that
    you are on the earth at the same time as me!!!!!

  18. Thanks! I appreciate your ability to understand & be grounded in being human.Thank you for bringing your heart & spirit to dreaming & this planet. Blessed Be

  19. @robertmoneymaker999 I know! It’s so relaxing and it is really good exercise. I started at age 12 and I’ve been doing it ever since.

  20. Almost every kid would benefit from doing yoga, hell, almost every adult would benefit from yoga too.

    Shame most people see it as fru fru new age nonsense. Oh well, more yoga for me!

  21. Yoga is awesome – it has amazing benefits. In today’s age of kids watching way too much TV, they need something positive that will get them healthier….and this is the way to do it.

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