Exploring The World Of Lucid Dreaming – An Overview

If you can go to sleep and dream with full conscious awareness of the fact that you are dreaming, then you can be termed a lucid dreamer. Usually lucid dreaming ability comes with the power to manipulate and change your dreams where you can go, do and see whatever you want. Exploring the world of lucid dreaming is thus usually all about undertaking adventures, meeting celebrities, doing super hero stuffs, solving problems and anything that you wish for.

Thus, if a parallel could be drawn, exploring the world of lucid dreaming would be even more thrilling and exciting than directing and acting in your own movie. The very fact that you can do anything you want to in your dreams knowing fully well that nothing can ever harm you in real life makes lucid dreaming highly popular.

If you are a beginner in the lucid dreaming journey, then exploring the world of lucid dreaming will involve making minute changes without waking up. Things like checking out whether you can smell or taste in your dream, opening drawers and cupboards to see what is inside, flying to and fro are common lucid dream explorations in the beginner stages.

Exploring the world of lucid dreaming for intermediate lucid dreamers involves going a step further and setting goals in the adventures and explorations. Thus, if you had been practicing flying as a beginner, try flying to distant stars and planet now. Ask a dream character to explain the answer to a tough spiritual question that you want to know, or ask a deceased relative if he has any message for you.

A lucid dream can also be a platform for all your problem solving purposes. That is, for most of the problems that you face in life, you will find that if a trial and error platform was available, you would have been helped to a great extent. Thus, in your lucid dream you can try out all the alternate solutions one by one and see what works and what doesn’t.

After you are much experienced and have reached an advanced stage of lucid dreaming, exploring the world of lucid dreams takes a new dimension with expansion of one’s concept and ability regarding lucid dream experiments to break down all self defined parameters. Explore the dream stage even further by continuously affirming yourself that you can go another step forward. Seek out mutual dreams or try to exercise precognition by getting a dream character speak or write to you about a future incident. You may also try to alter the course of events of something happening in reality.

Exploring the world of lucid dreaming in the ultimate advanced stage mainly consists of trying out healing abilities. You could lucid dream about healing a person who is ill in reality and see him/her getting well

Thus, it can be concluded that exploring the world of lucid dream is all about wish fulfillment. Be it flying to your desired place, partying with your celebrity dream character, embarking on an sci-fi adventure, solving problems of your own life, healing other people or even getting answers to unsolved mysteries of life, death and reality, it is all about fulfilling what you wish for.

Allan Woodbridge is a writer for the popular http://www.luciddreaminginfo.com site. Discover the amazing world of lucid dreaming and you can try it yourself when you get twenty nine Free exploring the world of lucid dreaming Binaural and hypnosis mp3 audios when you visit here.

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