Exploring Your Own Mind Power

If there is something in this world which has huge potential but is so complicated that science in all its advancement has not been able to grasp its strength and scope in its entirety, is that of the human mind. It is said that normally man only utilizes 10% of his brain. That being the case, can you even think of the immense possibilities if one could control his subconscious mind and utilized 100% of his mind power? The word ‘miracle’ might well have disappeared from the dictionary.

Our ancestors have exercised and prophesized the power of the mind since ancient times. We know of those ageless spiritual monks inhabiting remote corners of the Himalayas who had completely mastered mind power performing miracles like causing rainfall, lighting up fires, curing illnesses just by the sheer power of their thoughts. Whenever we hear about them the only question that pops up in our mind’s eye are ‘Are these really possible?’ or ‘Are they inspiring us to a path of self improvement through these tales?’

Transcending the eras of the ancient man to our more recent days of spiritual awakening and new beliefs amidst a stressed out mankind, a quest for the ultimate truth in terms of the highest potential of man is something that has attracted the attention of man. New age spirituality revolves around individualistic mastery of mind power without any religious boundaries. It is believed that your reality is a product of your own thoughts and the laws of attraction talks about this universal truth of mankind.

The Law of Attraction promotes human mind power as the sole source behind an individual’s destiny. It says that if a person directs all his attention and energy on a goal and then has complete faith on its occurrence in the near future, then the power of your thoughts and energy will attract your goal and manifest it in your real life.

Moreover, since your thoughts are creating your reality, always remember that like attracts like. That is, the more you have positive thoughts, situations will manifest which will give you more positive thoughts. In the light of the above it should be said that affirmations are something if correctly practiced can show great results. That is, if you continuously affirm yourself that ‘I can do this job in 7 days’ or ‘I’m getting well’, then your subconscious mind gets convinced and the power of your faith affects the cosmos in a way so that your affirmations manifest in reality.

Meditation is the best known technique for increasing your mind power. Basic meditation techniques like visualizing your god or for that matter anything in the centre of your forehead and concentrating on it will increase your concentration power. Gradually after this, advances meditation results in increased awareness of one’s subconscious and further honing of your mind power.

If you want your mind power to take the driver seat and become the pilot of your life’s journey then the best thing to do would be to start with basic meditation and affirmations. Do away with all negative thoughts so that you only attract positivity and good things in your life. Once you advance to the stage where you can unleash you mind power to its full potential, you will see that you can manifest abundance or for that matter anything you desire by directing all your energy on it. The power of visualization and faith would facilitate the laws of attraction to work for you in creating your own future.

Philip Michel is a writer for the http://www.mindpower-info.com website. Anyone can easily develop their powers of using mind power and you can try it yourself when you find out the real undisclosed secrets of mind power when you visit here and get 29 Free mp3 audios and videos on DVD.

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