Extrasensory-What Is It?

The subject which holds the explanations of what exactly extrasensory senses are can be very vague and allow too much room for misinterpretations. This is the case many times, when these senses are discussed amongst mixed company.

The first key that will have to be determined by the individual is weeding out the people that one interacts with. Then a personal intelligence has to be determined. Comparison is not an objective to turning this particular key, but sometimes the best tool, is to observe others in anyway possible. Usually, what is said out the mouth cannot be taken into consideration. Communication is the biggest cause for any controversy ever discussed.

Although these imposter’s actions are lying under a well disguised public eye, the person holding the expert level of extrasensory senses does have the ability to expose each and everyone involved in these deceitful actions. Thus, enough people with these extra senses can and will change the way the world works.

The best way to understand extrasensory is to choose one of the six known senses and focus on perfecting it. For example, intuition by the less knowledgeable have been labeled to men having a higher competency than a female. This is not true, thus all living souls were created in the mental image of god. There is no gender label attached to a spirit.

When a mother assures a situation will work out, is because the mother wants for the child what the child wants for themselves. Good powers have prevailed in the past, since the dawn of time, and will continue to prevail until the end of time. Those that do not hold the ability to have extrasensory senses because the soul has been taken over by evil forces, do not believe in eternal life. These feeble minded individuals which allowed their soul to be possessed, are ignorantly thinking about physical eternal life.

The intuition extrasensory talent relates to the top of the head. Which explains when thoughts practically come out of nowhere, this is a misconception.

There are so many individuals which possess these god given abilities, but many fears limit these individuals from evolving or perfecting these senses. There are many factors which limit these abilities. One factor is when a head trauma was involved, and the physically injured individual has lost the protection of their own aura, which surrounds the head like a force field.

These force fields are weakened as a result of extreme head injury or some sort of illness such as cancer. When these personal force fields are weakened, the evil from surrounding individuals the injured individual encounters while in the healing stage, can penetrate into the psych and provide false thoughts which diminish the extrasensory sense of intuition and third eye vision. These two extrasensory senses are related to parts of the head for use.

James Saxon is a writer for the http://www.mindpower-info.com website. Anyone can easily develop their powers of extrasensory powers and you can try it yourself when you find out the real undisclosed secrets of how to become an mind power when you visit here and get 29 Free mp3 audios and videos on DVD.

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