Five Awesome People To Have Been In A Past Life

When people talk about who they were in a past life, why is it always English, Roman or Egyptian royalty? Honestly, how many people do you think could be the reincarnation of Julius Cesar or Cleopatra? Don’t you think at least a few people used to be plumbers or investment bankers or something boring like that? We all like to think we were somebody important, but you know, there are many different types of “important”, and it’s not like reincarnation is reserved solely for famous rulers from thousands of years ago. Here are five people wouldn’t mind having been in a past life.

General George Patton

General George S Patton was an interesting guy. We all know about his military history, of course, but he was also something of a poet and a philosopher. His leadership strategy was one that could really be applied to any industry, and his personal philosophy had a much broader application than simply military action. “Audacity, audacity, always audacity”. Not to mention, he had an interest in reincarnation. In his poem, Through a Glass, Darkly, Patton explores the idea of being a soldier born again and again to fight and die for his country. Definitely an interesting personality.

The King, Elvis Presley

Come on, who wouldn’t want to be Elvis Presley? There’s an entire industry centered around dressing like the guy and singing his songs, and believe us, these impersonators get just as much attention from the ladies as The King himself did. Nothing would be better for one of those impersonators to hear that they are, in fact, the reincarnation of The King of Rock and Roll. Presley always had an interest in Eastern philosophy, the martial arts and the cosmic level of reality.

Founding Father Ben Franklin

Without a doubt, the most eccentric of the founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin is most well known as an inventor of the lightning rod and the bifocals, but he’s also remembered for all the crazy stories there are about him. The kite story is exaggerated, but based in reality. He also once talked a friend into joining the army so as to steal his fiancee, and he once electrocuted himself trying to roast a turkey with electricity. If you’re the “Kramer” of your group of friends, who knows, maybe that’s your face on the hundred dollar bill.

Audrey Hepburn

With so many women wishing they were Cleopatra, you don’t hear anyone saying that they were once Audrey Hepburn. She was definitely the icon of grace and beauty in her time, so why not? Maybe she wasn’t royalty on the political stage, but she certainly was in world culture. We vote her the woman we most wish would hurry up and be reincarnated already. Not only was she graceful and beautiful, she was charming and funny, and she only grew more beautiful with each passing year as she got older.

WWF Champion Andre the Giant

If you love having a good time, maybe you’ve got a little Andre in you. The pro wrestler was a known drunk, and a fun drunk. During one incident in New York with Classy Freddy Blasse, the bar closed down after a night of heavy drinking, but the two were just getting started and didn’t really want to go home just yet. Andre lifted Blasse on his shoulder and ran to the nearest horse drawn carriage. Andre pulled the poor carriage driver out of the seat, tucked some cash into the guy’s pocket, and he and Blasse essentially hijacked the horses and went on a mad spree across Central Park. For all the trouble he caused, Andre was always a lot of fun for the people around him.

The author Andy David writes for the website. You can enjoy the incredible experience of in-a-past-life regression for yourself and get 30 Free past life Audios and Videos when you visit here.

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