HCG Diet Info – What You Have To Know To Prepare For HCG Diet Program

You are looking for relevant information about the HCG diet program? There’s no better way to prepare for it than by getting well acquainted on the subject. The more you know about it, the easier for you to follow its rules and demands.

First, you have to know is how it works. This explains why you have to do the things you are asked to do and follow the rules you are asked to follow.

The HCG weigh loss program is composed of two interrelated parts – the HCG daily intake and the HCG diet. The diet is as important as the HCG injections. The injections will have minimal effect as long as you chose not to strictly follow the diet.

Second, you have to know the protocols and methods. There is a 23-day protocol and a 43-day protocol. HCG can be injected or taken orally. You can choose whichever is convenient for you.

Third, you have to be well acquainted with the HCG diet. It is a 500 calorie daily diet but rich in fibers and protein to help the ingested HCG change your metabolic process from fat conservation to fat burning. There are four phases to the HCG program which means that your diet plan must meet the nutritional requirements of each phase. Not knowing what diet is appropriate for each phase can impede your progress.

Your do have to worry too much about the diet. Many internet websites, specializing in HCG, offer suggestions and tips on possible diet menus fulfilling program requirements. These are valuable information. They can help you come up with variety of menus meeting the program standards while pleasing your taste buds.

Include proteins together with HCG diet program. They provide you nutrients that helps build more muscles. Ensure you have both animal and plant proteins in your food. Among the foods from this group is consist of fish, eggs, chicken, beans and other legumes. This is vital as they tear down excess fats and calories. It is advisable that you get rid of fat and not muscles when cutting weight. In this manner, your body’s metabolism is increased in effect of burning more calories. You lose weight in effect.

Read my latest articles on Healthy Nutrition to Stick to With HCG Diet Program and do check out my website for my other health and fitness articles .

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