How can yoga help me with my depression?

Question by gisela312: How can yoga help me with my depression?
Hello everyone, I want to try Yoga for the first time. I’m seriously out of shape, having lots of muscle aches and I’m suffering from severe depression. I’ve hear the many great benefits from Yoga; I don’t know where to start. What beginners DVD would you recommend for me?

Best answer:

Answer by Juli Fitz
By saying you are out of shape, I’m taking a guess that you might be a little overweight (although those aren’t always synonymous). If that is the case, I would recommend anything by Megan Garcia. She has a book titled “MegaYoga” and I think her DVD is “Just My Size” or it’s been repackaged as “MegaYoga”. Anyway, she’s studied at Kripalu, is a plus-size model, and has modifications to traditional poses that are a little difficult for beginners to do. I’m about her size and found her material to be great when I started yoga a few years ago. Rodney Yee has some good DVD’s as well. He’s pretty much the “guru of yoga” and a great teacher, but his work can be a little intimidating to those totally new to yoga. You might want to check for reviews of any suggested yoga DVD’s. That way, you can get a more balanced view prior to purchasing!


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