How Does Someone Develop Precognition

People that know what events will happen in the future long before time comes to experience them are though to have precognition. Some of these foresights are symbolic and need to be decoded in order to understand them. Other times the visions are so clear that the person can look right into the future. The majority of people believe that time is a variation of a spiral, not linear. That is why it is possible to look right into the future at times.

Understanding precognition is essential to really know how it happens. Most people confuse precognition with clairvoyance. Clairvoyance is the ability to see people, situations and problems in the present while precognition concerns the future. Clairvoyance uses ESP or Extra Sensory perception while precognition is more paranormal in nature. The word ‘precognition’ means knowing before.

Precognition is most likely to appear in a dream. Many people dream occasionally about the future but they do not have the ability to remember the dream. When someone experiences something that they have experienced in one of their unremembered dreams it is commonly referred to as dejavu. It is all because of the precognition that they experienced while they were sleeping.

The trained mystic people have even developed the ability to see into the future while they are awake. It is something that has taken them a large amount of practicing to master and it is a very uncommon thing. Seers such as this have learned to see the future with their conscious.

Some professional psychics also use old techniques like crystal ball and mirrors for precognition.

Anyone can achieve precognition. Once you have sharpened your intuition enough you will be able to do it. The majority of people only use their five senses to think and do not go beyond them. The gut feelings and intuitions are ignored. You should begin paying closer attention to your intuitions and gut feelings if you would like to bring enhancement to your ability to be precognitive. A very important part of developing precognition is to be in tune with your subtle environment and to have faith in your subtle feelings.

Many people cannot grasp that they are more than just a physical body. The energies and emotions that they have in them are very important to their make up. That is why it is so important to pay attention to how you are feeling each day so you have an insight as to what is coming and what kind of day you are in for. You can develop precognition by simply playing a guessing game. Use a normal deck of cards and see if you can guess which card will be flipped up next.

Dreams play a vital part in our ability to develop precognition. When you wake up from sleeping, try to remember everything you can about your dreams. Put a journal by your bed to record your dreams in. As soon as you wake up be sure to log as many of the details you can about the dreams that you had. If writing out your dreams will be too much of a hassle (some people really do not like to write) then use a small voice recorder and speak into it every morning in regards to the details of the dreams. Once you have done this for a while you will see that you are remembering dreams much easier than you had in the past.

If you have a dream which repeats itself, try to look for the hidden meanings, signs and symbols in the dream which can help you to decipher the underlying message.

Apart from dreams, you can even develop precognition by meditation and hypnosis. Meditation is the art of quietening your mind and opening it up to the supreme consciousness of the universe. It’s generally believed that we all have one life force flowing in all of us and hence all are connected by a common link. Once you clear the daily chaos in your mind and quieten it, then you can connect to the supreme consciousness and know the future and the past.

Meditation is not a new method. It has been used by millions of seers, thinkers and sages across the world. There are different ways of meditating as well. Some people meditate in absolute solitude and quiet, while others prefer more natural sounds. Whatever way you may choose, initially your mind may wander and you may have a variety of thoughts. Just concentrate on stilling your mind and observing the thoughts, rather than getting involved in them. Slowly you will be able to access the wealth of information stored in the consciousness of the universe.

Fear is something that detours many people from their quest to develop precognition. They are afraid of the future because it will, most likely, end with a death and a separation from the ones that they love. The fear blocks the inflow of the universal information. This is why it is so important to remove all fear from your psyche if you wish to develop precognition. It can be simple to develop precognition as long as you are consistent and are willing to give constant practice.

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