Question by foolycooly288622: How long should I devote to yoga within one day?
I am beginning to start doing yoga at home. How long should I preform it per session? And is yoga something that is done everyday of the week?
Best answer:
Answer by Schultzie_OL
once or twice a week.
if this is your main form of exercise prepare to be seriously disappointed.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
somepeople do yoga everyday some 3-4 days a week. and its like 30-60 minutes long. they videos of it, and its on tv.
i used to do yoga everymorning on the weekdays but it make me so tired, because its so slow moving id end falling asleep, when i needed to leave lol.
Yes, Yoga should be done everyday of the week.
You should devote at least 10-15 minutes to yoga everyday.
And if it can be done in the morning between 6am to 7am than it is very
good and you will be able to experience recreation given by it in this very time the most .
If you are not able to do yoga daily then you can practice it on
as much days as possible.