How To Practice Astral Projection Techniques

Astral projection is a wonderful art which people have been practicing long back. It is other wise called out of body experience that human soul can leave body and come back and get in after some time. It happens occasionally to all especially while we are sleeping. Though it was practiced among religious people earlier, recent researches of experts display it is possible top all through some astral projection techniques.

It has been got strong religious support long back. They believe that astral body can leave human body and it can travel through heaven and sky. Once it leaves eternally death happens to human body. Astral body leaves human body in many occasions and especially while sleeping and come back after a little time. At that time human mind is not conscious about the astral projection or in moir religious term spiritual walking.

No need to confuse about it possibility of astral walking through practicing astral projection techniques It is possible to all if they win to create an atmosphere in which astral body can leave human body very silently and go on astral projection.

There are certain astral projection techniques which will help you to achieve such state of mind which is essential for astral travel. Before you practice astral projection techniques you need to gain control over your mind. To gain control over your mind and improve your concentration power, practice yoga and meditation. It will have great benefits with you. Once you gained control of your mind next is practicing astral projection techniques to enjoy the world spiritual walking.

Select a room, which should allow you to meditate and practice astral dream techniques. Nothing should be distract your attention and deviate your thoughts. If it is in your home make sure that the room is isolated and free from disturbances from others.

Lay flat on your bed, close your eyes and breathe deeply. Try to fall asleep because we have to create a drowsy mood in which you should be conscious about actions taking place then. Hold your hand up and try to fall asleep. When you completely fall asleep you will loose your hands will fell down and you will wake up.

Fresh up your mind and leave aside negative thoughts. Convince your mind that you are going on astral projection. Even your slightest fear about put getting back to body may harm your efforts. Once you created such a condition your effort is 50 percentages finished. Fill up your mind with thoughts and enthusiasm about astral experience.

After a short time you will feel like shivering, don’t get confused or over exited. Then it moves from one part to another. Wake up after a little time and relax your mind. Go back soon to previous condition so that you can resume your thoughts. It is advisable to keep yourself awake. We need to create a condition between these two, which is ideal for astral projection.

Your spirit will leave your soul slowly. Don’t confuse your mind about any thing possibility of getting back to body, that may fail you to go on. Release your leg and arm from your body. You will feel like loosing your weight. Now your soul is almost left from your body. Enjoy the experience of astral projection through these astral projection techniques.

Chris Jewell is a writer for the popular site. You can enjoy the incredible experience of astral projection and you can try it yourself when you get twenty nine Free astral projection techniques Audios when you visit here.

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