How To Tap Your Potential And Give A Clairvoyant Psychic Reading

Many people look at famous clairvoyants on television or in movies and wish they were able to perform a clairvoyant psychic reading. They often feel as if this ability to accurately prevision the future would be of immense help to them and would immeasurably improve their lives. The good news is you don’t need to wish anymore! True clairvoyant power is possible for anyone to attain; you just have to be committed.

The key to gaining clairvoyant mastery is to recognize the ability for what it really is. The problem comes from people thinking of it in terms of seeing the future, of knowing exactly what’s about to happen, all the time. It’s not quite like this. The type of clairvoyance one uses in a psychic reading involves listening to the wisdom of the subconscious mind and using it to gain insights into one’s situation, as well as what the potential outcomes of that situation might be.

The subconscious mind is a voice that never steps speaking and it speaks in all of us. When you gain clairvoyant powers, you’re simply learning to listen to what your subconscious has to tell you.

The good news about developing this kind of skill is that it’s probably going to go a lot smoother than you think. Everyone has had experience with intuition before; basic hunches they acted out that ended up working in their favor. When you learn to relax and listen to your subconscious mind, you’ll soon find yourself having a lot more of these, until you eventually have them naturally, without having to “work for it” at all. This is true clairvoyance, and it’s the skill you’re going to bring out in your first psychic reading.

The first time you perform a psychic reading can be very intense, so you need to take certain steps to ensure that it goes well and that everything remains under control. To begin with, you should start out by choosing subjects who you are comfortable with. While it might seem more impressive to perform an accurate reading on a total stranger, the truth is you’re much more likely to be relaxed with a friend, which will aid your skills and help you gain confidence.

It’s also important to pick someplace that’s going to help, rather than hinder, your reading. If lowering the lights or putting on some soft music will help you relax, do those things. Anything that lessens distractions and puts you in the right mood to listen to your inner voices will be helpful.

As for the reading itself, the most important thing is to establish a natural rapport with the other person. One of the best ways to do this is just to chat with them briefly, asking them questions about what they want to gain from a reading and so on. It’s not necessary that you think about their responses too literally. This is just intended to get your subconscious mind working, which will happen naturally, without any effort on your part. This step is vitally important because if we want to get valuable answers from our subconscious, we have to first give the subconscious something to work with.

Now that everyone’s relaxed and you’ve got some sense of where you want to go, sit back and relax. You’ll find that images and impressions enter into your mind without your doing anything to initiate them. This is your subconscious speaking to you. Don’t try to interpret what it says, just describe what’s going on out loud. When something you say registers with your subject, you’re sure to know because they’ll tell you. From there on, just keep at it and let your subconscious do the work for you.

At this point, you’re well on your way to a successful clairvoyant psychic reading. Just remember: you’ve already got these clairvoyant skills inside you! All you need to do is relax and let them bloom.

The writer Kerry Bayliss writes for the website. Discover for yourself how easy it is to give a clairvoyant psychic reading. Find out never before revealed secrets. Anyone really can give their own clairvoyant reading find out how by visiting here and get 29 free clairvoyant audios and videos!

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