Is The Idea Of Being Able To Astral Project Just A Myth?

There are millions of people who believe that astral projection is real and that anyone can, and have, achieved this altered state. The key to this projection is practice and that is all it takes to astral project. Believed to be an ancient practice, followers say this practice should be treated with respect. Astral projection is a lot like meditating or yoga and comes in many different forms.

Lucid dreaming is one type of astral projecting. Lucid dreaming is of course when we are conscious of our dreaming ” this is actually astral projecting. In order to lucid dream, all you need to do is to tell yourself ‘I am dreaming’ while in the dream.

As you repeat this phrase, you can wake up in your dream and have the freedom to do anything you like. This may be difficult for beginners and may take time to practice before it works.

Astral projection is something you have done before, although you may not realize that you have done so. Have you ever awoken from a particularly vivid dream remembering every detail? You were not dreaming this ” you were astral projecting.

The key to projecting is to believe that you can do it. This belief will help to eliminate doubts about astral projection and can propel you into becoming a pro.

Methods that help you to relax like meditating helps to promote projection. Meditation prepares the mind and body for astral projection and all it takes is practice and time through meditating properly.

You should do your meditation in a quiet room where you have a comfortable place to sit and will not be interrupted or distracted. Start freeing your mind of worry and tension. You cant astral project when you have these negative energies in your mind. Begin to eliminate all thoughts from your mind and focus on your breathing. You want to take deep, slow breaths ” in thorough your nose, out through your mouth. If you can remain focused on your breathing, youll begin to feel yourself relaxing.

Achieving an altered state of consciousness is the next level of astral projection. Consistantly breathing deeply and slowly to keep your mind clear and stay relaxed is the goal at this state. Breathing in through the nose and out of the mouth helps to slow and deepen breathing.

Starting from your toes, work upwards, relaxing every part of your body as you proceed. You can do this by either tensing then relaxing each part of your body or by moving up, visualizing each part of you relaxing as you go.

With each exhalation, you should feel the tension leaving your body. Once your body is completely and totally relaxed you will be ready to move onto the next stage necessary for you to successfully astral project.

The next step, sleep. You have prepared your mind and body for s deep sleep, but remember to stay alert and relaxed. Come up with your own phrase such as ‘I fly, I fly’ there is no wrong motto, so find one that you are comfortable with.

If you begin to get bored as the mind tends to do when it has nothing to focus on, you may have to reel it back in. If you are stuck in this rut, either end the session or use your phrase to bring your mind back into focus.

Reaching an altered state of consciousness requires several steps. Repeating your motto repeatedly can help you reach the next level. The body of light technique is where you focus on a body of light in your mind and see yourself transforming into this light.

You can count on experiencing three main feelings that will let you know that you have reached astral projection, the first is the sensation that you are moving. The second is when you see lights and colors with closed eyes and the third, are voices you hear that either encourage you to keep going or to stop, this lets you know that you have achieved astral projection.

The author David J Short writes for the popular site. Discover how to astral project for yourself and get 29 Free astral projection Audios when you visit here. Get a totally unique version of this article from our article submission service

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