Karma Yoga – Your Art Of Existence

The historic book of Gita, which is the treatise about the living has directed a great strain on the karma. Karma is described as the action and its fruits. Old Hindu saints have thought a man’s life is the primary consequence of his karma. Excellent thoughts, words and actions lead to great and content existence while bad ideas, words and deeds lead someone to catastrophe. It’s been postulated in the 18th century by Isaac Newton, who gave his law as “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

The branch of yoga that deals with karma is known as the karma yoga. Normally you are bound through the urges and desires related to your act however, you can be free by undertaking the act but dissociating yourself from its outcomes.

This is actually the primary concept behind karma yoga and the individual who follows this route is recognized as karma yogi. His behavior is of not caring and while the planet may believe he’s not really interested, in reality he has perfected his desires and has developed awareness of the actual significance of the events that take place around him.

This particular yoga requires doing your duty with no reservations but is free of the cravings of the outcomes which are obtained from the act. This mindset is hard to acquire due to the fact we are taught to thirst after the fruits of our labour and any failure to obtain the wanted results leads you to disappointment and negative thinking. Additionally, continuous attachment to the results leads you to stress, levels of competition and aggressiveness. This has generated increased cases of stress, diabetic issues, depressive disorders, heart ailments and suicides and has led many young people to use drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. Hence using the training of Krishna in Gita, in which he advises Arjun: “You are entitled to an action but not its fruits” will guide a person to a satisfied and tension free life.

A karma yogi acknowledges this and consequently he follows the course of detachment. But this doesn’t make him dull or unproductive. To the contrary, he channelizes his total energy into the duties at hand with complete vigour as his energy isn’t dissipated and gives it a best shot. Hence the final results of his actions are the best and he receives good fruits. He does not run after pleasure but delight comes after him. This tends to make him a enjoyable individual to be around and thus enjoys accomplishment in his life.

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