Learn How To Astral Project The Right Way

The question ‘how to astral project’ is a vital one in the recent days when astral projection is being much researched about and taken an interest in. Astral projection basically refers to the projection of your astral self from your physical body to the higher ethereal realms of astral planes.

The question on ‘how to astral project’ can never be answered without first discussing the importance of meditation. If you want to attempt an astral travel, make it a point to meditate regularly. Meditation results in developing your ability to focus on things and direct all your attention and energy on the same. Your self awareness and awareness about the power of your sub conscious mind develops, which is extremely important for astral projection.

Attaining a condition of deep trance with heightened visualization is something fundamental in answering how to astral project. During a trance state, all peripheral stimuli fail to affect a person and his mind is completely focused on a single aspect. Attaining such a state, having a vision of yourself floating out, climbing out or even being pulled out from your body and concentrating on this visualization, directing and channeling all your attention and energy on it, shutting out everything else is the way to astral project.

A suggestion on how to astral project would be using a visualization technique known as the body of light. In doing so, visualize strongly a body of light in front of you in any shape or form. Concentrate hard and visualize strongly till the time it glows and radiates your energy. Thereafter, try to leave your body and enter this body of light. Be careful so as to not to put in too much force so that you wake up from your trance altogether.

Another point to be stated regarding how to astral project is that of verbal affirmations. Whenever you feel yourself to be loosing grip, or being unable to make the change that you so desperately seek or may be coming out of your trance, use the tool of verbal affirmations to put things rights. Saying it out aloud like ‘I can fly’ or ‘I can walk out and reach the body of light’ etc will facilitate in setting things right and attain what you so desire.

Another point to be noted in case of Astral Projection is that if you by chance continuously go on assessing yourself and your performance, then all your attempts will surely fail. Thus, thinking about how you are doing it or whether it is working or not can be the primary cause of failure. Have true belief in yourself that you can do it and concentrate and focus your mind on the journey and not the assessment of the same.

One of the main hindrances against the topic of how to astral project can be your apprehensions in mind. During your astral projection when you have covered a certain distance from your body, if, for even a fraction of a second, you think about how you are going to return back your body, immediately you will be sucked back into it and thereby wake up from your trance. Hence, believe in yourself that you can do it and banish all apprehensions from your mind.

Remember, that it is a journey only a handful of people in this world has the privilege to experience. Going beyond the boundaries of the physical universe and enjoying total freedom to observe the world at a distance is an experience of a lifetime that will change your outlook towards life, relationships, world, and reality forever.

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