Learn How To Get A Flat Stomach With The Steps Listed Below.

Read the following steps to learn how to get a flat stomach.

First things first, quit thinking that crunches are going to give you a flat stomach. Crunches only work the surface muscles and not the muscles underneath them. In order to burn one pound of fat, you would have to do 100 crunches every day for 7 years. That equals 250, 000 crunches. I don’t believe that you want to do that.

Try the following exercises to target the correct muscles. Reverse lunge with single arm press, side plank with rotation, hip thigh raise, plank with arm lift, glute bridge march, lunge with rotation, side plank and basic plank. Lie down on your back with your palms just below your belly button. Exhale and pull your stomach inwards. Hold for 5 seconds and repeat the exercise 8 to 10 times. This will help you discover the hidden muscles.

The second rule is to get your bottom moving. Your butt and belly are partners. Sitting around all the time makes your glutes useless. It also causes hip flexors, the muscle that connects hips and legs, to stiffen. Because of this, your pelvis starts tilting forward. This makes your back arch more and stresses your spine. Basically, it pushes your abdomen out, causing a stomach bulge. In other words, if you want to lose your stomach, you have to move your butt.

To firm your bottom use the hip thigh raise and glute bridge march. For stiff hip flexors, while in a lunge position, lower back knee to the floor. Push your hips forward while keeping your back straight. Go until the front area of your hip feels the stretch. Hold for 10 seconds, relax and repeat. For more of a stretch, reach you arms over your head.

Watch your diet. Instead of carbs, eat fish, meat, dairy or nuts to lose weight.

Boost your metabolism and lessen the insulin your body produces by lowering the quantity of sugar of eat. Restrict processed foods like yogurt, fruit drinks, cereals, baked goods and sodas in your diet. On average, people consume 20 teaspoons a day of sugar which is bad for you.

Figure out ways to decrease the amount of stress in your life. Stress can make you eat food you would not normally eat.

The fifth and final rule is do not work your abs all the time. Three times a week will give you the maximum results. Give your muscles a day to recover between workouts. Workouts breakdown muscle tissue and it takes a full day for them to rebuild and become stronger. Perform 15-20 reps of each exercise..

If you’re doing crunches and hoping for six pack abs, that’s not How to get a Flat Stomach. You can get a Flat tummy by doing some very simple exercises and watching what you eat and getting on your feet more often. Find out how simple it can be to get a flat stomach now!

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