Learn Telepathy – A Natural Way To Communicate

Every human being can learn telepathy. This ability translates to sensing and transmitting feelings over a distance, without using any of the five physical senses or using words. This kind of mind to mind communication works instantly and can even cross enormous distances.

If you believe that you cannot learn telepathy, think again. You’ve probably already had some kind of telepathic experience yet did not realize it was happening or didn’t interpret it as being telepathic. For instance, you’ve likely had the experience of suddenly thinking about someone that you haven’t spoken to, maybe not even thought of until that moment, for a long time; then, later on that day or the day after, you receive a telephone call, e-mail, or letter from that very person.

What happened in this case is that one or the other of you contacted the other telepathically, transmitting longing, affection, wonder, and other emotions.

This telepathic contact encouraged them to get in touch with you. Perhaps you were the first person to think of them, and the other person received your emotions and felt like contacting you. Or maybe they contacted you, felt your return thoughts of them without your being aware of it, and that was the reason they chose to make contact another way. They may have even been planning to get in touch, and you perceived that intent telepathically before the contact ever happened.

Many people feel that they cannot learn telepathy for one reason or another. It might have to do with religious upbringing teaching them that telepathy is ‘sorcery’ and ‘of the devil’, so they have never tried to learn it and might even have suppressed any telepathic experiences they were having until they could no longer recognize them. They may also have been told that telepathy is irrational nonsense because there’s no ‘scientific evidence’ for it-another lie (there actually is such evidence).

One major barrier to learning to be telepathic is a myth believed by many people who actually practice this type of communication. Some people think that spoken languages are inferior and the result of having to go without telepathy. This isn’t any more true than the assumptions that telepathy is bad or invalid. Words and telepathy complement one another very well, like the lyrics to a song and its music.

In this analogy, the lyrics to a song are spoken language, and the music is telepathic contact. Each is an enhancement of the other. After all, telepathic feelings are rarely well defined – words sharpen and clarify them. This is why we use words in the first place. However, dependence on language can cause people not to communicate in a telepathic fashion, leading to fewer and fewer people using this method of communication.

So, are you feeling interested in telepathic communication? You can open the doors of perception and closer than ever with others. Learning telepathy is much easier than it seems if you don’t know how. Like everything else, you need to practice it to succeed.

The first thing you need to do if you’re going to practice telepathic contact is partner with someone. Ideally, you should choose someone you’ve been good friends with for a long time. Choose someone who’s also open minded about telepathy and, if possible, pick a partner who also wants to learn this method of communication. Beginners benefit from positive reinforcement.

The next thing you need to do is separate from your partner. You shouldn’t be able to see or hear one another, or give each other cues. Both of you need to be as relaxed as possible, since being tense tends to interfere with your performance in this and in other activities. Remove stress and worry from your mind and make sure you’ve got a method to get in touch with your partner. A phone or Internet connection will work well.

Now, one at a time (you’ll need to previously agree on who will go first), visualize the other person as clearly in your mind as you can. Then, visualize some kind of connection between you – a physical connection, something like a golden light that surrounds you both, or a magical thread of pure energy that connects you.

The next thing to do is to send a thought through that thread or from one light into the other. This is like a web transmission or phone call. Keep it simple to start with and go with the clearest thought possible. Make it something the other person can’t guess without contact, though!

When you feel (literally) that you’ve completed this telepathic transmission, contact the partner by cellphone, etc, and ask them what if anything they saw in their mind. Once you’ve compared notes, it’s the partner’s turn to telepathically send to you.

Remember that when you’re just starting out, you should take things slowly. If after a quarter of an hour you can’t transmit, stop and take a break. Early attempts should be brief to keep you from getting tired and frustrated. Negative feelings are bad for your efforts.

If you’re interested in learning telepathy, keeping your thoughts positive and not giving up are important. Once you start getting results, you’ll be amazed at the new world that’s opened up before you.

The writer Georgia McClough is a writer for the popular http://www.telepathyrevealed.com site. Discover for yourself how easy it is to learn telepathy. Discover previously undisclosed information. Anyone really can learn telepathy find out how by visiting here.

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