Start Burning The Calories In A Long Island Hot Yoga Class!

If you actively participate in our Long Island yoga classes, you won’t want to miss this. The name of the game is Long Island hot yoga, and it’s taking the Long Island yoga world by storm.

A hot yoga class is an intense 1.5 hour routine that utilizes 26 yoga positions with two repetitions each. It is also referred to as Bikram yoga, named after its creator, Bikram Choudhury. This is done in a studio room where the temperature is put up very high to encourage natural sweating of the body. This helps the body to burn more calories as the act of sweating uses up energy stored in the body. After just a few short weeks this intense workout will see the extra pounds melting off your body, leaving only lean muscle underneath.

This blast of heat against the body also serves to increase its flexibility, which lets the participant have a more satisfying yoga experience. This added flexibility will increase the control you have over the Yoga positions you perform. Not only does this help with your workout routine, but it lowers your chances of hurting yourself. The benefits of hot yoga on the body are really boundless! But, don’t take just our word for it. See for yourself, and give us a try!

Students are advised to drink a lot of water before and after the hot yoga class. Classes should be attended at least two hours after eating, if not longer. A personal yoga mat and towel are recommended. Light clothes are a plus, as it will keep you from getting too hot. As long as you’ve had plenty of water prior to class, you will be sweating buckets! Only remember to bring water for afterwards, as you will need to restore your fluid levels.

If you’re ready to sweat it out in a Long Island hot yoga studio, then come to Sole Pilates and Yoga today! We know you will not be disappointed!

Remember to bring that water along with a towel!

Based in Suffolk County, Sole Pilates and Yoga provides the hottestNew York yoga classes on Long Island. Check out their calendar to attend one of their Long Island hot yoga classes soon! Unique version for reprint here: Start Burning The Calories In A Long Island Hot Yoga Class!.

categories: Long Island yoga classes,Long Island hot yoga,Long Island yoga studios,New York yoga classes,Yoga,exercise,fitness,health,exercise,fitness

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