Looking At Astral Projection For Beginners

The term Astral Projection refers to the ability of projecting yourself outside your physical body to a different astral plane from where you can observe your own body and the world. It is an out of body experience where your body is completely asleep while your mind is at its wakeful best resulting in your astral body to float out and travel to different realms of consciousness.

An extremely difficult ability to develop, it creates a lot of distress and frustration for beginners. Thus, learning the special techniques, having patience and most importantly regular practice is what leads to successful astral projection for beginners.

Astral Projection for beginners must start with the management of the physical world. The first and the foremost thing to do would be to arrange for a calm and quiet room where there are minimal chances of any disturbances, whether human or electronic. Try not to have non vegetarian food or items like caffeine which increases body heat and cause too many thoughts to run about in the mind. A good way to start would be to roam around this dimly lit room thinking of all your life’s problem s and an outlandish solution to them which in turn would do away with all the surface thoughts in your mind.

The second step in astral projection for beginners is to try to attain a state of trance. Remember that your basic objective is to make your body sleep, keeping a focused mind. In doing so you might focus on each part of your body, tense up all the muscles and then let them relax one by one. Thereafter, imagine yourself sinking down or feel as if you are sinking or going down a flight of steps. Be careful not to fall asleep and with every breath sink a little further. Concentrate on doing this till the time you sense your body to paralyze which reflects your being in a trance state.

The third step consists of concentration which needs a lot of practice. After you have attained a deep trance, concentrate on a monotonous noise or visualization which would not let any stray thoughts enter your mind. Regular meditation helps a lot in case of beginners. One of the best strategy is to concentrate on something at the back of your head, preferably not a person. Doing this helps to focus your mind on a difficult spot which cannot be seen with your eyes and is a great technique in case of astral projection for beginners.

The fourth difficult step towards astral projection for beginners consists of mastering the ability to control your energy. After you are in a trance condition and have attained a focused state of mind through your concentration, focus on the energy flowing through you. Feel the tingling sensation in your spine and attempt to channelise the flowing energy to your hands. A difficult step to accomplish, imagine making a ball at your finger tips with the energy flowing to your hands.

Lastly, after you have been able to control your energy, have vision of yourself floating out or upwards from your physical body and charge this vision with your powerful energy. Imagine yourself climbing out, floating out or even being pulled out but let go of all fears so that your body doesn’t suck you back. Astral Projection for beginners is at its crucial high in this step and be sure to focus al your attention and energy into this vision.

Remember that astral projection for beginners can be as short as few seconds but the main hindrances lie in the distress and frustration that people feel with failed attempts at first as well as the apprehensions regarding whether one can return back to their bodies after astral travel. In the first case, your body will not let you go while in the second case, your astral self would be sucked back into the body immediately. Hence, clear your mind from all negative thoughts and meditate in order to achieve those esoteric heights. Remember that practice and more practice is the only way towards experiencing something great like astral travel.

Ian Newton is a writer for the popular http://www.astralprojectiontravel.com site. Discover the amazing experience of astral projection for beginners for yourself and get 29 Free astral projection guide Binaural and hypnosis mp3 audios when you visit here.

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