If you want to get control over your dream start lucid dreaming. The very clear definition about lucid dreaming is dreaming and being aware of it. By practicing lucid dreaming you can make your dream what you wish. It usually takes place in the middle of your sleep. The person in this condition is called lucid.
The lucidity has different stages according to its intensity. It has lowest level in which one may aware of dreaming and not so rational to think about actions in the dream are real. In the highest level of lucidity one can feel aware of that he is dreaming and he can gain control over the actions’ takes place in dream .You can control your dream by adopting following steps.
Before you start lucid dreaming you need to set up a good mental condition and deep aware of your thoughts and believes. In lucid dreams you are conversing to your believes. For lucid dreaming it is very important to gain control over your thoughts. You can settle your mind to lucid dreaming by asking some questions to your mind like can you dream? What you wish to dream? Do you think lucid dreaming is very important and you can divert to improve positive side of your personality? Along asking all these questions grow your mind a positive attitude toward it and wish strongly to have lucid dreams. Your ability to control your mind and thoughts is very vital in dreaming.
As part of training you mind to control your dream, you need to develop recollecting skill of your mind. Normally we all will have some dreams but it is very hard to recall t after a while. To have a lucid dream our mind should be brilliantly skilled to recall the past incidents especially occurred in our dream. Some may find it hard to recollect incidents, in such cases will be treated by a check up by knowing whether your sub conscious mind is blocking your memorizing out of fear about the incidents occurred in dream. If no, you cab increase your capacity through some exercises.
You can follow certain steps to enhance your memorizing skills. Wake up quietly and without opening you eyes try to recollect your past dream. Focus on the last dream and drift your mind to recollect the abstract images of it. Once you caught at something and concentrate on it to gain more about it and explore completely. Do the practice regularly with in short time you will have remarkable change in you memorizing skill.
Set up an alarm clock which schedule to ring at two hours before your usual wake up. While it rings, you will just loose you dream and once stopped in that drowsy mood you can recollect your dream. Once you practice it many times you can recollect and continue the rest.
Another very important thing to develop you recalling capacity is to keep a dream journal. Write down briefly whatever you can recall every day.
Once you became well aware of your dreams and flow of your mind brings your mind all the visuals which you want to dream before you sleep. Think about it deeply; convince your mind your strong passion for that dream. Sleep quietly you will have beautiful dreams and you will aware of it.
The author Mickie Olsen writes for the http://www.luciddreaminginfo.com website. You can enjoy the incredible experience of lucid dreaming techniques and you can try it yourself when you get twenty nine Free lucid dreaming how Binaural and hypnosis mp3 audios when you visit here.