Lucid Dreams – An Awesome Experience!

Did you know that there exist some kinds of dreams which you can actually control while being aware that you are dreaming? These dreams are known as lucid dreams. In such dreams you are dreaming but you can direct your dreams like a movie. You can decide the actors, the setting and even the story! You can even decide the dialogues!

Your dreams can be a fantasy, adventure or mystery. Anything you want. There are no limits to what you can experience!

While normal dreams are uncontrollable and completely dependent on the realms of the subconscious, lucid dreams are completely controllable. There are times when lucid dreams become so vivid and so genuine that you may need to even make sure that you are dreaming!

In a dream, certain things will not seem right, like reading words, or colors may not be pronounced. There are simple tests many people do to see if they are really are having a lucid dream or are in a state like sleep walking, for example.

You may be having a fantasy about someone you want to be with. This may be impossible in real life, but of course anything is possible when you are lucid dreaming.

In a lucid dream, you can change the outcome if you don’t like how the dream is heading. If you imagine you are with your loved one that has passed, you might dream that they are still alive because you were able to get to them to warn them of their upcoming demise, for example. Controlling your dream for the desired outcome is part of lucid dreaming.

Because your body has a biological need to sleep, your mind can remain in a semi-conscious state while your body is resting, which is what makes lucid dreams physically possible.

It can take awhile to learn the techniques of lucid dreaming if you have never done it, but it can be learned over a period of time with practice.

You can begin by doing some dream recall everyday. Each day try to recall the dreams that you had in the night. You need to remember them to the last possible detail. It’s a great idea to keep some paper and pen handy to record your dreams. In the beginning you may not recall all the details. That’s not a problem. However, with constant practice, you will find dreams repeating themselves. This will enable you to completely record your dream. Make this a habit and soon you will have all your dreams recorded and can refer to them when you want.

Lucid dreaming is a great tool for writers. You can actually dream about all the characters, the plot and the way you want your story line to move. You can use lucid dreaming for expressing all your dormant desires and manifesting them in reality.

Try to recall everything you can about your dream, go back to sleep and, if you can, return to where you were before you woke up and you will continue to dream. The dream will occur more than once, so you will have the opportunity to recall more each time it does occur. Recalling more each time you try.

If you wake before your normal time, let’s say you have a couple of hours to go; this is the easiest time for lucid dreaming. It may seem like you have been awake and thinking all the time, but you have actually been lucid dreaming.

Techniques, such as self-hypnosis can sometimes help you to recall vividly your lucid dreams, but many people find recalling lucid dreams easy to do.

Another quick way of experiencing lucid dreams is to use a modern technique known as binaural beats. This involves using unique frequencies to synchronize the hemispheres of the brain which will automatically put your brainwaves in a frequency which corresponds to the state of lucid dreaming.

Explore the phenomena of lucid dreaming by visiting the popular website. Find out about awake dreaming for yourself and discover secrets of how to lucid dream when you visit here and get your FREE Lucid Dreaming DVD Package.

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