Make Astral Projecting Part Of Your Life

A lot of people find that there are some stumbling blocks preventing them from successfully astral projecting. However, this is something which all of us can do. It is a natural ability which every man and woman already has. Much like riding a bike, you dont forget how; but you do have to keep in practice in order to do it well.

One major stumbling block that many people encounter is relaxation. To astral project the mind and the body have to be deeply relaxed. This can take some practice, but there are many relaxation techniques that you can employ to help your mind and body relax. There are breathing techniques and muscle relaxation techniques that you can try.

If you choose to practice your astral projecting in a relaxed environment you will have a much better chance of doing so successfully. Try the tips below in order to practice astral projecting successfully.

*Make sure that you are not wearing jewelry or other items that are in contact with your skin. (Clothes are acceptable, but removing very tight clothing sometimes helps).

*It is easiest to practice astral projecting in a dark room. You dont want it to be so dark that you cant see anything with your eyes open, but it should be dark enough that no light penetrates through when you close them.

*With your head pointed north, lie down along a north-south axis. This should be easy to figure out with the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. So if our of your bedroom window you can see the sunset that means you need to be laying along the window, not with your head or feet pointing towards the window.

*Make sure that the clothing you are wearing is loose and comfortable. You want to be covered so that you are warmer the you normally are but you dont want to be hot.

*Make sure that you have a place which is quiet and where you will not be distracted as you practice your astral projecting.

*Start using your relaxation techniques (you should also practice these outside of your astral projecting sessions). If you want to astral project, you have to be completely relaxed.

*Give yourself suggestions to help you remember what you see and do when astral projecting. Tell yourself at least five times before you begin I will remember. Having pen and paper nearby is a good idea, since you can then write down what happened as soon as you return to your body.

*Start using your breathing techniques and feel yourself starting to relax.

*While you relax yourself with your breathing techniques, start focusing on the blackness in front of you.

*Now you want to focus on a point or object about a foot away from your forehead, once you focus on that object change your focus to six feet away.

*Next, imagine a line running at a 90 degree angle from this focal point to a point parallel to your body.

To prepare yourself for astral projecting, just follow these simple. It is important that we note that you also have to have mental control of what you are going to do. You dont want your astral body to just go out and bounce through the astral planes with no direction. You can go anywhere, do anything so it is important that you have direction.

There are some astral projecting practitioners that are able to talk with loved ones they have lost. There are others that take part in activities that they are not able to do in the physical realm of reality. Contrary to what you may think, you have done this already. Now you need to have control over what is happening. Those dreams that you wake up and remember really well were actually astral traveling. Now it is time for you to learn to do it intentionally to reap the benefits of what astral projecting can do for you.

Explore the phenomena of astral projection and obe’s by visiting the popular website. Find out about getting FREE audios and astral projection books from here. Learn how to have an astral projection experience for yourself.

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