Make Out Your Past Life

Many religious practitioners teach that we all have lived several different lives in the past, and those lives have some kind of impacts on our present life. The re embodiment theory has long history in human cultures but most of us refuse to believe and say there are no scientific proofs or other evidences to prove that we had lived in other times or in other geographic dimensions. But psychologists claim that one can improve his personality and get cured from phobias if is able to analyze his past.

Rebirth theory has been researched for centuries, debates and experimentations are going on but, unfortunately due to absence of material evidences, it is not proven by science because it has no relation to any chemical compounds or mathematic theories; it is purely a spiritual concept. But, many claim that you can do a good do a good research on your past life incidents and reveal strange information that benefit to your body and mind. The best know way to read past is to develop psychic power in your mind.

When you plan to discover your past incidents, you need to take some useful steps to get clear visions and extract core points from them. You can incorporate a dream journal section in your diary that will help you to scribble related ideas generating in your mind. And write down your goals and paths you take to have extra perception of information.

You may not be able to make out meanings of unclear pictures and symbols you had last night. So, consult some one specialized in dream defining and explain them visuals you have seen in your sleep. Or a hypnotist or regression therapist can understand the exact meanings of them and they will tell their definitions. You may explore your dreams reading meditation books or listening to dream definition CDs.

Our dreams while sleeping are reflections of our past incidents. They are closely related to our emotions and personality. Some times, dreams are most accurate to our soul intentions because dreams are coming from the windows of sub conscious mind that will never tell a lie. When you go to bed, ask your soul to show you that what all happened in your life in the past or pray to god to give a clear vision of incidents happened in your childhood and try to visualize your past in a span of time. In the morning, write down in your journals that the visuals you saw and give explanations to each picture.

Every one is gifted with inherent psychic skills but its intensity varies person to person. You can improve your psychic skills through some regular intellectual exercise and changes in life style to gain extra ordinary perception of life. You have many books and other guides available in online and offline market. By following the methods mentioned in the book in quiet lonely atmosphere and you can improve your psychic skills. You can develop your psychic skill and attain the clairvoyance state of mind.

Human beings have psychic abilities that help to perceive knowledge in extraordinary style. The skill varies according to one’s wisdom and intelligence. If your psychic power is extraordinary, you can easily get to know your past whenever you want. There are many psychic articles in the internet or available to buy psychic exercise CDs and books in online and offline markets. Practice exercises every day in the morning in a calm and quite place where no external disturbance happens that distracts your concentration. Once you are done, you will be able to extract your past with the help of psychic power you gained.

Rosemary Tuttle is a writer for the website. Discover the amazing experience of past life regression for yourself and get 30 Free past life Binaural and hypnosis mp3 Audios and Videos when you visit here.

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