Making Your Future Out Of Your Past Lives

Around the world, many people hold it on faith that we are not limited to one single life. Rather, we are born again and again, experiencing the world a little differently each time. It is a great comfort to realize that we have been here before and that we will be here again. Common sense, otherwise known as that little voice in the back of our heads, tells us that it must be true. This life is not all there is. And there are some easy ways we can explore our past lives to learn more about ourselves.

Take a close look at yourself. Start keeping a journal if you don’t have one already. Write down everything that happens to you, even if it does not seem important at the time. Events might come up again later and gain more significance through repetition. Strong emotions are one thing to look for when you are reading your entries. They may suggest a link to the past or, when put together, create a clear picture of a past life.

You can also make a lists of the things that are important to you, the things you strongly like or dislike. They can be something as simple as food or as complex as your feelings about your parents and the way you were raised. Nothing is too mundane just so long as it has meaning for you, that it has strong emotional significance in your life. Think about the things you are good at, or the things you wished you could improve or even your perfect fantasy self. Then write them down.

Do not forget your dreamworld! Write down your dreams in as much detail as you can remember. Dreams can be about the present and the future but they can also offer information about the past. The images we see when we sleep are often potent symbols, symbols whose meanings we can only discern over time. It is all about keeping track, writing it down and reading it over later.

If your dreams are not as vivid as you might like, try positive suggestion. By reminding our brain that we need to explore our past lives, we prime it for getting work done while we sleep. Practice makes perfect, so if at first you do not succeed, try and try again. Eventually you will see an improvement and will be able to pull your past right out of your dream world and into the present.

You can also try meditation. Like positive suggestion, it is a means of getting into your subconscious mind and putting it to work in a way your conscious mind can appreciate. It takes some self-discipline and a good deal of time, but it can be an excellent way to sift through our experiences for those things that really moved us in the past and are important to us in the present.

You can meditate during the day, while you are going about your chores. Maybe you are stuck in a traffic jam, or on the subway, or waiting for an appointment. Take a moment and remind yourself that you are trying to learn more about your own past and the many lives you have led. Your subconscious is very open to suggestion. Just keep reminding it (and yourself) that it is time to pay attention to the details. And then write those details down.

There are people who can help you if you are not immediately drawn to conclusions from all this writing. Trained past-life regression therapists are certified to help you experience past lives and then help you interpret what they mean for you in the present. Two groups, the International Association for Regression and Research Therapies or the International Association of Past Life Therapists offer certification for these professionals so that you can rest assured they know what they are doing. They also have listings of their members so you can find one close to where you live, or even online.

There is no reason not to try it. The experience can be helpful whether or not you believe in reincarnation. You may find out some things you did not know about yourself.

The author Derek Hughes writes for the website. Discover the amazing experience of remembering your past lives and you can try it yourself when you get thirty Free past lives Audios and Videos when you visit here.

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