Manifestation, Abundance And You

You have the power of manifestation even if you don’t realize it. You can make it happen but you’re going to have to train your mind to recognize how strong it really is. Throughout your entire life you have been challenged to let go of your mind’s abilities and powers, and it has not served you well. Skeptics and conformists run the world and thus they have all told us that we are not truly in control.

There are a lot of various suggestions all over the internet about increasing your power of manifestation. Some experts say that the foods you eat can have a direct effect on your intuitive ability to tap into your own senses while other experts claim that a heightened awareness is all that is required.

As very young children, we had very powerful minds. As we grew we were told repeatedly that we had to give up the power we found in our minds. It was childish, according to the grown ups we were surrounded with, and so little by little we allowed our minds to falter in their own abilities. Fortunately, we can take back that power if we want to.

Manifestation is still a part of our daily life. It is just a very small part and it is covered up under the word ‘attitude.’ We get sick and people remind us that healing is also a mental process. We chase down our goals and all the helpful people who told us to let go of our mind’s capabilities now remind us that we have to stay focused. On a mundane level, this is a ‘safe’ form of manifestation that is acceptable in our normal circles.

What we feed our mind is important. What information we give it to process and focus on will help determine the direction our life takes. When we focus on small details of life that have no bearing on our mission forward we are less likely to be able to practice manifestation skills.

For instance, if we spend all of our spare time gaming, we are feeding our minds the material for the game. We are clogging it with game information instead of tapping into its ability to help us focus and learn how to tap into our own abilities. Yet if we spend our time reading and learning and practicing, we are feeding our minds information that will help us with our manifestation skills. It’s all relative. The more aware of the skill you are the more apt you are to focus on it. The more you focus on it the more apt you are to tap into its power. The more you are able to tap into its power the more you will continue to develop it.

Clearing out your mind and tapping into your internal resources takes time. Don’t just try it one evening and call it a failure when you don’t manifest yourself into a successful job the next day. It takes a dedicated effort. You may even call it a lifestyle.

Manifestation is possible for anyone who becomes disciplined when it comes to mastering the abilities that are already there. Once you master the ability that is natural to you, developing the abilities further is much easier.

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