More About Psychics And Clairvoyants

The term ‘psychic’ refers to people possessing a special gift of extra sensory perception or rather a sixth sense which results in them being able to perceive certain things that are otherwise hidden from the normal senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste.

Leaving alone the topic of psychics at the moment, let me talk about a shopkeeper in a local store who I happen to know. I remember him telling me that he can visualize my future home to have a view of an undulating plateau and vast grounds from the window. Since I exactly have the very same view from my home now, I can safely conclude him to be a clairvoyant.

Hence, Clairvoyants are people who have the psychic power of seeing things which are hidden from the normal senses. Thus, a person having a vision of the someone’s past or future, or of someone who is a long distance away, etc, are all types of common clairvoyant experiences. The term clairvoyant means ‘clear’ ‘viewing’.

It can then be said that clairvoyants happen to be a subset of psychics but not vice versa. That is, all clairvoyants are said to possess psychic abilities but all psychics are not clairvoyants. In the usual parlance, the term clairvoyant is many a time carelessly used to refer to psychics as a whole. But the truth remains that apart from clairvoyants, there are numerous other types of psychics that are found all over the world.

Telepathy is also one of the most common psychic powers witnessed in the world and something which clairvoyance is confused with. According to parapsychology, which is the science that studies the presence and causes of psychic powers, clairvoyants are involved in direct and immediate information transfer with another external source whereas telepathy involves reading another person’s thoughts and hence involves information transfer from another individual’s mind.

In contrasting clairvoyants with psychics that have the ability to predict someone’s past and future, it may be said that if the person having these special abilities of retro-cognition and precognition, actually has visions about them, then they are of course clairvoyants. But, if they perceive or come to ‘know’ these without actually seeing then they cannot be termed clairvoyants.

Moreover, clairvoyants are different from mediums. Mediums are those psychics who have the ability to communicate with spirits. This is generally done through any of the four channels of trance, healing, physical and Clairsensing. In the first case the medium communicates with the spirit while in a trance while in case of healing, the medium receives health benefits from an external and higher source. Physical mediumship on the other hand involves participation in activities such as turntables, etc. Clairsensing is the only channel where clairvoyants can function. Clairsensing typically involves seeing spirits or hearing them through clairvoyance or clairaudience respectively.

It can be concluded that be it a clairvoyant or another type of psychic, it is someone who has the gift of sixth sense, a rare special power that the individual has been blessed with. One should always consider it as a privilege and use it for helping other fellow human beings.

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