Past Life Secrets: Unlocking Your Mind’s Mysteries

Many people believe in the idea of reincarnation, which is about the thought that people had a previous past life and that past life is said to have been affecting the current life in terms of self soul searching. People from all over the world: Japanese, Australian aborigines, Africans, modern Wiccans and many other New Age religions, have a strong belief on this idea.

Each past life influences our health, mental wellbeing and our social interactions. It is a good idea to know thyself to understand who we were in a past life, to settle the mischievous nature that may in surplus from the past life and to incorporate all the accumulated strengths in order to become a stronger person today and in any future lives.

How do you know if you have a past life? You may never know, however, in many cases disturbing memories or dreams that do not belong to you may visit you while you are awake. Reincarnation is a very popular belief among many individuals. However, when doing the math, it makes a great deal of sense that there are some new souls. Other indications include:

* When you saw or learned about a particular culture or arts, you already had a deep connection or attraction to that thing. Based on reincarnation idea, this may be because you were from that region or from that era. To be fully sure of this, you may want to learn some more culture or arts and discover your reactions and the effect it gives you; it may be linked to your origin in your past life.

* Unusually strong emotions concerning a historical incident, for example, may cause you to become misty eyed, such as looking at Washington Crossing the Delaware but not at any other revolutionary art, may indicate that you were involved in such a past life incident.

* Irrational fears that were not triggered by some incident in your childhood, and possibly allergies as well. Psychological and certain physical issues may be linked to a past life.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, and just the fact that you have one of these indicators does not mean you are remembering a past life. Look for patterns in your life, ranges of things that attract you for no good reason, and you may start to home in on similarities that will help you piece together an idea of what your past life or lives may have been.

Self-hypnosis can help you to access the past life you once had. If you can not do it, ask for somebody to help you through hypnosis. Most of the therapists who do past life regression are specialists as well in helping people know their past life. They usually do it by using a form of deep hypnotic procedure.

While searching for a form of self-hypnosis to access your past life you want to find a method that can double as a deep relaxation technique. You should work with this type of technique, until you feel comfortable using it before trying past life regression.

In terms of safety there is nothing significant to worry about. What should happen is that you experience a past life vividly as if you were actually back in time. Although it may not be this intense you should still be able to experience shadows and feelings of a past life.

Pleasant memories trigger pleasant feeling; while past life memories that are bad generally trigger the same type of feelings, such as having a bad dream. You wake up feeling uncomfortable, similar to having a nightmare. Keep in mind, however that if there are any bad memories, they are an essential aspect of the past life regression experience.

It is the remembering of this past life, which is important; and once you have remembered, you can start to move on. It is only the subconscious suppression of these memories which causes problems. By understanding and accepting what happened in the past you can start to experience this present life with a totally different outlook.

The philosophy of Karma says that when we are good examples in one life, while being committed to positive and kindly acts offer us good karma. As a result, for good, we receive good vibrations in our future lives, unless we become bad examples. If this happen, then our personal Karma changes and negative vibrations follow us throughout our future lives, until we suffer from them and then commit to becoming a good example in our own lifetime.

Not all people believe this idea because they thought that if someone was bad in the past life, there is no reason for him to suffer from the bad karma that might be due him in his past life. But the truth is, every one is entitled to have a new life ahead and every life is a chance to have a better life by choosing to do right in the current life.

The author Susan M Mann writes for the website. You can enjoy the incredible experience of past life regression and you can try it yourself when you get 30 Free past life Binaural and hypnosis mp3 Audios and Videos when you visit here.

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