Past Regression – Why It Is Vital To Your Future

More and more people these days are starting to believe in the possibility of reincarnation. With different techniques that help you to recall your past lives available, it can get tricky trying to choose the method that best suits you.

One way to start is in keeping a journal. All it involves is writing down all of your thoughts including what is viewed as trivial experiences. Even your emotions. Emotions maybe the strongest clues to a past life. Like an unreasonable fear of bridges. This journal is helpful when you are starting to see patterns as you refer back to it.

A good way to start this journal is to write down things like your likes and dislikes, phobias, food, being drawn to certain time periods, architecture, food, cultures, and climates. Also add things like times of Dj Vu, talents and occupations, the kind of animals and your personality and maybe even birthmarks.

Your journal is also useful for recording the details of your dreams if you can remember them. Dreams can provide vital clues for our past life but it is important to remember that our dreams contain information from our current life as well, nevertheless, it is useful to record any dreams that you have.

Another way to go is Past life Regression.

This involves a visit to a professional past life regression therapist. They are trained to guide you through the regression and then with your help interpret what information that came through. This technique involves the professional doing hypnosis. Sometimes this can be done by self-hypnosis.

Many people use Meditation as a way to find out about their past lives.

When meditating there is usually no professional assisting and so many people find it difficult to trust the information they get during their sessions. But trusting your feelings as well as your instincts is necessary with meditation.

Although many beginners feel that instead of meditating they are only daydreaming, important information can and does come through, so it is necessary to record what you experience during the meditation in your journal.

A lot of people find that listening to music while they meditate is all they need to be able to relax and focus their minds. Alternatively, you might prefer to listen to the soothing and calming sound of water, or the helpful guided meditation audios that are available today. Lighting a pleasant smelling incense or burning some scented candles can help you to relax as well. Whatever you choose to help, it is important that you are completely relaxed and focused. If none of these do the trick then you might want to try something else.

Binaural Beats

Binaural Beats is an audio recording that allows you to listen to different frequencies in each ear which aligns the two hemispheres of the brain. Using this tool can assist you in achieving the same meditative state that Zen monks reach. It is important that you choose somewhere quiet and free from distractions when you meditate. You need to ensure that whether you are lying down or sitting that you are completely comfortable and relaxed.

It is important that you are relaxed and that you are not distracted by thoughts about everyday things. Simply acknowledge the thought so that it does not keep recurring, and so that you do not forget it, then put it out of your mind. Remember that meditation does not just happen, it takes practice before you will reach a true meditative state.

This technique maybe of help in resolving issues in your current life. Some people have found that sometimes the people in their current life they have shared with a life with them before. In this way, you can do some research to verify the information received.

Reincarnation is present in every religion from Christianity to the Hindus. Some of these religions so strongly believe in reincarnation that they believe that any thing you do in one life for either good or bad will be paid for in the next life known as Karma. Then again knowing what happened to you in the past life may help you make a positive change in this one.

Although it may be difficult for you it is important that you keep an open mind to enable you to accept whatever information about your past life that comes through. This information can be very beneficial to your present life, because you are able to learn from the past mistakes that you made and as a result enjoy a fuller, richer current life.

Sometimes it happens that the subconscious might be blocked but it can be unblocked successfully to receive the information that comes through past life regression. Despite the fact that some people experience a blocked subconscious, the experts still maintain that past life regression can be very beneficial to the present life. But besides the unblocking of the subconscious, there are other benefits as well.

Practically speaking, past life regression enables you to identify those things you did in a past life that resulted in negative consequences and not repeat those same mistakes. It is important for the well-being of your present life that you address the issues from the previous ones.

Being able to see what you were or like in the past may help you see a hidden talent that was just waiting to be brought to the front and so help you live a richer, fuller life now. This will also help you have a much better understanding of yourself. If something about yourself that was a mystery before like say singing, maybe you were a professional singer in a past life. And so that talent is coming out even if no one else in your family can hold a tune.

Past life regression allows you to get to know yourself better, thereby making better decisions and choices n your current life. Therefore it is beneficial to investigate it further, as it helps you to discover just who you are and why you are the way you are.

Look at the exciting world of past life regression with the popular website. Discover for yourself about past life readings. Find out the hidden secrets of a past life test when you visit here and get your FREE DVD video, audio and ebook Package.

categories: past life regression,past regression,regression therapy,past life,past lives

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