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  1. Great video. I just started Yoga and I like it but I’m not ready for what this guys is doing. I need lots of practice.

  2. way better than baron baptists – he is so calm and relaxing instead of being like a baptists bootcamp – this is the way its meant to be taught

  3. and Mcdonalds isn’t part of thai/chinese/indian culture.. but that is what they call it. Because that is what it is.

    America doesn’t have a culture, or, Americas culture is a melting pot of many cultures, we have only been around 400 years, man. Thats not long enough to develop a culture.

  4. Yee,
    Beautiful, this is so cool ! Yoga has relieved my neck and back pain, while all medicines and PT/OT failed ! I am quite impressed with myself.
    It has built self-confidence and brought structure, clamness and peace to my life. I have pushed out all the clutter and learnt to say “NO” to additional projects and requests. I love what YOGA has done for me !

  5. gostei muito do vídeo, parabéns. Comecei a fazer Yoga a pouco tempo e o vídeo está me ajudando bastante nas posturas.. Futuramente quero dar aulas.. Todos precisam saber o quanto o Yoga é maravilhoso.

  6. I agree with all of comments posted above! The scenery, the poses and everything all make this now one of my new favorites. I’m glad I found it and will look for the others in this series!

  7. rodney,
    do you know the connection between yoga and tennis, in relation to how they integrate the mind/body/spirit/soul? if not, I have a video that explains it. take a look.

  8. I think he has a really nice build that I don’t see on a lot of yoga enthusiasts. Many of them look too thin, but he doesn’t.

  9. power yoga isn’t really yoga , real yoga is one whcih comes from thailand , india , e.t.c, americans shud give it a different name not yoga! , because yoga is not part of american culture! , eneway peace -YMN-

  10. biggggle! nuff love for helpin a brother out. my neck was hurting badly till i saw this. safe bredrin!

  11. I was just diagnosed with Cervicogenic Headaches today. My Dr. referred me to your videos! I just tried this one or the 1st time. We will see how it works in time.

  12. I feel better already. I broke my neck many years ago so have a constant battle with pain bit I followed this class and feel quite good going to bed. I’ll have to look you up again tomorrow. Thank you for your guidance.

  13. Good stuff! I work on the computer for a living, and all this past week, I’ve had such bad neck and shoulder pain that it’s been making it hard to concentrate on work. Just doing these moves along with you once, I can feel a lot of relief. Thanks for the post!

  14. i still have pain i just woke up in pain this morning probably cause i slept wrong,
    the pain is on the left side is this the right technique for my pain??
    you might not know but worth the ask ey 🙂

  15. @TheRealCookie @Uploader yogatic – please respond to the above comment! is circling the head bad for the neck pain or not?

  16. Thank GOD!!! My neck feels good as new! Only, when I got to the little massage at the end, I kinda made little “Ooh” noises… my dad walked in and was all “what are you whatching??? O__O” XD lol it was awkward.

  17. 2 weeks ago, i was diagnosed with mono. i am having horrible stuff neck and shoulders from it which is causing some headaches. will these exercises help take some of the pressure off?

  18. Wow..I’m glad I found you… I did it and I feel much better, I will recomend this to my daugther… Thanks

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